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Dr <3

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Everything posted by Dr <3

  1. Pro tip: wait until all expansion are out and pretend it is only 1, but big
  2. Nobody knows. It is in the current state since the beta, nobody ever specified if it is intentional or not. Moon goodlike too btw.
  3. Go for twin heels for the win ( new 2h sword from beast of winter)
  4. That’s not how it works, it’s on graze, hit or crit. At least that’s how it’s set in the game’s files, so if it doesn’t work that way, it’s almost certainly a bug. Yes, the description is confusing and misleading, since sometimes when Obsidian says hit, they mean graze, hit or crit, and sometimes they mean only hit or crit, but not graze. But as far as I know, they never mean only on hit and not crit. Clear out is a good move for scordeo’s edge, since by hitting a bunch more times, you’re increasing your chance to proc blade cascade. I actually tested it with 2 fighters: 1 with high perception and high hit to crit conversion, the other with low perception and confident aim. The second one was always the fist to trigger blade cadscade. The first fighter was even unable to proc it vs the dummies, since he could get only critical strikes. So, unless you tested it and found something different, i can tell that you actually can activate blade cascade only by proper *hits*, NOT from *crits* or *grazes*. Wich sucks btw, i would have liked it much more if it would activate by crits. If you skip to around 2:45, you will see me get a Blade Cascade proc with 100% crit chance (Kraken has ~60 deflection, I finish the fight with over 200 accuracy - also shown after it dies). 5% is just a very low proc chance, meaning you will have some fights where it doesn't proc at all, no matter the accuracy/attack speed/abilities used. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=168&v=iOd1RCkt_xc Nice to know, i will try again for longer and see what happens. Sorry to have doubted your words.
  5. Yeah, but you know, the game is kind balaced for a party of 5 people, using weapons and spells with sinergic effect. Obviously if you solo you have to cover all problems ( tank, dps, buff yourself, debuff enemies) by yourself, by design every class do something better than others... Surely chanter is a strong contender mainly for unlimited resources, but so are also chipers and monks more or less
  6. That’s not how it works, it’s on graze, hit or crit. At least that’s how it’s set in the game’s files, so if it doesn’t work that way, it’s almost certainly a bug. Yes, the description is confusing and misleading, since sometimes when Obsidian says hit, they mean graze, hit or crit, and sometimes they mean only hit or crit, but not graze. But as far as I know, they never mean only on hit and not crit. Clear out is a good move for scordeo’s edge, since by hitting a bunch more times, you’re increasing your chance to proc blade cascade. I actually tested it with 2 fighters: 1 with high perception and high hit to crit conversion, the other with low perception and confident aim. The second one was always the fist to trigger blade cadscade. The first fighter was even unable to proc it vs the dummies, since he could get only critical strikes. So, unless you tested it and found something different, i can tell that you actually can activate blade cascade only by proper *hits*, NOT from *crits* or *grazes*. Wich sucks btw, i would have liked it much more if it would activate by crits.
  7. Also spears are strong. There are 3 and are all very strong. There is even one with pierce/slash in case of pierce resistant/immune foes. Best one is stalker patience anyway. Another great weapon is scordeo edge (sabre). With tactical barrage ( not disciplied stikes) and confident aim you'll have grat chances to activate blade cascade. When it starts if you have good int the battle is over. ( I was ashamed that blade cascade triggers on 5% of HITS, AND NOT CRITS, so if you get high accuracy/ high hit to crit conversion, this is BAD)
  8. Ah another thing: i would that you can use mechanichs skill OR perception to see traps. I like to play solo, and atm you are forced to pick always 16-18 perception just to be able to see the traps. The other options are run blindly in trap fields and rest continuously or remember every trap of the game and circumnavigate them ( not always possible). You can make it that mech skill x2 count as equal perception points ( only for traps, not hidden stash). For ex : with 5 mechs you can spot traps for wich you need 10 percetion ecc.
