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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I'm assuming that's because you're already tasked on something else? EDIT: As a side note, do you guys get much of a break right after release (or going Gold)? I wouldn't be surprised if it was quite a crunch down the stretch.
  2. He's just saying it's crazy that you should care, because DR wasn't insulted, and it was her that he was calling a fool.
  3. Yeah whatever. I'd expect that type of hairy-ass-ment from YOU. JK!!
  4. hahahaha <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hehehe. It is true though. Heck, you got Ramza all excited because JE made a comment about how he'd consider the idea of doing Jefferson as a side project on his own time. God forbid if he were to answer 'Yes' to that question, and then have something go wrong and have it not be done. I remember Rob Bartel had a really hard time telling people that there'd be no second installment of The Witches' Wake many moons ago, because it was assumed there would be one. The Bioforums had quite the vocal outcry as a result.
  5. Volourn wasn't harassing Dark Raven.
  6. I'm thinking Aasimars and Tieflings will get the cut. I certainly didn't expect halfgods/demons I am thinking I'll just blanket the dwarves and elves together at the moment.
  7. When I met them, I was reminded of that small bit of 4th wall breaking I think in TOB, where you meet some adventurers, and when you reward them, they try attacking you. When you crush them, you get a loading game screen, and they come back, and accept your reward :D That makes sense. They seemed to have had a good eye for little bits of flavour like this.
  8. Because whatever he says here WILL be taken as gospel.
  9. That was one of the things I really liked about IWD2, and when I saw them back in NWN2, I was delighted. Though it conflicts my module a little bit, because I was just expecting standard NWN class selections. Though my world isn't a FR (nor even a D&D world), so I may put some restrictions on classes and races. Especially seeing as I'm planning on adding flavour based upon your classes and races. I certainly didn't account for Assimars or Tieflings.
  10. IIRC, Volo has tons of comments in the BG2 manual.
  11. That's too bad. THe game has done a pretty good job of making little subtle differences based on character choices. When I picked troublemaker, I had to listen to people who knew me when I was young give me a hard time about all the pranks I used to pull. I don't recall finding the +7 Plate of awesomeness. Wow. I can't even craft that Though you should be able to get a +5 Holy Weapon at Level 15, unless you still need the feat I suppose. As for the adventurers, my first playthrough I told them that the Mere of Dead Men was a safe place to check out. Later, when I was attacking the Mere in the endgame, I came across 4 shadows that had specific names. Turns out it was the adventurers :D
  12. I always found Physics to be the problem there
  13. You're giving me ideas for my module!
  14. I usually consider pet peeves to be those minor things that annoy you. I mean, I wouldn't consider people that perform ritualistic torture on my friends and family as a "pet peeve" perse, but I certainly don't like it
  15. Stop spreading your religious fanaticism in this neutral forum. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He jus said Amen as a good Christian would. What's your problem? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not sure what that has to do with anything, since I'm not a Christian.
  16. Keep in mind that that quote was made by Atari in mid-July, whereas the Feargus hoopla was back in May.
  17. Those don't really seem like "pet peeve" issues.
  18. If you were interested in joining, it appears as though the last day to enter the contest has gone by already. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nah I wasn't interested in joining. I didn't know what contest it was.
  19. I remember at first thinking the same towards Jaheira, but I think that that was more just because it was the first time I had ever seen a romance in a game like this, so it was a pretty new and cool thing at the time.
  20. Going by the definition you just gave, it would seem so. But I guess since you didn't explicitly say "alanschu is a full o' crap clown" but rather called the members of a group (which it seems I fit into) a full o' crap clown, it doesn't mean that you called me a full o' crap clown. And I stand by that statement. I'll always take a really fun 50 hour game over a really fun 20 hour game, but length itself does not predispose itself to fun (look at Morrowind and Oblivion). I'd rather have a really fun 20 hour game, than a long drawn out, boring 50 hour game. And you're a grumpy, cynical pessimist if you think that they cut over 60% of the OC due to time constraints, and then decided to readd all of it because of a couple of extra months to work on it. I can't find any information on the first delay, but the official Atari line for the second delay in July was "Given the sheer size and scope of Neverwinter Nights 2 and its 50 to 60-hour single player campaign, it was decided to move the global release date of Neverwinter Nights 2 out a month to late October. This extra time is invaluable as it allows fine tuning and polishing of both the single and multiplayer experiences to ultimately deliver a game that exceeds the tremendous expectations of the Neverwinter Nights fanbase."
  21. alanschu


    Didn't you have like a whole week off last season?
  22. I think he's just playing with it. I believe he is also an artist as well though, so that will help with the creative aspect. I played around with the toolset for about an hour, and manipulating the terrain is actually quite simple. The only real problem I can see is that there's no support for Undoing your changes to the terrain, so I suggest saving very frequently.
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