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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. And why would you assume that your bootcamp would be similar to the basic training of an Army soldier?
  2. NCO? It's also pretty interesting, given the Pentagon was under fire for removing the Geneva Convention Standards from Training Manuals, particularly those involving treatment of prisonsers, in the wake of Abu Gharib. You may not have been explained "These are the Geneva Conventions," but I wouldn't be surprised if they were at one point mentioned to you.
  3. You probably wouldn't like the game anyways, it's not an RPG.
  4. ohboyoboyhboyoohboybohobyohboybohobyoob You're right, there are no words. Only gibberish. ohbobhoybooybohybohotybohotybobohby
  5. Aren't the Geneva Conventions included in the Army Field Manual?
  6. alanschu


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dT_2EYFcupc At the end
  7. alanschu


    Huge Hip Check on Brendan Morrow.
  8. Ghost Rider isn't good. But I didn't expect it to be good. So I was entertained and came away happy (and got lost and happened to also see Hannibal Rising and Breach as well).
  9. alanschu


    Did you enjoy the ceremonies celebrating the fact you haven't won the cup in 40 years?
  10. I can't say I was really paying much attention to his chest. :confused: Especially when Eva Mednez's chest was on screen!
  11. The Russian Front definitely has more tank battles. There will be some operations that are definitely geared towards tank battles (they're out in open fields, and give you hundreds of requisition points), but if you're ever in a town/city, the tanks become much more vulnerable. Nothing like cooking a tank with a flamethrower to absolutely ruin his day. The biggest difference between it and A Bridge Too Far was the removal of the differentiation between Infantry and Support units. IN ABTF, the most tanks you could have is 6, with up to 9 infantry squads. In The Russian Front, you can have 15 tanks if you want. It is nerve racking firing an AT Rifle at the Panzer III coming down your general direction. I was talking about Off-Map artillery strikes. I remember not noticing them for quite a while, but there should be a button for it on your status bar somewhere, assuming you have it (you don't always have artillery strikes). Later on in the game you get access to them, which can be quite helpful.
  12. Once you start getting better AT weaponry (KV-1 Tanks, T-34s, 76mm AT Gun) you'll find yourself getting in a much better situation defensively. Don't forget about artillery strikes (assuming the map has them). I believe the Soviets use rocket artillery.
  13. Amen! I will not rest until this is done!
  14. I thought excessive knocking people out took away from score. I guess not. Pffft, if you had to knock out 15 people, I say go back and try again!
  15. It certainly was! I actually "roleplayed" Sam in that game. There were times he was pissed, and killed hostiles. I find the later levels more challenging to get through without being spotted at all.
  16. The " smiley doesn't need the quotation marks ("). As a result, all I need is eyes and a nose to make someone whistle!!! This is unforgivable, and without immediate fix WILL result in action. Action of a very hostile nature!
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