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Everything posted by MaxQuest

  1. Well... disliking the whole DLC and considering it a waste because of one boss fight seems strange. But OP already seems to be out from the thread. Yet, I remember that I didn't like that fight in my previous playthrough either. Although that was because I jumped into it having zero metagame knowledge about BoW, and with a party that was created during v1.2 before the release of DLCs. And that party was not ready for such HP bloat (6600hp) at all, and had means to overcome AR only vs vanilla enemies (with +2 extra via potions, and +4 via Rust Armor scrolls if enemy has low Fortitude/Resolve for those to stick) but could hardly deal with Dracolich' armor. I still downed Neryscirlas, but it was only on the 3rd try and the fight lasted a whooping 15 minutes (on normal speed, with pauses), which is very long by my standards and denotes a BIG issue with that party being suboptimal for the task; and indeed it was, because I literally auto-attacked the thing to death, with my cipher and priest spell damage dealers not casting a thing, because it was resulting in less effective dps than swinging battle axes. Now though, knowing this encounter mechanics and the boss' AR, HP and defenses in advance, I can build a party that will have a much easier time and will likely be able to aim for a sub 3 min fight time. And tbh that's a whole different level of satisfaction. P.S. Mildly interesting: on my second attempt, I've went for the interrupt route. Stripped Neryscirlas of all concentration levels being ready to interrupt it's Safeguard, but when the dragon gets to 50%hp and starts casting it, BAM it has it's concentration layers restored plus I have 2 characters mid-recovery. And after Aloth missed twice in a row with Arcane Dampener and I've remembered that emergency AD scrolls I carry no longer benefit from Perception... I was like: naah, reload, battle axes it is then.
  2. Yes. That's why if you go for Kind Wayfarers, it's better to make the dual-wield. What kind of gear would be good or anything goes? Also what armor are we looking at here heavy medium light? Also which stats anything goes or do they all need high int or? For armor go for they heavy one. Of the highest importance is Blackened Plate armor, because of the -1 AR aura. And the rest Kaylon has already listed. Also you have to decide, do you want 5 exactly the same heralds, that do the exact same thing, or if you are ok with slight specializing. And speaking of specializing I mean: - you can have only one herald to use Lay on Hands. 5 x White Flames should provide more than enough healing, so this 1 paladin will use LoH for emergency cases. And because it has low range, you might want to give him Nomad's Brigandine for dissengagement immunity. - the amount of items with +healing done, is very limited, so you will have to designate one herald who uses ONLY Flames of Devotion and doesn't spend zeal on nothing else. Also this one will be the one with Exalted Endurance and Ancient Memory. And Blackened Plate (if you choose the healing upgrade) - speaking of weapons, I would recommend something along following lines: > Magran's Favor + Sun and Moon > Slayers'Claw + Kapana Taga > Matakau + Shattered Vengeance | can start the fight with Xefa's Empirical Explication + Kitchen Stove (you want that cone Daze from Thunderous Report) and switch after initial opening > Magistrate's Cudgel + Keeper of the Flame > Beza + Tarn's Respite | with Willbreaker in offset You can almost always keep battle axe modals on; and see for yourself when it makes sense to have offhand modals on as well.
  3. Understood) I was basically looking for a cause that could interrupt the current action. And it seems that dunehunter has posted a plausible one back in september: link. And there have been no answer from the devs since that. It's also unlikely that they will fix it, if they fail to replicate it \ So, for now the workaround is: if the character was running, press X before issuing a new command.
  4. That's weird. I remember this bug mentioned on reddit last year. But never encountered this myself. I've encountered another similar bug through: use a full-attack ability with AoE weapon and there is a chance that the character will forget about recovery and will enter into a loop. Swinging like an enraged lumberjack. Although iirc this was already fixed. Btw: - did your character get interrupted during his first Stunning Blow attempt? - was mortification consumed? - did the damage of main hand go through?
  5. Do you use an AoE weapon by any chance? Also what AI behaviour do you use for that character, and have you used others?
  6. Do agree with your points of view as in: it's best used on: - heavy armor - if it will allow to consistently be by 3 AR higher than enemy PEN; and it wasn't already. - cipher weapons - because ciphers (except for psion) are very phys. dps dependent. And just switching weapons may either lead to lower dps (be it because of extra time spent on switching; or because cipher was already using an optimal setup and now he has to use a subpar one which just happens to have the right type of damage) - battle axe (if you use them) - as extra accuracy will benefit it's on-crit bonus damage, will make landing the modal's DoT more reliable, and the higher the damage - the stronger the DoT. Theoretically it would also help rogues (if applied to their weapons) to land their afflictions via debilitating/confounding/withering/etc strikes. But enemy deflection is rarely a problem past the early game. Plus there are many ways to decrease it.
