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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Yeah. He's much less of a jerk in The Hurricane
  2. That makes sense. Though I did not think that you would be one to lie. I think that you may just be bored, and sought to find a way to kill some time.
  3. Nope. Too much redshift on the farthest galaxies. We can look forward to the Andromeda galaxy colliding with ours though!
  4. Then why does one who does not like the game still play the game?
  5. I think that's the problem. He's become so popular that it's "cool" to hate on him now. It's more "rebellious."
  6. He does! It is weird that he does not like the game, but is quite good at it. A skill he did not know he had?
  7. How far can you get in Fallout by killing every living thing that moves? And that's before completing quests and stuff. You can beat the game. I played the game as a character who's vocabulary consisted of "Wubba." Outside of maybe Shady Sands, it's not too hard to start huge wars. IIRC, Killian gets pissed at you simply for talking like an idiot. By the time I made it to Hub, my character had been reinforced that shooting people was fun, and it didn't take much for him to start attacking people. Especially once he got going.
  8. You're the one that apparently lets someone like this ruin your entire day. Understanding that it's not isolated, and therefore not personal is an important aspect of not letting it affect you. I'm not quite sure what to think of your comments about this. I was under the impression you were complaining about them. I have little issue with people that aren't necessarily informed when trying purchase something for a different person (or even for themselves). For someone to do well in a customer service job, patience is paramount. Is it possible for you to find employment that does not require interacting with people? Perhaps as a short-order cook at a restaurant?
  9. You all are lucky I was not on earlier! I loved my Astronomy class.
  10. That is correct. I certainly didn't look at the videos and think that they were fugly.
  11. Welcome to customer service. You'll always get people trying to get stuff for free. Seems like the next follow up question would be "Is there a particular game you are looking for?" followed perhaps by "What other games does your kid have?" If they are looking at you like you're supposed to pull the perfect game from your hat, then that means they're probably hoping you spend some time helping them some more. People often don't like asking for help directly.
  12. Effort noted. When I finally snap and go postal, I may consider sparing you.
  13. You got an A because you used yourself as an example???
  14. I see that you had to change your post at one time. Could it be you had a hard time at one point, and were close to a slip that would cause you to break the rule?
  15. That sounds more like a personal problem. If you let one person ruin your day, and your service, then you probably should explore an alternative line of work. Working with customers always presents an opportunity for a customer to give you a hard time. Yes, some people are just jerks, but at the same time, that guy snapping at you could just as easily be some other guy that had his day shot because some twit at HIS work put him in a sour mood for the rest of the day. If someone is in a bad mood, little things will set them off, and you can't let this affect you. I was a manager at a local restaurant, and I couldn't afford to let myself get down with one stupid customer. It was hard enough keeping the servers' minds in the game when they had a bitchy customer. The manager losing it just helps the wheels fall off that much faster.
  16. Would it be possible to have with an apostrophe?!?
  17. I wholeheartedly support that you do! I'd love to know what it was you did, though I imagine if you felt it prudent you would have already shared it.
  18. And people, go play Ultima VII!!! One of the best RPGs of all time IMO.
  19. Yeah, well people always called the Soviets "Russians" as well. Can't be too surprised I guess. EDIT: Also, was that the original Diablo Town music playing at the beginning? EDIT2: I'm not looking forward to those things at the end of the video.
  20. Do we really have to find a rhyme scheme? It's not like we are writing poetry. It's hard to make coherent points like this.
  21. Stupid Game Designers Period! Josh add Coop or I will hunt you down.
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