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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. What are you reffering to?
  2. Really? Your post said, and I quote, "other far away Europeans" - and Russia is not "far away" from mainland Europe. Why are you so sure I did not take that fact into my calculations? What proof do you have that my claims would not be equally valid if you turned out to be from a non-Anglo race? Some Japanese are extremely racist, as are peoples all over the world - including here in the United States. Now, as for your "trying to mock the third world," I never said anything about that in my posting, nor should you assume I was trying to claim that was your motive operandi. My claims were only directed at your seemingly anti-minority postings, something that other posters -Samm for instance- have also addressed. Some of your postings appear to be xenophobic*, something that no amount of references to America's "melting pot" can mend. The thing that you need to do is to stop beating around the bush, to use a tired cliche, and address our concerns. If someone accuses you of something falsely based on something controversial that you posted, than you should present evidence in your defence; not continue spewing more and more spam-ish postings about irrelevant topics. As you wish. * xen
  3. Well I have no memories of these countries he's talking about. Maybe you should do some research before your post...
  4. Yes, but eastern Europeans are often considered to be inferior by racists, so that did not absolve you of suspicion. Why should I? I looked at your other postings, and there was nothing to counter my initial premise. Yes I did think of that.
  5. I believe the ex-president was suggesting that Spain should let Catalu
  6. Did you not read his, or her, post?
  7. Are you some sort of bigoted, xenophobic white-supremest, or are you just an ignorant racist? I, for one, find that the quoted statement seems rather pro-anglo, as all of the countries you mentioned in a negative light are primarily inhabited by non-white peoples. Are you trying to claim that the mixing of races will be Europe's downfall? If so, why the hell would you not provide evidence to back up a supposition of that nature? Is your goal to troll the forum until you are banned? And, before you arrogantly claim that I am part of the movement to oust white Europeans from "their country," you can find a photo of myself in both my profile and my signature.
  8. That would be more impressive if you provided the names of some of the historians, as, just like in any other field, you can always find people who have degrees but no real knowledge. Not that I am saying all fifty are ignorant, but people who are experts on presidential history would be better qualified to make a list like the one you mentioned then, for example, a person who focuses on the settlement of the Americas.
  9. Obama came in first with 88%...
  10. Unpayable Silence - Midnattsol
  11. Austin is ok, although I would not want to live in some of the more backwater parts of Texas...
  12. And exactly why do we need another Clinton in the White House? Why would we want an extremely partisan, divisive person as our next President? Billary Clinton is, hopefully, almost ready to quit the race for the Democratic Nomination -ten straight losses tends to make your movement loose moral and momentum-, something that, in my opinion, cannot come quickly enough. As for McCain, he is still rather conservative when it comes to social and religious issues, but I do not believe that he a complete NeoCon. This is not to say that I support him, but it is true that he is the lesser of the Republican evils.
  13. Eastern Standard Time - 12:00 (a.k.a. 0500 Zulu if my memory is correct)
  14. But wasn't that the game Yahtzee said had a learning curve that was as easy as "running headfirst into a brick wall?"
  15. Why did you not post your question the first time you replied to this thread? I cannot understand why you would spam and than make a legitimate posting in the same topic - for there seems to be no logical reason for doing so in this case. Also, what are your specifications and what are the minimum, or recommended, requirements of the Third Age of Empires? Personally, I have never had any sound-card related problems, but I know certain games seem to have problems with some brands (I cannot think of them off the top of my head, but I might recognize the name of some of the aforementioned problem cards.).
  16. Have you upgraded, or downgraded, any components, or have you tried re-installing?
  17. Hey, I never claimed I was the most popular person here, or that waterman -or whatever his name is- should act like myself. Now, to get back on topic; I finished a short essay on Saki this afternoon.
  18. Really? I thought the Israelites abandoned their land in favor of some acreage in Egypt, thus opening it up for other peoples...
  19. A friend and myself once tried to run a Vampire: The Masquerade-esque, free-form role playing game, but it fizzled out after a few meetings. Other than that, I have not done very many non-standard gaming systems (although the settings are almost always customized and the rules are, most likely, tweaked).
  20. But, if your logic is sound, Musopticon? would have had to attack you for your response to be warranted - something that, I believe, has not happened.
  21. I have watched a few episodes, but I never liked the show and thus do not have a favorite...
  22. I am currently playing Team Fortress Two in one window and reading Saki in another - quite a strange combination...
  23. Wow, aren't you a smart little fellow - maybe if you were less condescending people would like you better.
  24. I do not understand your posting; are you attempting to mock me, or are you agreeing with me?
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