  7. - do you intend to do megabosses? - will you be fighting DLC bosses? - what difficulty are you playing? - is Pallegina kind wayfarer or not? - will you be using Serafen as wild mind / barbarian or you are ok with changing him to ascendant / berserker?
  8. Here are some intermediary stats: - So far we have 47 submissions: - Around 40 submissions were made in the first 2 days. And 5 submissions in the last ~24 hours. General stuff: Classes: Keywords: Bugs: P.S. The poll will be open till next saturday. P.P.S. Do you think that this poll should be also linked on /r/projecteternity/ ?
  9. The general idea is clear enough. But I'd like to hear specific examples (конкретные примеры). For example: > (Priest) Book of Prayers: - provides +1 protection PL, +1 inspiration PL - unlocks Prayer for the Body, Prayer for the Spirit, Litany for the Body and Litany for the Spirit * unlocks in the sense that it is like a grimoire with 4 spells. ... can be purchased from Temple Vendor ("Ca-candles and balms!..") > (Priest) Talisman against Evil: - reduces damage taken from Vessels by 20%. - grants "Turn Undead": 1-per-encounter variation of "Halt" that also applies Terrify. But is only usable vs vessels. ... can be looted somewhere inside of Hanging Sepulchers > (Druid) Shrunken Head Talisman: - decreases damage with Decay effects by -20% - increases duration with Decay and Ground effects by +30% ... can be looted from some Xaurip in Poko Kohara > (Druid) Small Rotghast Skull: - grants a 1-per-encounter "Lesser Rot Skull" spell. It's same as rank-5 "Rot Skull" but single-target instead of AoE. - +1 Decay PL and +2 Metaphysics - -1 Plant and Restoration PL ... sold by Dimessa > (Druid) Stelgaer's Fang: - ... > (Druid) Captured Essence of the Storm: - ... > (Druid) Bunch of dried herbs: - ... something like that.
  10. I salute the separate mod approach for priest/druid trinkets. P.S. And I'd like to hear concrete/specific details about 3 trinkets for priests and 3 for druids. What their effects should be. And where they should be dropped or sold.
  11. Speaking of 5 completely the same jack-of-all-trades I do second third? the herald suggestion, since it is also really decoupled from equipment so there won't be any 'fight' for uniques. Specifically wayfarer/troubadour. The party just doesn't die, and has a lot of invocations to cast. And as alternative there could be wayfarer/monk, where you can balance the heals versus wounds generation.
  12. Ok. That will do too. Cipher can't really become a main tank. But, he can become tanky enough for non-boss fights. The idea is to have armor with highest DR (usually plate armor, pierce-proofed) and just enough deflection in order to not get crit. This will allow to shrug the majority of incoming damage from low-hitting enemies (which usually are the majority of encounter). At the same time, spot the hard-hitting enemies (like ogres) and use hard crowd-control abilities vs them. This way, you don't really care for damage coming from 'weaklings', and keep the real threats unable to do harm. A good idea would be recruit Grieving Mother, and together start the combat with charming main threats from enemy backline, and paralyzing from their frontline. Hammer and anvil of some sort. A cipher with a shield will indeed have lower focus generation. Unless you durganize your weapon, armor and shield; get gauntlets of swift action and use time parasite / potion of deleterious motion; and use a weapon with 'fast' enchant (e.g: Sword of Daenysis, Rimecutter or Unforgiven). Speaking of spell damage: the most of it comes from: - Amplified Wave - Disintegration - and in the early game: Echo and Soul Shock A glass cannon cipher has enough focus generation to compete with the strongest total damage dealers, these being: dps-barbarian and dragon-trashed-chanter. A more tanky cipher, especially the one with shield will be doing ~25% less damage in the late game; or ~33% damage in the early game. While being tankier by a somewhat similar amount. So just think what you want more. Out of those listed builds, I have full-playthroughs with v1,3,4,5,6. They feel different and I liked all of them. But melee ciphers definitely required more cover from their teammates. And by cover I mean, that if some hard-hitter jumps on your cipher, let your other debilitator disable that enemy asap. And for the role of such debilitator the best is a second cipher. P.S. But in the end, I would say: which ciphers to choose depends mostly on your party composition and preferred style of play. So just do what you like^^
  13. Hehe) So you like it all: somewhat tanky + phys damage + crowd control + spell damage) While this wouldn't work that well on PotD (where one might want to specialize the characters and optimize the stats), this is actually possible on Hard (veteran) difficulty. The thing is: enemies on Hard have -15 lower defences compared to PotD; so having 18 Perception on that difficulty feels almost the same as just 3 PER on Hard Also your characters will feel less squishy, because enemy have also 15 less accuracy. Thus for your needs, I would adjust 18/10/14/12/14/10 in the following way: 17/9/15/9/17/10. Most often your routine will be: start with Wispers of Treason on enemy you don't want to attack. Cast Mental Binding on enemy you want to attack. And when you have enough focus use Amplified Wave (or Silent Scream or Echo, Disintegration, etc). It would be even better if you had a priest to toss Painful Interdiction at the start of combat. And if you have a cc-wizard or another cipher in party for cover, and feel tanky enough, you can switch from sabre+shield to dual-wield sabres. P.S. Also would recommend looking for Shod-in-Faith boots and Swaddling Sheet (cloak) for your party.
