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Everything posted by MaxQuest

  1. Hehe ^^ Aaand the patch notes have arrived!) Patch Update #61 Patch Notes for 5.0.0 P.S. Patch notes were first posted on 26th April) Edit: P.P.S. Yay! I can play now) Afflictions now work as expected for immunities, resistance, and suppression. Brilliant Tactician's effects will work correctly when there are multiple Tacticians in the party. Attack abilities will now apply their effects to child attacks such as AOEs in addition to the character's primary weapon attack. Characters with unused engagements will now engage enemies that move in range even if they are not the primary target.
  2. There were 8 more small patches after PoE1 v3.0.0. So I wouldn't be surprised if there were at least 1 balance patch and around 3 hotfixing ones
  3. Wyrmtongue has: "AllowStandardAmmoTypes": "false", "SpecialAmmoTypesIDs": [ "d960029f-39ab-494b-bd3e-cb23902a7645" ] And that ID stands for SHA_Fire. Thus I guess, it consumes whatever ammo you have selected, but deals fire damage anyway. And fire has 40% chance to hit the Hull; 40% Sail, 10% AboveDeckCrew, 10% BelowDeckCrew. So that's why your cannonballs were hitting sails so often. P.S. And no, the game doesn't show explicitly that Wyrmtongue behaves this way. Although there is a hint in it's description:
  4. Could it be just a sequence of 'bad' luck? or it's very persistent? Also, could you swap the ammunition to something else, wait a bit, and switch back to cannonballs? P.S. Just in case, here are the chances from ships.gamedatabundle: SHA_Cannonball has: 80% chance to hit Hull; 10% Sail, 10% BelowDeckCrew SHA_Chainshot: 75% Sail, 25% AboveDeckCrew SHA_Fire has: 40% Hull; 40% Sail, 10% AboveDeckCrew, 10% BelowDeckCrew SHA_Grapeshot has: 25% Sail, 75% AboveDeckCrew
  5. It is a bit unclear what do you mean here... As a non-native speaker I can understand this in two ways: - "Turn Based mode is flawed. But this is not because of the game itself." > it's like saying that TB has problems, because how it was implemented. - "Turn Based mode is flawed. But this is because TB doesn't suit a game like POE." > it's like saying that Need for Speed or F1 would be weird if implemented as Turn Based. I am kinda glad that there is Turn Based mode now, because it attracts additional players to the game. And more buyers - more chances that Obsidian will make PoE3. But yes, I do dislike that TB has led to introduction of new bugs into RTwP. It is really weird that new mode has affected the already existing one. Moreover it seems that Obs have underestimated the amount of resources/human-hours required to flesh out the TB; and didn't think deeply the transition of existent game mechanics, specifically action time and durations. Increasing action speed is not reflected that well in a system where you can do only 1 non-instant action per round. But.. if there was a dynamic turn queue, without "hard rounds", I suppose the mapping from RTwP -> TB would become easier. E.g: by the time a 10 DEX character will have 3 turns, a 21 DEX character (with everything else being the same) will perform 4. Also if both modes map well one into another, it would open up the possibility to switch them back and forth during an already ongoing play-through.
  6. I am thinking of making each suggestion a separate file. E.g: cl.monk.resonant_touch.gamedatabundle cl.monk.shattered_pillar_wounds_limit.gamedatabundle race.moon_godlike.silver_tide.gamedatabundle and so on This way it is easier to find the needed stuff for both modder and the player (if the later wants to delete some specific change). I am still thinking how to organize localization though. As the game doesn't pick the strings from <modname>/conservative/localized/en/game/.. It seems to look specifically at: <modname>/localized/en/game/ folder, and at specifically named stringtables. That's why atm I use: FineTunedDeadfire - design - conservative - gamedata - cl.cipher.biting_whip.gamedatabundle - cl.cipher.body_attunement.gamedatabundle - ... - cl.monk.resonant_touch.gamedatabundle - cl.monk.shattered_pillar_wounds_limit.gamedatabundle - ... - race.moon_godlike.silver_tide.gamedatabundle - extended - gamedata - - localized - en - text - game - abilities.stringtable - ... - statuseffects.stringtable But I don't really like that stringtables are common for all 'editions'. Because if the player deletes one gamedatabundle, he might get a new text for the vanilla ability; unless I always create new entries, instead of editing existing one. I will think more about it later. @Boeroer, I think the icons are ok. But the colors seem to be a little bit too vivid, unless this is consistent with already existing ones.
