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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Dead Space is Doom 3 with a few tweaks and a reskin. [/anti-fanboy mode]
  2. RE5 is going to be ported to the PC, so you might want to wait for that...
  3. In name only as far as I'm concerned. It's a fun, good game - but a worthy Fallout 3? No, I don't think so.
  4. Sorry to break the news, but Fallout 3 is not that great of an RPG when compared to, say, Fallout 2 or Bloodlines. As a "RPG-light" game it works, but if you're expecting a great role playing experience look elsewhere. EDIT: That's not to say it's not a fun game...
  5. Most of his work only breaks **** -that he has to come back and fix, hence the inflated "patch" numbers- and dumbs down the game.
  6. I've created my own mini-game version of the Left 4 Dead demo. All you do is hole up on a roof and see how many zed-heads you can kill before they swarm your position. I've also seen some zombies in-fighting, although I didn't have fraps on at the time - maybe I'll see it again.
  7. The glowing green arrow is not enough for you?!
  8. It's a classic - and I'm sure we could get some people together if you wanted to try a multi-player game or two.
  9. Let me see... Most likely Nightclub Two-Step or Rumba, although Milonga has been growing on me.
  10. I'm not a fan of assigning "favorites" but here's some answers. Band: Chiasm Movie: Pan's Labyrinth TV Series: Dead Like Me Cartoon: Blood - The Last Vampire Book: Kushiel's Chosen PC Video Game: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Console Video Game: Resident Evil 4 - Wii Edition Games Console: Wii
  11. I use it on all of my PCs, it's good anti-virus program.
  12. Have you tried running the game on only one of the two cores?
  13. And I can see everything in normal in New Zealand...
  14. The Left 4 Dead demo.
  15. More lame than paying a hooker to -literaly- sleep next to you?
  16. Yeah, well, I was at least hoping for the good old fade-to-black not, well, nothing...
  17. There were many more "fad to black" sceens then that one... In Fallout 2 or Fallout 3? Fallout 2, and Fallout if I remember correctly although it's been awhile. All number 3 has, as far as I can tell, is a whore who will spoon -no f.t.b.- with you for 120 caps.
  18. There were many more "fade to black" sceens then that one...
  19. I worked as an election official and there was a 90%+ turn-out in the precinct I was in.
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