  14. ^ Well, I was often taking that talent too. But mostly treating it as a kind of: +1 CON minus 2 fortitude but plus multiplicative x1.052% healing taken attached) But this talent wasn't doing much for my dps'ers offence wise. By reading the tooltip one may think that 5% is something worth it, but in common case scenario it results in only 0.2-0.4% dps increase. Also I'll just write Boeroer's quote down again:
  15. Don't twist ^^ As for current data regarding that suggestion, it is: It will be interesting finding the compromise)
  16. Your first stat distribution is fine for a ranged cipher. But melee might have problems due to low Concentration. Also it's important to decide what kind of melee cipher you want. Is it ok if he's only crowd-control oriented; or if you want to also deal spell damage. P.S. You might find these two posts of use: - one - two
  17. ^ Aha, so my feeling that something is missing was right Although I don't see the names or emails of submitters I can tell which submission is yours just by the answers ^^ That said I'm mostly surprised by your choices regarding Bitting Whip and all monk related suggestions. P.S. Regarding Aegis of Loyalty: I've checked it in beta, on release and in v1.2. It was working only with unarmed (fist) attacks. P.P.S. Some nice unanimity regarding racial suggestions:
  18. Thank you all for voting We have 17 submissions by now. P.S. I've also noticed that there were 6 submissions done to the Sneak Peek version of the poll, and wanting to note that this poll is a new, separate instance with extra options. So if you placed a submission there, feel free to vote here again. It won't be considered a duplicate. @Elric Galad, I'll take a look later. Judging by current responses, bugs related to afflictions and aoe weapons are mostly voted as high priority)
  19. Deadfire Polishing Thread has been opened for 3 weeks by now, and we gathered enough feedback for a dedicated poll. And the idea behind this poll is to filter through the community-originated fine-tuning suggestions and cut those that didn't make it past a certain threshold of unanimity. After that, the resulting list could be used as some sort of survey data, and maybe it will get attention from Obsidian, or it will be of use for modders (if these suggestions are moddable) Deadfire Polishing Poll (link to google forms) (google login is required to keep 1 submission per person account) (your emails are kept private and not shown to other participants or poll owner) P.S. Results will be posted in this thread. There is no set end date for now. But approximately the poll will last 7-10 days unless otherwise noted. Edit: the Poll has ended. You can check the RESULTS: HERE Or if google analytics is opening slowly, here are the screenshots: General stuff: Classes: Keywords: Bugs:
  20. I went and actually just tested these. 0.5/0.0 feels like a little much, even with the reduced duration I've initially read this as: "0.5/0.0 still feels a little long" ^^ Definitely. I just feel that buffing/cleansing others should not be that fast. An enemy spent 3s+4s casting a stun/paralyze/dominate that was going to last 8s, and you just remove it in 0.5/0.0 doesn't seem fair unless there is a hefty price attached. Paladin's exhortations cost 2 zeal and that's like 1/5 of their resource pool. Imagine if priest was consuming 2 spell usages per prayer. P.S. If prayers/litanies feel too weak, I'd rather see their effect being buffed instead of speedified. This way a support/buffer can become a solid archetype by itself, instead of: this is a damage-dealer with several get-out-of-jail cards. On first pages. Additionally either as a separate thread or here as a separate post. But ok, I'll reset the questions ordering, for them to start from 1. "This should change but not in these ways" option - is kinda same thing as "Other" Ok, screw it, I'll just add the Other option to all questions. And if someone doesn't have a strong opinion regarding some of suggestions they can just leave the answer blank. I'll add a related reminder in the begining. I'm neutral on this. But it's not hard to add this to the poll and see what we'll get.
  21. Yeah. I don't quite understand how a regular player would make a connection between displayed 5% and:- the actual change in his attack resolution - the relative dps increase without calculator and notepad.
