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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. In the past Aarik has said that videos Are usefull, They can see the whole prosedure that leads to abnormal behaviour (and don't have to rely our memory or incomplete description) that last part was not said, but it may be really good reason why. I personally don't remember all details, if I am not paying too close attention to what is happening. But my ques does not have real valua. The dev has sais that videos Are usefull, (along the save files) so definitely go for it!
  2. And another one, this time 2MB.Again? Ah. A quick patch to that new card? That was quick one. Interesting to see news From Gencon. Maybe an article? It would be really nice to see season of Goblins mini adventure Path sometimes in the future )I think that it was/is big hit by Paizo this year in the Gencon!
  3. Hmmm... Possible, but Aarik or customer Service can help in that. There were similar instances in humble Bundle codes.
  4. So there was another minor update Beside that new promo card ;-) Waste not, want not! But I supose that we will get another pach before ad 4. This was something different this time.
  5. She is a beast! I like her a lot. She gets her Animal bonus to anything she tries.
  6. Aaa... Interesting! We will get announcement how to redeem those. Let us know what is look like when you get it redeemed! That was fast! And I was wrong in the above. It is one card! But a really nice one I have to say ) http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88525-obsidian-is-at-gen-con-stop-by-booth-103-and-get-some-sweet-swag/
  7. It was reasonable big upload, so there propably is more than one card update...
  8. Thanks. Newer been in there, so acronym was a shot in the dark. )
  9. Yes, this is a very valid thread. The quest mode would propably be more fun without nightbelly. I have very scout heavy teams, bacause of reasons. So I can beat the nightbelly heavy scenario, but not every player is. They try different buildupps and for those teams nightbellys can cause big trouples of completing scenario succefully. Not sure of this though. Some other scenarios require heavy fighting and other some another skill to beat those odds. The dev has much more freedom in quest mode than story mode, so it is not impossible to see changes in quest mode card distribution. I still hope more custom banes and boons to quest mode, just because leveling up From 20-30 takes so long time, that is good to see variation. That is why I personally like nigbelly boas in quest mode, because They give variation to hensman pool and I don't have to everytime fight agains some other hensmans again and again... But fun factor is Also something that has to be considered. So there is dilemma at this moment. The suitable bane pool is guite shallow at this moment. I have very high hopes to quest mode in the long run! But in the meanwhile the story mode is the thing that is the maincource, so quest mode upgrades, like custom banes and boons have to wait for a while.
  10. I have Lini with weapons and it is a valid option. Small monster hit with weapon and Animal boost. Bigger enemies needs weapon and animal boost and change Form discard. Really big boss will need attack spell and Animal boost. So weapon gives you alternatives and Also save spell slots to utility spells!
  11. ;-) That would be something! As a Number suggest, this is very minor update. Maybe a haste to quest mode, so it does not cause "missing card" havok? Or something similar. I Expect bigger update somewhere after cen con. And Also some announcements. Gencon is a timetable havok to allgaming companies so I don't Expect a lot new stuff while Gencon is going on.
  12. There has been cases where animation get stuck, but cards appear to the vault. Have you checked out your cards if you have got cards or not? In the later case contact dev, but in previous cases with same problem it has been only the animation problem and card has been added to the vault.
  13. Story mode is saved in the cloud, quest mode is not. You can manually backup save files to another device.
  14. You miss promo cards and you Also pay more From the rest by buying them separately. No other differensies.
  15. One possibility is send personal message and use dropbox or google drive to provide a link to the save file. There is Also a customer Service email adress, but I personally use those links.
  16. Yep. This will be "beta" at least 5-6 month more. Just because They don't have time to fix old and test the new at the same time. So I think that is fair to say that this game is constantly at beta stage untill all ad's has been releases and after that bugfixed. But the question of how to keep on interested in this game while waiting the new content was the original question and I still think that trying different variations is the only sensible way at this moment. I personally just play something else instead while waiting new content and I have at least 100 games to play while waiting, so I don't have problems at all in that. Why would I want to burn myself by playing one game too much? It Sounds not fun at all. I constantly change From one game to another and come back to previous ones later, just because I like variety. And I come back to Pathfinders adventures more often than many others games says something about the merits of this game even at its current state. If you Are those, "I can not wait" type of fellows, it is wice to start this game in the next Christmast. The waiting new content will just to be too burden. If you play a couple of times here and then, you may start now. IMHO.
  17. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88317-quest-mode-froze-at-spell-reward/
  18. There is limit on how much any game can take replaying. It may be much wiser to try different team combinations, differen size teams, different character builds than play several times with the same characters and same teams.
  19. Yes it reguires heavy scouting. Closing by killing villain several times.
  20. I am "Waste not want not" type of fellow... Big Bundle all the time.
  21. Ok. Then this is something that new patch has caused... The game crash when you reach the level cap of 27? So at the end of level 26 when leveling up? Reward for 26 is blessing and reward for 27 is item... Hmmm. Nothing very special that could cause the problem. If it would be spell, there is know problem that some spells like haste and some other cause problems in quest mode because They don't actually exist even They should. And causes problems in locations that contains spells. The location closes does, when you encounter "not existing" card. Not sure if these Are related, but that is my best ques. And even in this case it should be random, because card rewards Are random. Definitely something that dev should look for. These synthoms may be related... If you can, make copy of your device save folder and zip it and send it to the dev team with description of synthoms. Look this link: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88317-quest-mode-froze-at-spell-reward/
  22. Interesting... My character Are level 30 something... Don't remember how hight and have not seen this behaviour, but I was above 27 before the last patch so hard to say if that is new problem, or is it device spesific...
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