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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I do not know if we can speak like that.
  2. That is how you play the game. It was a neat puzzle in Ultima VII. Chuckles is the Castle Jester, and he'd stop talking with you if you used a word with more than one syllable. If you went through all the way, he gave you a clue of some sort. At the very end, was he says goodbye to you, he says "Do not forg..... Do not lose how to play the game." He almost slips up, but not quite. If you googled the phrase "Do not lose how to play the game," it returned with a reference to Chuckles and Ultima VII.
  3. I do not have the issue in my personal comments, but I do in yours if I use IE6
  4. Kum saw that I did not play the game right. Look at the word he found that was wrong.
  5. If it's the native resolution, I'd highly recommend playing in that. If I understand LCDs correctly, there are precisely 1400x1050 cells in your monitor. If you play outside of that resolution, your monitor is not going to be able to show all the pixels properly. It's for this reason alone I stick with CRT monitors.
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Good for you. Those small words were always the ones that got me. They seem so innocent in their polysyllablic ways. For those that are curious (which would be no one), the game was one Chuckles played with The Avatar in Ultima VII. I figured since this board seemed more CRPGish, that more people would have recognized it. Steve obviously gets more cookies, since he knew the game:
  7. The graphics seem good enough, and secondary to what interests me in this game.
  8. Some of you are close, but you still do not quite know how to play the game. I will be so glad if one can see the game for all its fun and joy. Kum wins as he found me not play the game the right way!
  9. Awww. You broke the rule too :sad: It is not a hard game to learn, but it can be a hard game to play well. Steve knows. I gave a hint. I thought more of you would know how to play the game. It is from an old school game, but not THAT old. I was in Grade Six when it came out.
  10. Yup. It would be no Wing Commander without Mark Hamil. Come on EA, don't be too cheap :sad: I don't know, the first two Wing Commanders didn't have Mark Hamill (nor did they have some chap named Christopher Blair). I enjoyed Wing Commander 3, but I found the first two to be significantly better.
  11. You are free to play. If you had a keen eye, you would have seen the time I broke the rule. I have fixed it, but if you were quick, you would have seen it.
  12. Though you still did a good job of it. The mod one post in front of you did not do so well. But I think he has the smarts to play the game if he were to want to. Oh no, I broke the rule of the game :sad: I have since fixed it, but I am sure that at least one out there saw the proof of it. The game can be hard to play at times. One has to be on their toes at all times.
  13. I have heard that homes with sun screens do give back to the grid. They can get cash or low fees back.
  14. A large fear for me is that I will not play the game right. It is hard to not make a slip up, and I hope no one calls me on it while I fix the rule break
  15. Urge to play that game is on the rise! But for now I am filled with joy to find one that can play this game so well. "Do not lose how to play the game." That is a hint for those that do not know how to play the game.
  16. That is great news! I too, would not want to play this game with just the 'pad.
  17. I would guess that quite a few have seen this game in the past. They may just not know it right now. In fact, this game was once in a great game I had played a long time back.
  18. alanschu


    I have one on my team right now. His name is Smyth. He is quite a good pest in front of the net.
  19. You would have to not play the game right. But, it is good to see that you did play the game right. Good job!
  20. Since you were the first to post, I let me see your post. This thread may not be right with the rules of this board, so I will let this thread die. I will say this though, you broke the rule of the game. Since I may not be right to play this game in just one thread, I will try to play it with all my posts. It is just a thing to do for fun. I would try to say what you have to do to play the game, but I fear I may not be as good at the game to say the rule and not break the rule on my own. Whew, I had to change what I said, since I saw that I had not done what had to be done to make sure I did not break the rule. I hope that no one saw what I did and calls me on it.
  21. There is a scope on the gun? Then it is not Tom's Gun.
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