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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Co-op/multiplayer
  2. I've played around with the m11x,and might upgrade my laptop to one sometime soon -seeing as I have a desktop for heavy gamng-, and it's a very nice machine - if your m15x is as good quality you'll be happy.
  3. I'm sure that it'll be dealt with as soon as one of the Mods logs in.
  4. http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/64897
  5. Meh, not really. I would want KotOR III to build on KotOR II and TOR is ignoring that (or at least it seems that way). It might be a good game but KotOR III it is not.
  6. I think so, when they originally announced that it would be three games and not one I believe that they said that the three games would be cheaper.
  7. Sounds like you had some fun...
  8. Simon & Garfunkel, The Sound of Silence - classic.
  9. Like Hurlshot I owned a PSP, well I still have it but that's mainly because I haven't bothered selling it, and didn't use it as much as I thought I would. Sure, it's a nice system but the library of games in a bit weak and the overall cost-to-gain ratio was alot less than I had hoped for.
  10. I would suspect that the chick in question was Sheva (seeing as she's the main helper AI throughout the game).
  11. No, unlike your Dagon-Maths
  12. It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of math - and the math does not support your position.
  13. And you've just made another massive flaw (equating the chances of a single person to the chances of an entire group).
  14. Omen Deng- 72 (-2) SIE- 42 (+2) - you guys seem to have copied the wrong number here, it was 2 off Scarlet Lake- 79
  15. How many miles on it Calax? 110. It's replacing a 96 camery with 191k The question is, did the Camery have working door handles?
  16. True, and so, hopefully, I'll never have to use one.
  17. That's exactly why one should never draw unless they really need to (id est his/her life is in danger or someone else's life is in danger). So, yes, I see what you're saying and I understand where you're coming from. A knife, when used for defense, is not that different from any other lethal hold-out weapon and should be treated accordingly.
  18. Sort of. While where I live is good for the most part -albeit there was a sniping attack within 20-miles awhile ago, but other than that it's been quieter-, I'm often out in town until fairly late at night, that will likely change when classes start back up but over the summer I've been out more often, and there's been times where I've been glad to have something when walking the couple of blocks back to where I'm parked (despite being on the more up-scale side of town, there's far worse areas, there have been some muggings/assaults near there and you'll sometimes see people high on things like meth). So, no, the knives aren't necessary but at the same time I like knowing that I have something just in case (although I agree with Walsingham that the best course of action is to be in a group or be able to avoid a confrontation).
  19. EDIT: I'll not sink to your level (although I still don't believe that you're wealthy or that you know maths).
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