  7. Oh, indeed it doesn't. It deals crush/freeze and electricity/fire damage. And has Elements, Wind, Fire, Electricity, Water, Storm keywords. I've checked it now. And scroll of maelstrom gets +2 PL from that staff (specifically from Electricity and Fire). Phenomenum is adding Freeze keyword to it. So it will be +3. I didn't Is that "path AoE" big enough? P.S. At least I am well aware of Clear Out) And actually thinking of taking 4 multi-classed tacticians + 1 SC ascendant, partially because of CO and triggerable brilliant. Oh that's great) I mean it's a really good indicative, if it is your favorite class and you find it potent enough. For me it's cipher. Can't think of playing without one)
  8. I don't quite understand what a Wizard/Druid can do so well, that a single-class wizard cannot compensate for. The interval increase on Storm spells (from 3s in PoE1 to 6s) is a very strong hit, in my opinion. Also, a spell damage-dealing druid is focusing on DoTs, while wizard more on Combusting Wounds + lots of hits, and DoTs don't trigger those. No? Tbh I have a recurrent feeling that druid in PoE universe is superseeded by wizard + priest arsenal, so a player will consider a druid spellcaster mostly when he has only 1 slot in the party left, and doesn't have any wizards or priests in it; which... doesn't happen often. As for original topic... I wouldn't single-class Eder. Because top-level fighter abilities/passives don't seem to bring enough to the table. Btw, does Greater Maelstrom get +4 PL from Chromoprismatic Staff?
  9. The idea is to make a mod available in two "editions": - Conservative: which would include only suggestions from the poll, with 66+% votes pro. - Extended: which would include only suggestions from the poll, with 50+% votes pro. I'd prefer to focus on these first, since it's better to have one thing finished, rather than two unfinished) After that I'd like to consider: Druid and priest trinkets mod Soulblade revamp mod Custom spinoff from Deadly Deadfire and finally play the game ^^ P.S. Although if you are referring to the typos from the last page only, those are kinda fast to do, so I could include those. Hehe, as for that Huana, I was thinking that it could either be some transgender or a man with a high pitch voice) P.P.S. I'd also like to see the following being implemented: Clear slog zone debuff on rest. Swap all existing ApplyOverTime to ApplyOnTick. (if Obsidian does nothing about ApplyOverTime being affected by INT, and other duration modifiers) Make Wounding Shot DoT stack with itself. Make Maiming DoT (from Effort sword) stack with itself. Nerf Deep Wounds to tick 2 times for 10%, instead of 3 times, at 10MIG/INT. Fix Rot Skulls AoE penetration. (already done by Phenomenum) Make Forbidden Fist to be considered a weapon attack. (already done by Phenomenum) Make Soul Annihilation kills trigger Mob Stance. But these points were not in the poll, so I am not sure were to include them. So far I see two approaches: include them along with few untypos, in the Extended edition. Or, create a new 'edition', let's say "Extra" or "Overhaul"? to Boeroer: Spiritshift: looks awesome Frenzy: good Wildstrike Shock: ok Wildstrike Burn/Corrode: good enough Wildstrike Freeze: ~ it looks like nettle
  10. Erm, I've just noticed that I can't edit some of my non-recent posts/threads. For example I'd like to edit the top post in Attack Speed Thread (link), and the "edit" button is not there: -- -- Have you disabled the ability to edit/update posts created before the re-design? If so, why?