  22. I have checked, and yeap it's possible. I will add it if you want. But keep in mind, that the idea is to use the polls responses and aggregate the most voted options. And if someone will write a nice suggestion in "Other" it won't be visible to others to vote for. That's the reason I've gone with this thread and all preliminary stuff in the first place: to collect the possible response options; and additionally let them come through 'community review' in order to decrease the amount of situations when a suggestion looks nice on paper, but has some deeper issues. Hmm, I don't really like this. I totally understand why you would want this action economy. But I think this would overlap with paladin's field of expertise: i.e. being able to quickly remove an affliction from an ally. And paladins pay a hefty price for their exhortations: 2 zeal to be exact. Thus I would leave 0.5/0s only for a subset of self-buffs. Regarding fixes vs polishing: I was thinking about adding the fixes section, but it looked so obvious to me that they need fixing, that it looked like Section Obvious) Although I haven't made my mind on this yet. I've made this intentionally. Preliminary list #1, contained points p1 and p2, but they were later removed due to feedback. I can make them start from 1 if it is confusing. But it will make it harder to compare the poll options with those preliminary lists. What you say? Ok) Will add it to the list. Ok) Personally I find spiritual weapons (maybe with the exception of Woedica's gauntlets) as subcompetitive provided the possible alternatives. Yet I remember a thread were this view was not shared at all. And since I am not using priests as phys damage dealers, I just avoid using these weapons, and the topic altogether. Yeap. Uncanny Luck results in a really pitiful dps increase. Lets take a concrete example: - you have accuracy by 15 points higher than enemy deflection - you have 10% hit-to-crit from Dirty Fighting - and 15% hit-to-crit from that ring i.e. -/25/50/100+ attack resolution shifts: - from 24% chance to graze, 50% chance to hit, 1% chance to crit - to 9% change to graze, 50% to hit, 16% to crit (due to +15 acc) - and there are also two hit-to-crit rolls: > 10% hit-to-crit: which changes 50% to hit, 16% to crit -> 45% to hit, 21% to crit > 15% hit-to-crit: (which triggers if above didn't trigger): and changes 45% to hit, 21% to crit -> 38.25% to hit, 27.75% to crit Now we also take Uncanny Luck for the 5% hit-to-crit, which has a chance to trigger if above conversions didn't, and we get: 36.3375% to hit, 29.6625% to crit Yay! we have an extra 1.9125% chance to get +0.25 to damage coefficient, +0.25 to duration coefficient and x1.5 PEN. On average that's like what? a ~0.2-0.45% damage increase? The thing is: it's hard to tell what magnitude for an effect X, developers originally intended, when part of changes to underlying mechanics was done after certain entities (encounters, talents, abilities, effects, etc) were added to the game. Not to mention that devs: - don't always track the possible ripple consequences; like in the case with Riposte and graze range change for TB - are not always aware of underlying mechanics themselves; for example: when asked how do crits work in PoE1, Josh answered multiplicatively; even through there was an additive +0.5 damage coefficient. Another example being how recovery in PoE1 is calculated. Or Blunted Criticals in Deadfire. - do occasionally shift their philosophy towards how powerful certain effects should be. for example at release majority of items had stronger enchants, perhaps in order to provide an ompf effect. But Obs quickly found some multiplayer-guy who severely nerfed that stuff in v1.1; which is not that bad per se, but we get some players like Red Knight whining about equipment bonuses not progressing strongly enough. - don't always know what the exact values should be themselves. Or even what an attribute should do. They often rely on iterative approach and sometimes on player's feedback. And such approach makes evaluation of 'vanilla intent' kinda moot. I also remember Avellone (although a writter and not a dev) mentioning:
  23. Guys, I've finally assembled the poll. You can take a preliminary sneak peek here: Would you like to see any last moment changes? If yes, write them right now. If no: I'll post a new link tomorrow morning, and the poll shall begin.
  24. Two requests here: 1). Add possibility to remove an ability. For example: I want to remove existing Soul Annihilation (which is of WeaponAttackAbilityGameData type), and add a new one (of GenericAbilityGameData type). At the moment, if I just edit the type of existing ability, then it breaks SA of already created soulblades, and works fine only for newly created characters. 2). Allow to specify for an ability, attack and status effects, what kind of bonuses it can benefit from: all, only_weapon_bonuses, only_spell_bonuses, just_pl, none. For example: there are weapons that have spells bounded to them. These spells should not benefit from weapon quality enchants. Also it would allow to attach a spell proc to a weapon, and prevent it from benefiting from "physical" modifiers like sneak attack.
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