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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Need more sleep I guess. But a certain 5 month old crybaby has something against it... :/
  2. You could make a build with 1 INT using Tidefall and Runner's Wounding Shots. Those work best with the lowest INT.
  3. Monk with The Long Pain. It's crushing, it works in melee and ranged combat, it has awesome base damage, it's fast and it works with nearly all monk abilities even when their description says they are melee only. And they scale like crazy. A lot of fun!
  4. ROFL - I reread my build and found it. I really can't remember why or when I wrote that. Man... my brain is really degenerating.
  5. You need the proper self buffs, like Arcane (Hardened) Veil + Wizard's Double. This setup alone leads to +115 deflection which will make you unhitable for the duration that early in the game. Note that grazes don't end Wizard's Double.
  6. You can keep Hiravias in the back line and shift once the swarmers reach the back line. This "intercepting" approach works pretty well with druids. Pallegina can also start in the second row and after firing Wrath and both FoD shots (FoD = Flames of Devotion, sorry ) switch to melee and fill in the gaps. You might still have two squishier back row guys (GM and Aloth) who need some protection.
  7. I also thought it stacked and am quite sure that it did in the past - but Raven did the PoE-Arena fight with a cipher and reported that it doesn't stack.
  8. Pallegina is a lot of fun if you build her around missiles, blunderbusses and Penetrating Shot to maximize DR bypass. Add Ryona's Vambraces later. Her Wrath of the Five Suns is a great opener and if you follow up with two FoD blunderbuss shots and maybe add some Minor and Prestidigitator's Missiles from items, scrolls and talents she can do really nice burst damage and take out casters quickly before switching so weapon & outworn buckler support mode. All those things do profit from ranged DR bypass. Add Scion of Flame, Intense Flames, burning lash on the blunderbusses and later Sacred Immolation and she will combine superb burst damage and sustained short-ranged dps while being tanky. Try to target enemies with low burn DR because lashes like from FoD with blunderbusses don't profit from Pen. Shot when they have to overcome burn DR.
  9. It's also good for classes which have very high endurance and health, like barb and monk, it gives you a percentage based bonus and the high base value leads to a lot more endurance and health if you look at the flat numbers. But on a wizard with that whimpy base endurance it hardly matters if you have 10 or 5 CON - besides of the fortitude defense of course like Raven said.
  10. By the way: Funny char concept. But I think Carow Golan is a limited resource because it's a drug. Did you check if you can get enough of it from merchents and your stronghold to keep you drugged all the (or most of the) time? Is it even possible to have negative stats? I believed 1 was the minimum...?
  11. The pet's damage doesn't get added to the ranger's in the character sheet. Melee rangers' damage alone isn't very impressive. Rangers have decent starting deflection, but low endurance. My ranger in this build had Shod in Faith and that was enough to keep him alive because normally the pet would engage first if an enemy reached them, not him.
  12. I can only imagine 6 * Wall of Flame on top of each other + Combusting Wounds. Maybe the game breaks. I would go for three melees and three ranged with implement + Blast. Implements for Blast would be The Golden Gaze, Rod of Pale Shades and the soulbound one for the on hit/crit effects with blast. The melees would all be trained for 2H WF soldier, grab a 2H soldier weapon (Great Sword or Pike, likely Tidefall, Hours of St. Rumbalt and Tall Grass) and use Citzal's Spirit Lance asap and aoap. Lance and Blast all work with Envenomed Strike (turns it into an AoE poisioning). They also work with the hobbling part of Runner's Wounding Shot and the lance also turns Knockdown from Girdle of the Driving Wave into an AoE prone effect.
  13. I found it to be a good build for offtanking and intercepting those guys who wanted to reach my squishy casters. Since they kill single enemies very quickly (faster than any rogue I ever had) while being sturdy enough they got rid of those annoying swarmers prettxy quickly. The other benefit of this is that the ranger can stay in the center of the party where his consecrated ground will heal them all.
  14. Yes - I also think Pull of Eora, combined with Shadowflame (fast cast), Petrify Wall of Many Colors and Freezing Rake (fast cast, ridiculous damage) can kill those guys even faster than a priest. Maybe it would also be worth it to test Llengrath's Blunt Wisdom with Blast & Envenomed Strike. On paper it seems to deal a ton of damage. I didn't test all that though. It's just a feeling. I love priests, also solo - but I'm not convinced that he could do this faster than a wizard. But please prove me wring, that's what the whole threat is about, right? p.s.: A druid with Rot Skulls + Envenomed Strike + Venombloom + Plague of Insects and the usual Storms might also be a good competitor. Rot Skulls is much stronger than you might think when you only look at the description.
  15. Maybe. But it's there and it's good. It's not overpowered though because it's only 2/encounter. Charge itself would be good even without this added attack. But honestly fighters are not really among the most powerful classes out there no matter the build - so it's ok that they have this great late game ability. I mean compare Charge to Heart of Fury, The Dragon Thrashed, Sacred Immolation and all the powerful spells that casters get at the highest levels. You wouldn't want to take away that additional attack from Charge if you look at those competitors.
  16. Yes, the bear is very slow. In fact, the bear is one of the worst pets, only second to lion. The wolf not only hits a bit faster and runs faster than the bear but also has more base damage (which is great for the dmg mods). I love it. His damage numbers per hit were usually around 100 at highter levels. A good thing for raising pets' attack speed is that martyr amulet: onnce the character with that amulet gets knocked out he casts a speed boost in an AoE. When you revive it's still there. I used that with a build that was meant to get knocked out: The Immortal Martyr, a barb focused on Vengeful Defeat. It's a late game item though. Another possible speed boost would be "Behold the Martyr", but this stops once you revive.