  11. You are getting better and better at this Faithful Companion: good (reminds me of Blink Fox from Hearthstone a bit) Merciless Companion: great Vicious Companion: good Resilient Companion: good Marksman: good Protective Companion: good enough Shot on the Run: great Gunner: good Defensive Bond: great Predator's Sense: hehe), good enough Stalker's Link: good enough Strengthened Bond: great Driving Flight: it looks like that xaurip is being fired in point blank or impaled by a pike, and an arrow comes from his back. Survival of the Fittest: good Superior Camouflage: superb!) Vengeful Grief: good enough Stunning Shots: good Distracting Training: pretty good, but is that a paddle?^^
  12. Aesthetically liked most: - Vilario's Rest beach - Port Maje city - Sātahuzi - Neketaka. Most of it. With a few highlights like that place were you find Worthless Idiot (scr) and Serpents Crown. Aesthetically liked least: - deserts of Poko Kohara? - Old City? P.S. haven't played through SSS and FS yet. Waiting for the patch^^
  13. So they have decided to wait till release anniversary) Btw, now we have some sort of time estimation dictionary - "ASAP" in technical forums = up to 100 days - "soon (tm)" on discord =~ 40 days - "almost at the finish line" on discord = ~ 2 weeks - "very soon" by Josh on reddit = 1 week
  14. Overall looks really nice) And here's more in detail: Whips: good, and quite suggestive Penetrating Visions: great Lingering Echoes: awesome) Iron Will: is suggestive, but feels a bit odd Psychic and Brutal Backlashes: good Hammering Thoughts: good Greater Focus and Keen Mind: give an uncomfortable vibe, but are somewhat suggestive Empty Soul: good Complete Self: good Echoing Horrors: good Souls Echo: great Shared Nightmare: great Protective Soul: looks great, but gives an impressions that it gives bonus defenses onCrit. That 25pt barrier it gives reminds me more of "Seven Men onto the Deck" chant icon. P.S. That spiral looks nice for focus symbol.
  15. ^ Yes: > Beguiler's Draining Whip - Biting_Whip_Beguiler_SE_DamageMult: "StatusEffectType": "DamageMultiplier", "BaseValue": 1.1, "ExtraValue": 0, "AttackFilter": { "Source": "Weapon", } "AttackTargetFilter": { // (only applied vs flanked, or mind or body affected enemies) "KeywordsIDs": [ "8ca098ca-731e-481d-b958-a337064afd6c", "13d9f275-8a57-4f99-9ead-ef798ce7c53a", "ae8eaf9c-6fdc-4c63-9aac-8ee874082c0f" ], "KeywordLogic": "Or", } - Draining_Whip_Beguiler_SE_DamageMultReduced: "StatusEffectType": "DamageMultiplier", "BaseValue": 1.1, "ExtraValue": 1.1, "AttackFilter": { "Source": "Weapon", } "AttackTargetFilter": { // (i.e. applied vs everyone) "KeywordsIDs": [], }
  16. I have took a look at beguiler's status effects, and: > Beguiler's Soul Whip is actually separated in two effects: - Soul_Whip_Beguiler_SE_DamageMult: "StatusEffectType": "DamageMultiplier", "BaseValue": 1.1, "ExtraValue": 1.2, // (this is used for tooltip) "AttackFilter": { "Source": "Weapon", } "AttackTargetFilter": { // (only applied vs flanked, or mind or body affected enemies) "KeywordsIDs": [ "8ca098ca-731e-481d-b958-a337064afd6c", "13d9f275-8a57-4f99-9ead-ef798ce7c53a", "ae8eaf9c-6fdc-4c63-9aac-8ee874082c0f" ], "KeywordLogic": "Or", } - Soul_Whip_Beguiler_SE_DamageMultReduced: "StatusEffectType": "DamageMultiplier", "BaseValue": 1.1, "ExtraValue": 0, "AttackFilter": { "Source": "Weapon", } "AttackTargetFilter": { // (i.e. applied vs everyone) "KeywordsIDs": [], } ----------- > Beguiler's Biting Whip is also separated in two: - Biting_Whip_Beguiler_SE_DamageMult: "StatusEffectType": "DamageMultiplier", "BaseValue": 1.1, "ExtraValue": 0, "AttackFilter": { "Source": "Weapon", } "AttackTargetFilter": { // (only applied vs flanked, or mind or body affected enemies) "KeywordsIDs": [ "8ca098ca-731e-481d-b958-a337064afd6c", "13d9f275-8a57-4f99-9ead-ef798ce7c53a", "ae8eaf9c-6fdc-4c63-9aac-8ee874082c0f" ], "KeywordLogic": "Or", } - Biting_Whip_Beguiler_SE_DamageMultReduced: "StatusEffectType": "DamageMultiplier", "BaseValue": 1.2, "ExtraValue": 1.2, "AttackFilter": { "Source": "Weapon", } "AttackTargetFilter": { // (i.e. applied vs everyone) "KeywordsIDs": [], } ----------- TL.DR: Beguiler's Soul Whip gives +0.1 damage coefficient with weapon attacks. And an additional +0.1 if the targeted enemy is flanked or affected by body affliction or affected by mind affliction. Beguiler's Biting Whip gives +0.2 damage coefficient with weapon attacks. And an additional +0.1 if the targeted enemy is flanked or affected by body affliction or affected by mind affliction. Both tooltips are vague and partially incorrect. ----------- P.S. Also, in case someone doesn't know beguiler's bonus focus restoration values: he gets (5 + 1 per PL) when casting a power on an enemy that is flanked or affected by body affliction or affected by mind affliction. So it actually does something... but tooltip doesn't reflect that. Still I think +0.1 weapon damage coef, is laughable in comparison to +100% focus gained from Draining Whip) Even with the 20% raw lash (from the poll results) instead of the current +0.1 coef, I wonder if I'll ever take it.
  17. It is actually still true. Here how it looks in the current v4.1.2: screenshot. (obligatory: 'wow, such upgrade, amazing' doge.jpg) Those beguiler related fixes that were added in v4.1.0 were fixing other problems:
  18. I have taken cat form because: - I was thinking that Bear Form only gives +1 AR over it - with Gilded Enmity, Pale Elf passive, Blunting Belt, Pearlescent head item and Tears of Saint Makawo I already had a lot of AR. I've swapped the belt later, because it was overkill. - cat paws have 3s recovery compared to 4s of bear. So if druid happened to make a melee attack, he would respond faster to my command - I just like Cat Flurry) Switching to cat (and getting armor recovery penalty reduced to 0) and using Cat Flurry enables some turbo healing mode. For majority of encounters I was using the following auto-behaviour: switch to cat, enable flurry, use Golden Enmity, drop moonwells + aoe robust + aoe form of delemgam. And with flurry, druid could do all this quite before the form expiration. - I had 3 fights that resulted in a close wipe, and this druid was the last standing, bringing the last enemy down with his abysmal auto-attack damage and accuracy. So I guess his sturdiness was not a problem) And that's why I am thinking about shifting to more damage-capable healers for my next run (e.g. wayfarers).
  19. Lifegiver/goldpact pale elf (cat form, dumped PER, plate, 1h+heavy shield) is a sturdy as hell healer that can tank, heal and buff a lot. But am not sure if you need one. As it depends on how sturdy is the rest of your party, and how many source of terrify and mass daze/stun/paralyze you have. Not to mention that lifegiver/goldpact partially clashes with your shieldbearer/troubadour, whose healing might be enough if you have a wizard or trickster with Repulsive Vissage. As for ranger used for ranged-dps, here are a few sketches: - stalker/wayfarer with dual blunderbusses (or sceptres) - bleakwalker/arcane archer with Spearcaster/Frostseeker - bleakwalker/sharpshooter or devoted/sharpshooter with Saint's Omaku / Veilpiercer (and 50% chance to recover immediately on scoring Crit enchant) - rogue/gunhawk or tactician/gunhawk with arquebuses (and Quick Switch; Dragon's Dowry -> Dragon's Dowry -> Red Hand -> Red Hand -> Fleetbreaker -> Red Hand) P.S. That said I usually try to make sure that my party has access to Repulsive Vissage, Zealous Endurance (unless there are many sources of Hardy/Robust), Shared Flames (unless all damage comes from DoTs), DW White Flames, Confounding Blind, some way to circumvent the resource limit (because of bosses hp-bloat), and enough sturdiness/sustain that would allow to stabilize in any combat situation.
