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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Heh. In my experience the worst turn problem Are when you help out someone else in these cases with spell, or item or... The tool can easily go wrong place and turn order can get strange...
  2. Yep... it happens. Also sometimes you roll two 6 with two d6 and make so things you were sure to fail... Isn`t life in dice games miraculous But those summoned cards cause sometimes really bad headaches... when They act like real cards instead of summoned version.
  3. Be carefull out there! There will be monster... at least big bugs!
  4. Heh... Sounds like old duplication bug! Some of your characters get duplicated. Most likely due that the game misses the internetconnection and so you have two a Little bit different versions of the same character.
  5. That Sounds bad, because it means that the problem is device spesific and so... very hard to fix or even found.
  6. Sounds like corrupted save. Has happened in the past and will happen again... But dev may help, but because Also the cloud save is corrupted, it is not a easy task.
  7. True, but I prefer playing legendary with completely new characters
  8. Yep. We need devices with more memory to do that and Also support from all used OS.
  9. 24 total. I think that iOs has some limitations that has to be aplied Also to other platforms. In anyway the right way of playing this is to play adventure, retire old stuff and play new adventure with new characters, so only reason to have multible characters os to play different croups at the same time and 24 allows 4 separate croups at the same time so 24 is quite plenty. Old characters Are not needed to anything because level 6 is the highest that you ever get in Pathfinder, so old characters Are useless when They reach the end of adventure. There is variant where you play using old level 6 characters in level 4-6 in Wrath without having mythic path. If there ever be that option, then we definitely need those extra slots, by there has not been any hints that that is going to happen any time soon. http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lhxk?Wrath-of-the-Righteous-The-LongAwaited#discuss
  10. Allso some ureleased cards have had Ghost...
  11. Yep. The Valeros resharge ability is not working in me neither, but this problem has been testified by so Many that it seemed not to be platform spesific. Unlike healing bug that comes and goes, this seems to be constant. Well, new patch can fix this too!
  12. Depends on. Standard is normal Runelords edition. Obsidian edition have Goblin dls and some promos Obsidian promos included. Here is a list of extras. http://store.steampowered.com/app/682600/Pathfinder_Adventures__Upgrade_to_Obsidian_Edition/
  13. I just don´t have faintest idea who of the all characters is raider... I supose that it is one of the alternate alts? But in anyway good that my hunch was to the right direction. Many melee allies causes same ”problems” with characters that does not have melee skill.
  14. Sounds like you use ally with character that does not have ranged skill. Many characters only has dexterity when They use ranged weapons. So dexterity skill + ranged ally = ranged + ranged (and because character does not have ranged, the skill is d4 even dexterity is d10) But without more information about what character was trying to use that ally with ranged weapon, hard to be sure.
  15. Yep. Character is dead. You need to start him again From the beginning.
  16. It can, but most likely the problem is in all platforms... havent used Valeros for ages, so can not confirm... ... have the get more time to play games...
  17. Nah... I am waiting more the Ghost of new christmast. Old is so last season...
  18. Does restarting the app reset the gold counter? The UI is sometimes slow. If it does not, then it sounds a bug, but that gold counter has been acting that way Also in the past.
  19. From couple of days to couple of weeks. Depending on their other chedules. So if there is essential patch under work, the responce time is longer. If They have more free time even same day. Same people do programming, bug bashing and customer service so They Are sometimes very occupyed.
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