  17. No, I didn't see the vids because your links are broken and I'm too lazy to fix them. As I said - I only tested it briefly. I'm sure it can be done in a better way. Five minutes sounds like a really good competitor. And sometimes you also need a bit of luck. If your pillar fails to prone some people the fight can take longer, if it knocks everybody down for some seconds the fight is over soon, if the stupid potion glitch takes over it can be very annoying and so on.
  18. Yes, Stalker's Torc is a random item. The Lost Periapt of the Winding Path is an even better late game alternative for this build. It will give you Concentration which you'll lack with this build, additional +2 RES and an additional use of Consecr. Ground 1/encounter for when your boots stop emitting. I disagree that it's of no use to boost the pet's damage. On the contrary. The trick of this build is to combine constant wounding damage with Predator's Sense and the "no health" mechanic of pets with Consecrated Ground (and pet healing, which wasn't available when I did this build). Wounding will constantly let your pet use Predator's Sense which boosts the already high base damage by 50%. Because you flank, you will always trigger Merciless Companion (+30%), too (and also with stunning shots of course) and you can add +15% and +3DR bypass with Vicious Companion. The high (scaling) base damage of the pet will be boosted by +95%. It's not compareable to normal kith weapons with low base damage. Here, the whole damage will profit, not just whimpy weapon base damage. With Stunning Shots + Flanking you will also crit a lot, which means additional +50%. If you also take Takedown and Brutal Takedown (+20 crush dmg) your pet can one-shot a lot of squishy but dangerous targets, and if the foe isn't dead after one bite it's stunned or prone and your Tidefall finishes the job - so attack speed is not that important as with low dmg weapons. This also works extremely well against high DR foes because the damage per hit is so high. You don't even have to stun-lock an enemy because he's dead in seconds anyways. So stunning Shots is a nice addition, but it's not as important as with faster weapons. It's ok if you miss a few attempts to stun. With the high DEX, Swift Aim and Durgan Steel as well as Gauntlets of Swift Action (if you feel you need them) it's still possible to stunlock most of the time though I guess. It may be better to retrain all that in the late late game and put all your dps efford into your ranger instead of the pet. But in early and mid game a damaging pet with all the things I listed makes most fights so much easier. With the support of the ranger, it kills most foes so quickly with one or two bites... This also works with Drawn in Spring of course. You could even duplicate it for dual wielding, but I think it's not necessary to do that. I chose Tidefall because you can get it rel. early and it also heals you a bit which is nice. Wounding works very well with high MIG by the way. If you don't use Takedown with Brutal Takedown there's enough room for improvements on your ranger's melee skills: Swift Aim, Marked Prey, Wounding Shots is quite awesome with a slow but hard hitting weapon, Weapon Focus Soldier, Two Handed Style, Appr. Sneak. And nowadays I would take Veteran's Recovery, too, because high MIG and INT are the perfect preconditions for it - like with Cons. Ground. I did this build when Stunning Shots didn't work in melee, hence the lowish PER. With Stalker's Link and flanking there was enough ACC for my weapon's attack. Now, with Stunning Shots working in melee (and funnily, also with Driving Flight in melee ) I would agree that higher PER would be good.
  19. It's not that easy to kill upscaled Magran's Faithful with Shining Beacon, even if you use all your ACC buffs it tends to only graze and then has to work against the burn DR. If you add Cleansing Flame it gets better. The symbol spell (in my case Berath) also helps. And Storm of Holy Fire is also not bad if you use a potion of Bulwark first and have a shield. But atm I always get killed because my health runs out (not my endurance, with Triumph of the Crusaders + other healings I manage to stay up until health is zero). But I didn't put too much efford into the test (no resting bonuses, no prost. bonuses, no story talants and such things).
  20. Ha, so my Tall Grass was indeed a great weapon for charge. I can't recall I ever missed with the follow-up attack though. Maybe because of Disciplined Barrage.
  21. After seeing your vid about the solo unarmed guy who used mirrored image I restarted my own char (not solo) and skilled him for max offense + Mirrored Image. That spell is so good for a melee guy. I combined it with Rampage (Power) and most of he time the damgerous guys are dead before Mirrored Image runs out. There's also some nice synergies like Know your Enemy (Verse) + Evasive + Mirrored Image: IF you get hit your dodge goes up while Mirrored Image goes down. Evasive always lets you use dodge instead of parry. She has a +20 dodge stance - and in the early game you can even give her the Fatebinder's shield which gives you add. +24 Dodge. She becomes more tanky the longer the fights last and usually is the last one standing if you take out casters first (which you should). Tyranny encourages you to specialize. The more skills you use/train the faster you will level, which is bad because the enemies scale while your many skills are still not very high. It's better to use only one or two skills and max them out. This will prevent faster leveling while still giving you power. To be honest: the game is fun so far but that leveling system + scaling is total crap in my opionon. Very obscure and couterintuitive. Also, some talents seem to be really useless. Of what use is it to have a small chance to hit twice or thrice with basic attacks when the game encourages you to use as many special attacks as possible? Other talents on the same tier seem to be very power- or useful. Well maybe I'm just not proficient enough to see the sense in it. @Arena: fast casts are not very helpful if you get grilled after a few seconds. So either you kite or pull (which will prolong the fight) or you try to tank (which means you can't put all your efford into offense & fast casting). But I agree that a wizard has a big advantage because he can pile up some really nice defenses while casting very quickly with Alacrity. It's just quite touch to cast all those self buffs before they obliterate you.
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