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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Sympathy for the Devil - The Electric Hellfire Club
  2. Well to each his/her own, Steph and I enjoyed the show and that's what matters. In fact I would say that the entire night was a success.
  3. Not strapped immoveably to your forearm like some piece of cyber-bondage gear. Knowing Bethesda it's more likely to be a bit of a cyber-chastity belt.
  4. Again, thanks for the advice!
  5. I pity you. It was not "a documentary," it was a political and ideological screed. And, frankly, almost nothing true or factual.
  6. I've actually got a fairly nice night planned, I'm going to a dance with a friend and then we're going to a Bella Morte concert after that. So, yeah, not a bad night overall.
  7. Does that mess up any of your romances with other characters? No, I don't believe so - atleast it doesn't mess up the ME1 romances...
  8. I went ahead and picked up Stalker: Call of Pripyat for $20 off Steam and will likely give it a go later tonight. Other than that I've mainly been (re)playing ME2 and DA.
  9. It is? That's odd as Valve often recommends people who have a VAC2 Ban to open a second account for their new purchases.
  10. Ok, this build is based off "The Utility Player" from Tech Report. I tweaked the build some, as some components were not available, and also looked into possible alternatives. My budget for this is a maximum of $1100 USD, including monitor, although a sub $1000 would be nice. The OS will be Windows 7 Professional, although, luckily, I already own a copy of that. That said, what do you think of the components I've chosen? What would be the best build? Are there better parts that I overlooked? Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance. CPU: i5-750 (2.66GHz 8MB L3 Cache) - $199.99 Or i3-530 (2.93GHz 4MB L3 Cache) - $124.99 RAM: 4GB DDR3 (2 x 2GB) - $111.99 Or 4GB DDR3 (2 x 2 GB) - $109.99 GPU: MSI GTS 250 (1GB vRAM) - $114.99 Or MSI GTX 260 OC (896MB vRAM) - $209.99 Or XFX HD 5770 (1GB vRAM) - $159.99 Or GigaByte GTX 260 OC (896MB vRAM) - $214.99 Hard Drive: 750GB (7,200 RPM 16MB Cache) - $69.99 Motherboard: ASUS P7P55D LGA 1156 Intel P55 ATX - $149.99 Or ASUS P7P55 LX LGA 1156 Intel P55 ATX - $119.99 Case/PSU: Antec Sonata III (with 500W PSU) - $109 Or Antec PSU/Case Deal - ~$150 Or 750W PSU - $109/500W PSU - $59.99 And Antec Three Hundred (no PSU) - $59.95/Antec Two Hundred (no PSU) - $39.99 Optical Drive: DVDRW Drive - $25.99 Wireless Card: PCI Card - $16.99 Monitor: Asus 21.5" 1920x1080 - $149.99 Or Acer 22" 1680x1050 - $159.99 Or Acer 23" 1920x1080 - $199.99
  11. Uhhh... No. Steam cracks come out when a game is Steam only, if not a regular one will often work with the Steam version. Not that I've done it myself, but people who were having issues with limited activation games tried it and reported their findings - it works.
  12. It has a disc check and the Bio Social Site for DLC - nothing else.
  13. She drops in every now and again. EDIT: And Welcome back.
  14. It adds a codex entry iirc.
  15. Meh. For the price I think the m11x is actually one of the better deals out there - I'll likely drop $949 and get one with the better CPU, 2gb of extra RAM and the 500Gb 7200 RPM HD. Yeah, that is a bit expensive for a 11.6" laptop but I've been doing most of my gaming on the go anyways. As for bigger laptops, sure, you could find on cheaper but not by much and not with as good tech -well, you might be able to find one with a i-core CPU but that would be pushing it- and much more than the $950 I'd be spending on this would be too much for my budget at the moment (college). Even if I built it would come out to about $1000 -I have no old desktop to steal parts from- and a desktop might be worse in the long run as I'm planing on doing quite a bit of moving around in the near future (I'm going to finish where I am, transfer, and then likely study abroad for a bit before coming back for more graduate school). So, yes, you could get something cheaper or something better but for some people the m11x is looking like it would be a good buy.
  16. My day was extremely "meh" - although I might order a new laptop tomorrow, so that would be good. If not... Well there's always later.
  17. I checked to see if there is a wireless card and the review is correct, the M11x has "Alienware M11x a/b/g/n 2x2 MIMO Wireless."
  18. NETWORK CARD Integrated 10/100 Network Interface Card That's it. Not very netbook like, a bit of a scam making the rest 'extras' if you ask me. Evidently they have a wireless N cad built in but don't say they do - at least according to this review. Lulz. What's funny there? The fact that you're considering the iPad over this.
  19. Makes that two of us, I enjoyed it as well.
  20. I might pick an upgraded version -the Core2Duo and 2gb of extra RAM- for $949. If I do that I'll post impressions here. EDIT: Does it not have a WLAN card? I know it doesn't have a WWAN one by default...
  21. Yeah, I concur that it's something bad - and from personal experience I would guess that a fan is to blame. You might be able to replace that yourself if the laptop is out of warranty but if it's not then I'd just get it serviced.
  22. I know it can run on a 8600M GT, but that's only if you're careful and take breaks to prevent overheating.
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