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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Lets play a game. It is not a hard game, nor is it a new game, but it will be a fun game, that much I can say. I will let those know if they don't play the game right, and then if they learn what they did wrong, they can join back in and play the game some more.
  2. It's dark, but is that a Thompson you are carrying?
  3. I'd be impressed if, in the middle of a firefight, someone was able to point out "Hey, that's Prince Harry! Shoot him shoot him!!!"
  4. And John Hurt, the dude that played Kane in Alien! Not to mention Christopher Walken, and even Jurgen Prochnow, of Das Boot fame!
  5. Hmmm. It seems to not be working. I'm at work ( ) at the moment. I can't remember if this is where I was having problems before. It's an older browser. Firefox I'd upgrade it, except I'm not sure what type of privileges I have to do so (plus it's Linux which means I'd have to dig a bit deeper). I guess I suffer while at work.
  6. This thread has been particularly.....insightful.
  7. alanschu


    I'd loooooooove to have Zetterburg on my team. In fact, there's quite a few of you wacky swedes I'd like to see playing for the Oilers. Two of them are Red Wings! :D
  8. The Wing Commander series was a sequence of missions that you, as a new flight cadet, flew through. It even had a semi-dynamic campaign, depending on whether or not you successfully completed missions. They also created a spinoff in the universe, called Privateer. While Privateer did have a storyline (which was bugged in my version of the game), it was a more open-ended, sandbox game where you could do trading, pirating, or be a mercenary. And yes, Privateer 2 did star Clive Owen. I remember when I first saw a movie preview with him in it (heck, probably King Arthur), and I was reminded that I first saw him in a video game! As for the "strategy," I don't really remember the WC nor TIE FIghter games really being a whole heck of a lot more different than "point and fire." The only exceptions of course being you sometimes had to focus on a group of ships (torpedo ships and bombers) from taking out your capital ships.
  9. I imagine it's something Darque hates about Fantasy RPGs. Mega-munchkin races.
  10. It is working again. It wasn't working yesterday or the day before. I figured you guys did an update, since when I logged in later last night, I had to reenter my username and password. Since then ignore has been working.
  11. I haven't installed a Core 2 Duo, but the K6-2 chip was not a hard chip to install. Flip the locking lever up, make sure that the missing pin is properly aligned, place the thing in, and lock. I know CPU fans can be "tricky" in that you better make sure you have appropriate thermal paste on their (assuming you're replacing the fan). Again, I haven't worked with one of the newer, bigger CPU fans, but they've generally been pretty straight forward as well.
  12. alanschu


    While we got the loss, I thought the Oilers played a pretty good game, especially given the lack of experience on the back end. Surely that game has to do wonders for Gilbert's confidence. Good to see MacTavish have him out at the end of the game.
  13. The ignore function does not work.
  14. This coming from the guy that says Tyranny of the Majority is just what people use to attack democracy.
  15. "Even if it is not Moller that delivers, there will be a absence of laws and traffic jams"
  16. I fail to see how flying cars will make laws disappear.
  17. As for Christians being against scientific progress, I'm sure that a good chunk of the billions of dollars invested in research comes from the 80% or so Americans that identify themselves as Christians.
  18. because with electoral college only certain states get attention paid to them You won't find this going away without the Electoral College. There's already a huge amount of attention paid to states like Florida and California, two states which get "the shaft" when it comes to the amount of people represented by their electoral college votes. Getting rid of the Electoral College will shift the already lopsided focus moreso in favour of the more populous areas. As it should. Absolutely. I'm sure the interests of those in California closely mimic the interests of people in Alaska. I mean, taking the states that already receive the most attention when it comes to electoral campaigns, and making it so that they receive even more will work wonders.
  19. Haha, I also thought he was talking about the Jeff Bridges film.
  20. Exactly. It needs to be all-encompassing in order to prevent abuses.
  21. because with electoral college only certain states get attention paid to them You won't find this going away without the Electoral College. There's already a huge amount of attention paid to states like Florida and California, two states which get "the shaft" when it comes to the amount of people represented by their electoral college votes. Getting rid of the Electoral College will shift the already lopsided focus moreso in favour of the more populous areas.
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