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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Why? I've not heard anything truly negative about it other then that there were some multi-player issues when it was first released.
  2. I did, and I was, unsurprisingly, extremely leftist when it came to social issues and semi-leftist on economic matters.
  3. I got a surprise gift today, so I think that I will get MotB and Sins of a Solar Empire on Saturday.
  4. And zombie swarms are not conducive to sniping, although head-shots might be important.
  5. However, as I have pointed out, many states have religious exemption that, at the time of this writing, overrides the regulations in most localities.
  6. I'm playing a quick game of TF2 in between classes, then it's off to Latin...
  7. Nice Blue - The Birthday Massacre (EP)
  8. Yeah, she's hurting everyone with stuff like that - Billary should simply drop out and admit defeat.
  9. Where's the sword, it needs a huge sword.
  10. Using your logic, you are also, in my mind, deluded - thus Europe is a dumber place.
  11. Why did you have to bring that up, why? Anywho, what about if your faith has been misplaced and there is no heaven and no hell?
  12. I was a lot more leftist than I would have thought according to this test, as I have always considered myself more of a centrist when it comes to economic issues - although the left-leaning social score was no surprise.
  13. His Cold War stuff was a little better... Also, I'm re-reading Dracula for one of my classes...
  14. Site I I'll try to find the exact laws sometime over the weekend when I have more time to look into the matter. I would doubt that, as it seems the majority of Homeschoolers in the U.S. of A. are clearly home for that very reason - I'll see if I can find the data on this, if not I know people who have it and I'll try to get back to you.
  15. Walking With Strangers - The Birthday Massacre (CD and Track)
  16. Oh, so that's why you two are the same - I always thought it was a joke about obvious alts..
  17. Oh yeah, Mario 64 is another good one.
  18. Some fit your description, some do not - it varies on the state one is in and the type of homeschooling you have applied for. If, say, you are in Virginia, you must either apply for a religious exemption (in this case you can never apply to the public school system, until college, without notifying the state of a change in your status), present a draft of your curriculum, or have a higher degree from an accredited college or university. Also, for the latter two options, you must either present a portfolio for examination or take a standardized test. Some states are more lax, some are harsher - but nearly all have the religious exemption option, something that does not fall under your description.
  19. Ok, you just crossed a line that should not have been touched when you equated atheism, pre-martial sexual lessons, and excessive game playing to doing drugs, being stupid, and being a satanist. You clearly do not know anything about what you speak of when it comes to the disbelief in a god-being, or beings, nor should you ever be put in charge of a child's education - for you would, if you used the same logic displayed here, surely **** things up. I really do not give a **** if people want to have pre-martial sex as long as they are willing to accept the consequences, nor is playing video games for seventy-two hours a week necessarily a bad thing. P.S. Go Samm, I'll address some of the issues you raised, and I support most -if not all- of what you said, either later tonight or tomorrow.
  20. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (GBA) is another classic one, as well as the original Zelda and Zelda: The Adventures of Link.
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