  9. Nontheless this could always be good modding material... The game came up just some months ago and already the community provided excellent mods. Maxquest provided one himself. We give our feedback, maybe the devs like it or part of it and will implement it to the game. Maybe not, but chance are that some modder will be interested in it and willing to use it to do his own mod
  10. I'd like to see rogue abilities toxic stike and poisonous cluoud keyworded with "poison", so they can get bonuses from + poison power level items
  11. Spy equipped with deadly venom ( that you can loot)
  12. I'm testing some builds so far. My base assumptions are: 1) use 1h style, and try to build a char in a way that 1h style is superior to dual wielding 2) the class that get more from 1h stile ( hence a "crit build" ) is the monk, since between swift flurry and heartbeat drumming you have ~50% chance to get a new attack after a crit ( and this can chain multiple times) 3) build thinked with solo/potd in mind, no team support So far i tested: - devoted / monk : max per & dex, 14 con, 5 res. 25% hit to crit conversion from disciplined stikes, awesome tankyness (refreshing defense, unbending (shield), rapid recovery), +20% crit dmg ( devoted), + 10 acc from conqueror stance ( enanched). Spear is the weapon of choice, the better one is stalker patience for the 20% chace to 0 recovery on crit. There is another one that deals pierce/slash for pierce immune foes ( you still have fists anyway). Works very good and feels very solid. I have tried also the hellwalker version, but actually i have not felt bigger changes from ingame battles ( is a bit more fragile and deal a bit more dmg, but nothing spectacular) - monk/streetfighter : here we can stack abusurd amounts of dmg (sneack attack, deathblows,ecc), so we can even dump str since we need higher cons, if we want to capitalize over heating up and on the edge. Human is race of choice. Since we are not devoted we can pick a lot of different weapons : stalker patience as weapon of choice, rapiers for very high deflection enemies( modal for another +20 acc), last word for spell caster bosses. As a rogue you get easy access to perception affliction ( persistent distraction, blinding strike), so you can use thaos helm (+5 acc on flanked) to boost your accuracy. You will have sligh less base accuracy than devoted version, but automatic flanking and +10 accuracy from some stike abilities gives even you more. - pure monk / paladin/monk / berserker monk: not tested yet
  13. Harpagornis, nice to see you again! If you haven't started yet i suggest monk/wizard. Is a very strong and versatile setup, that comes with a lot of sinergies and if everything is going bad, just citzal lance + swift strikes + heartbeat drumming will save the day
  14. If you feel it is a bug report it to the technical support subform, not here. Anyway it is basically a normal axe with a bit of more dmg but *that needs 2 hands* as a special ability, so doesn't *deserve* the +1 pen. I wold not mind if it get's it anyway. Still is one of the """S tier weapon """ at the moment, surely is noy "completely useless"
  15. I've run some test with a skaen priest/ asssassin-street fighter ( both worked well) in solo and ot felt good actually. 16 in int/per/dex. No particular items needed, exept a low recovery armor, assassin slippers if you go assassin, eventually physiker belt. You are better served by dual wielding 2 slow 1h weapons ( swords, sabres) Main strategy so far is : start fight shadoing beyond (priest spell), cast litany for the spirit ( usually does not brek invis, bit you can even skip this spell), cast triumph of crusaders (!!!) ( this will pop up invis), cast weapon of faith ( skip if against too manu interrupters), start spam rogue attacks. If you are low life use smoke cloud to get an assassination. Practically once you cast triumph ot the crusaders you have a veeeery long (~120 sec) buff that is HUGE heal on kill ( ~120 life). As a rogue you naturally focus about 1 enemy at a time, and every time you kill something you go back to full health or quite. Very fon and works quite good ( just beware when there are too many alpha stikers/ interrupters around: if you don't kill anyone for too much time you are dead. Never cast healing spells, just kill people). Bonus: if weakeked/ enfeebled: cast prayer/ litany for the body Yes you multiclass priest basically only for triumph of the crusader. Yes it is worth it.
  16. Myth fyr gives you 15% fire lash, even on spell. Old siec gives you 12% life leech on dmg, even from spell dmg. Chants CAN boost your spells. ( Invocation too btw. A fireball casted on a bunch of paralyzed enemies >> a fireball with 1 or 2 more power levels)
  17. Only devs could answer. Is obviuosly a trick to prevent player to stack too many dmg modifiers (might, power level, item bonuses additive, and int multiplicative), but it turned out to be both awkward and abusable in opposite sense --> minimize int to turn dots in pure dmg spells
  18. wait are you telling me that the 3 Int Deep Wounds Rogue from the first game's release actually works here that's ridiculous I'm not sure about deep wounds, but you will love a chiper's disintegrate with 1 int, i can assure you
  19. Imho a lot of people overthink this ability. I think that it it good. Maybe not a pivotal talent to dedicate a whole build around ( and you can do this if you really want actually) but good nontheless. Since attack rolls include a 100 face dice, chance are that miss will happen sooner or later. When they happen you have a chance to a full attack. Compare it with an ability considered universally good as fighter's mob stance. Many fights in this game included < 5 mobs. If you fight 5 enemies this means that even if playing solo you can get as maxiumum 4 full attacks for that fight. If your deflection is not abysmal, chances are that during the fight ripose will trigger 3-5 times too. And is a passive ability. What do you have to take instead? Bear fortitude?
  20. Wiz + priest is strong. You lose the top lvl spells and 2 power levels, but is nothing too severe. On the other side you get 2x the spells of a single class, so you can really spam a lot / have more lasting power in longet fights. I played an evoker/ magran Priest and he really had huge firepower from lvl 1 ( pun intended, indeed is lame) Edit: also helps that fire atm is the more enanchable element, you can stack a lot of +1/2 power level items, and you even have ring of focused flame for +10 acc. But i bet that even freeze route could be pretty good
  21. Not really, since you get more frenzy time also for power level... So it will be shorter but usable
  22. The steward will find a solution ( she discovered that a tide will come in 1 month to save the ship)
  23. And you can just choose which spells you personally want outside of the Grimoire, having extra spells to cast is just too good to pass up imo. Some grimories have unique spells inside. Often unique spell >> +1 other spell. That is the reason. Btw you can even swap grimories forbmore variety
  24. Thks for the response, i forgot to say that i was aiming to a solo build. As a side note: draining from concelhaut staff consider also the lash dmg. So to maximize the chanter part you should go troubador with mith fyr + old siec As a side side note : draining weapons were super common in poe1 and super rare in poe 2
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