  20. Faith related: do like both) Divine Purpose: good Inspired Defense: quite suggestive Inspiring Triumph: very good Aegis of Loyalty: it's ok. But not suggestive. Btw, I have tested last weekend, and weapon attacks already were removing stuff like confusion. Not just unarmed attacks. Perhaps this was a stealthy change and I shouldn't even put it in the poll Mental Fortress: very good Retribution: first though: ouch; second thought: getting arrow to the back makes one sad... well, I guess. Retribution kinda associates for me with this image Inspired Path, Clear Head , Righteous Soul, Providence: good Iron Gut: metal weight in the belly. Weird. But at the same time I don't have alternative ideas. Stoic Steel and Virtuous Triumph: it's passable, but they look of lower quality compared to the others. Divine Retribution: looks like disco party^^ How about taking that "flower" from Inspired Path and the cross from Providence?
  21. The fight gets much easier, once you understand what makes the fight hard: - AoE CONE breath - Terrify aura - Adragans dominating party members So: - let Eder solo tank the dragon. And either place the party 120 degrees to the side from were dragon is facing. Or keep the dragon perma-disabled. - let ciphers switch to Adragans when they come in range. Because building focus on lower-DR enemies is faster than when hitting the high-DR dragon. - buff party vs Terrify (so Prayer against Fear) - buff party vs Dominate (Prayer vs Treachery) - buff party accuracy - use Scale Breaker - let cipher paralyze the dragon (Mental Binding + Backlash) and let Aloth help with cc as well - choose your source of damage. For me it was: Disintegrations + Dragon Trashed + Shining Beacons + Cleansing Flames (to double the tick rate) You can see an example: here
  22. It depends how it is implemented. For example at the moment there is one full action per turn right? Going from 1 action to 1.3 action at 20 DEX,.. how would this even work? On the other hand there could be no "hard turns" but rather "milestone turns" with ability to move along the order queue (like in HOMM). So think of something like: 6s RTwP = 1 TB milestone ~= 100 milestone points, e.g: - when you cast a 6s/2s cast/recovery spell at 10 DEX, it will consume 100 + 33 milestone points - when you cast a 6s/2s cast/recovery spell at 20 DEX, it will consume 77 + 25 milestone points and so on Now imagine: it's your warlock's turn and you issue him to cast a 3s/4s spell. Because he has 20 DEX, 3s/4s would be 2.3s/3.0s; or 38/51 milestone points. So the warlock is now shown in "casting animation", and there are two entries in the order queue: - passive turn @ 38 milestone points (i.e. when the spell goes off, unless interrupted) - active turn @ 89 milestone points (i.e. when the player will be able to issue to warlock a new command) * additionally during the passive turn, the game recalculates the recovery duration. For example if the spell triggered Blood Thirst: recovery gets waived, and the active turn gets dragged to current position in the queue, and you can issue a new command right away. P.S. Heh. After writing this down, have realized that this is almost RTwP, but just with auto-pause for action issuing, and a visual order queue.
  23. Constant and Rapid Recovery: good Confident Aim: small hand is trying to flatwise hit the arrows) The concept is good though Sneak Attack: am neutral on this. First thought was of a tailor adjusting someones unfinished dressing (this someone is out of icon). But on a second sight it's ok. Transcendent Suffering: fitting) Wounds and Lesser Wounds: had a good chuckle here) Do like them) Crucible of Suffering: took a long time to notice the face; otherwise it's fine Soul Mirror, Parting Sorrow, Empowered Strikes, Imagined Pain, Unrelenting/Unbreakable: are suggestive and good enough imo Will also note again that I love the new Persistent Distraction and Wall of Flashing Steel As for icons I like least.. there are not so many: Enervating Blows (kinda unsettling), Riposte (still a violin for me), Deathblows (something is off.. maybe the axe behind the executioner; maybe the executioner icon itself... how about some death scythe strike instead?).
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