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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. I picked the game from GoG as I'm almost done my run-through of The Witcher. The Patch failed but then I realized the launcher was still open and as soon as I closed that it installed without issue - hoping that I get things to run at medium or semi-high.
  2. Fable: The Lost Chapters. So far it's been rather bland and not much else.
  3. 1. I'm interested and have Fallout: New Vegas on Steam. 2. I've got the game on Steam already so I'll not enter this one. It's a great game though and worth playing. 3. Humm... I will have to think about this one and PM you in a bit.
  4. More than 100. Maybe 2,000-3,000 and you've maybe got the start of something (although that's still only $100,000 - $150,000 in sales if everyone who signs buys). I do not think that chance acts like you think it acts...
  5. I just found out that the Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition will be available for per-order, hopefully it'll not be too expensive. Even so, a 400+ page rule book for Masquerade is too good to pass up (even if it is likely going to be pricey).
  6. So now it's 'asking a question like that was rude'. Firstly, what if it was? Does that make it any less deserving of an answer? And, no, I don't think it was rude given the context of the conversation going on - blunt yes, but not rude. Just maybe a little. Still, I'd like to know what the problem was with burying him at sea - as far as I can see there's been benefits pointed out and no negatives. Frankly I think it was one of the best things the U.S. could have done given the situation.
  7. Because excessive swearing is mature... Right... See, I've actually played the game, a legal copy too, and I've got to disagree with you there. I'm not sure if you're a Poe trolling or not, but if you aren't then I feel sorry for you if you think that it was, quote, the 'best ****ing game ever'.
  8. And when did I do that? When I asked him a question*? Please, step off your soap-box now and give it a rest - you're only make yourself look bad. You're the guy saying that the body should be poked with sticks, I'm fairly sure that's counted as desecrating a body the last time I checked. You know, the whole mutilation after death thing. *You know, that whole 'what you propose we have done with the corpse' thing? And, before you start, I did not set up a false dichotomy as I left the door open for other segestions as to what should have been done with the body.
  9. You would be easier to understand if you didn't use so many asterisks. Also this.
  10. Yeah, because doing exactly what Al-Quaeda wants is exactly what I was suggesting - way to put words into my mouth and jump in conclusions. Take a step back and actually look at the point I was making: would you rather the military have desecrated a body after death for no particular reason, unless there's some compelling counter argument that you've not used yet as I've not seen anything in the thread arguing how such an action would be a good thing, and possibly convince more people that the U.S. is engaged in an all-out war on Islam or would you have them do what was done and possibly convince some of the same people that America, while hunting those who helped commit atrocities, was not 'the great Satan'? Really, do you think that doing anything else would have done us any more good? And what, exactly, would that accomplish?
  11. Cry for the Moon (Single Version) - Epica
  12. I tentatively signed up for classes for Fall, still wondering if I'm going to take 15 or 18 credits although I'm leaning towards the 18 at the moment (although some of that is interdependent study/research).
  13. Incredible. Why? Would you prefer it have been mutilated or otherwise dealt with in a manner that would given more ammunition for the radical individuals to toss at America? If not, what you prepose we have done with the corpse?
  14. Technically this is number three.
  15. Meh, dream on but I'm not going to sign something asking for a re-boot of Dark Alliance anytime soon.
  16. I finished filling out University paperwork for my internship, should start work on the project next week.
  17. Meh, Co-op is fun. Thus I will buy this game even if it 'only has co-op.'
  18. I've got to agree there.
  19. Have you tried the 1.01 patch? It's out now and seems to have helped some people.
  20. Did you import a save or is that the default?
  21. This site was able to recreate what was on Neogaf.
  22. Meh, I had fun running through the game with a friend or three. Indeed, as did I. Me an my party of 4 Bards kicked some major butt in it. Good times. Did you name yourself Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-As-Sir-Lancelot?
  23. Meh, I had fun running through the game with a friend or three.
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