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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. What sex? I've not seen anything that would qualify as "sexual" - hell even the whores sleep next to you and not with you.
  2. And would that have been a bad thing? No, I think not. However, now that we have a this supposed "sequel," I guess that the best things we can do is modify it while accepting it as a spin-off (id est Fallout Tactics).
  3. I know, but it doesn't really work as Arcanum already has them...
  4. Did I ever say I did not like the game? No, I did not. What I did say was that I do not consider it a worthy successor to Fallout 2; please stop putting word in my mouth to further your own agenda. As for the proposed Fallout 4, I think that I would most likely buy it -just as I bought Fallout 3. But wait, I guess I was supposed to be all "Fallout 3 suxors" and play into your posting... And do you really think I'd change my mind based on that poll?
  5. Look in "C:\Users\*YourName*\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves" and delete the ones you do not want.
  6. I really do not care about graphics that much, but when requirements like those are posted there better be a damned good reason besides the obvious "we released an unoptimized game that uses resources like it's malware." EDIT: I was semi-joking. Yes, the game is better than what came out in 2001 - but it still does not warrant the system requirements.
  7. And many disagree with those who hold that belief, myself included.
  8. "We Serve the Flaming Fist!" Yeah, those guys could get annoying - although I did enjoy collecting their armor.
  9. Someone either did an extraordinarily bad job of optimizing the game for the PC or they've completely retooled the graphics, because I cannot see anything spectacular in these screenshots: Looks -more or less- on par with some games that were released in 2001.
  10. You can easily remove TAGES, just go to the main site and run the installer/uninstaller. This will remove the entire program from your PC -it's not SecuROM with it's permanent fixtures (However, you'll need a "fixed" .exe to play TAGES protected applications if you remove it).
  11. Huh? Am I forgetting something, because I cannot remember those... I think the technical term for them is "Interactive Cutscenes". Just as fun as doing tax returns. Ohh... The quick-time-events... Yeah, those got annoying...
  12. Huh? Am I forgetting something, because I cannot remember those...
  13. He's not.
  14. I'm planning on getting Tomb Raider: Underworld and Left 4 Dead within the week and there is, of course, Obsidian's titles - but that's about it as far as I know.
  15. In other words you've whined about the project for months and, now that people have destroyed your "arguments", you're running away.
  16. If anyone is looking for a good book on the subject try Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife by Mary Roach.
  17. Lift - Poets of the Fall
  18. I thought I would play an evil character this time, and thus Striga came to be.
  19. There is much, much more to it than "stupid hack and slash." EDIT: I'm mainly playing the Left 4 Dead demo and Fallout 3.
  20. Dead Space is Doom 3 with a few tweaks and a reskin. [/anti-fanboy mode]
  21. RE5 is going to be ported to the PC, so you might want to wait for that...
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