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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Fallout 2 - classic post-apocalyptic goodness bundled up in a barrel of fun.
  2. No, only the forms of DRM that I refuse to support make games unplayable - and then it's mainly because I do not buy, and thus do not play, the games. Well, I guess we've heard from different groups - I know plenty of people who do not like DRM and would not pirate something.
  3. The other thread disappeared?! Interesting... Anyways, DRM is still vile and annoying.
  4. Not that I know of... Again, not that I'm awhere of.
  5. UnknownRegions, I know you will most likely not read this -according to one of your comments you believe you are the only Christian here and thus are not going to post anything outside of profiles- but I figured that I might as well make a topic so that I can respond to your points without bits of our conversation disappearing - and, yes, before you go off on me, I know I un-approved your comments on my profile; however, you were given plenty of warnings that something like that was going to happen while you stated to delete important bits of our argument without any notice. The entire bit where you tried to use Pascal's Wager is missing, as is several of your other less-noble moments. But let's not talk about the past, for this topic is for the future! I will start off by saying that the link you posted that was supposed to "prove" that homosexuals were unfair getting tax breaks does not support your case, in fact it works against you. The article clearly states, and I quote, "Gay and lesbian couples will be able to get the same tax breaks as married couples from December, if they formalise their relationship through a civil partnership [...] these benefits will not be extended to heterosexual unmarried couples, or, for example, spinsters who have lived together for many years as companions." There you go - the story says that there are no special tax-breaks. Your turn to move... EDIT: If this is against the forum rules please remove it - my intention is to have an actual conversation with the other member, not troll or flame him.
  6. Also, did you READ the article you linked? The first line is: "Gay and lesbian couples will be able to get the SAME tax breaks as married couples from December, if they formalise their relationship through a civil partnership."

  7. Also, I am going to start a topic dedicated to this conversation - it's up to you where you post your responses.

  8. "you haven't mentioned to me a faith of any kind that you believe in."

    That is because I do not follow any faith.

  9. "Is there any indisputable supporting evolution? NO!"


    "Have any definite transional forms been found? NO!"


  10. So? According to their Church they are committing a sin - they have decided to use their own brains instead of being sheep. EDIT: That is not to say I have a problem with Catholics, I do not, but I will admit that I am not a fan of their religion.
  11. I did not know Cardinals and Archbishops were just "some priests" - aren't they quite a bit more powerful and influenchal? Yes, I looked it up and they are definitely high-to-semi-high ranking.
  12. I did not know Cardinals and Archbishops were just "some priests" - aren't they quite a bit more powerful and influenchal?
  13. Yeah, I thought it was condom use and it was, instead, abortion. My mistake. The links are up.
  14. EDIT: Some links are the same as Cycloneman's, he beat me by four minutes or so. The other issue - In 2003: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3176982.stm http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2003/oct/09/aids In 2004: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/panorama/3844945.stm In 2006: http://www.catholic.org/international/inte...ry.php?id=19561 And in 2007: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7014335.stm http://www.whatthefak.com/geography/africa...e-infected-aids I'll admit that other branches of Christianity are also at fault, but the Catholic Church does not seem to have completely abandoned their old ways.
  15. Here's some info about Amnesty International and the Catholic Church - as for the other issue I'll look into it and see if I can find some sources for you. A.I. vs. C.C. Links: http://www.amnesty.org.au/svaw/comments/2420/ http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2007/jul/07073102.html http://www.truthdig.com/eartotheground/ite..._international/ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/po...hts-461358.html
  16. I've ordered gifts for the people I actually exchange gifts with, not because I'm a Christan but because it's a change to be with other people and get free loot.
  17. Sacrament of Wilderness (Live) - Nightwish
  18. Like spreading misinformation about condoms and AIDs/HIV in Africa and asking Catholics to not give to institutions such as Amnesty International because they, the NGOs, support the use of abortion? Sorry, but until they reign in their missionaries and officials I'm not going to be singing praise about their "efforts."
  19. I would almost divide the extremists' Islam into a separate religion, apart and separate from the moderates'.
  20. Sigworthy? I think it might be... Anyways, "British Literature Paper: The Extra-long Edition."
  21. As for how this began, our conversation stated because you were bashing homosexuals and then used religion as one of your reasons for doing so.

  22. "doesn't that scare you?"

    No. In fact, as I said before, I would rather spend eternity in hell than subject myself to the will of your unjust god. I am more moral than your god and I will not surrender that for anything.

  23. Why do I not believe in god? Well, that is a fairly simple question to answer - there is absolutely no evidence to support that belief.

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