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Everything posted by SSgtSniper

  1. I looked this up last night because the restoration mod didn't add the ability to shoot it.
  2. bumping this to point out shooting the control isn't an option on PC. Only the Xbox got that ability.
  3. Halp! Cutscreens lock me up. Where may I just turn the damned things off at? Also, the mss32 file link shown in this forum is a dead link and I cannot find it. Where is a fresh link please?
  4. Well, I just stopped by to check out the project, I appreciate all the effort they've put into this. I'm looking forward to playing the changes.
  5. As far as I know there is only one criteria for it. You cannot have told him to not ask "Query: Is there someone you need killed, master?" If you have, the option will not appear.
  6. Or have some fun before the entrance to the tomb of Freedon Nadd , recovering all those wonderful mines they left for you and...adjusting their position... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Uhm... we're talking about reasons to have Demolitions on your main character, which will never see the inside or outside of that tomb. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually he was referring to a good spot to have stealth. And that is a hell of a spot to have it, yes. Also a good spot for demo is in the bar in the entertainment promenade, (why fight the little twits when you can blow them up?) and to mine the walkways to the doors on either side of the main chamber door in the Dxun Tomb. (Yes, on a NPC, but still it's fun watching the ambushers become Ambushees.)
  7. Not once Dantoinee is done (from the main quest point of view). I know you can change the amount of them in inventory, I currently hold five. I tested before I spoke.
  8. Sometimes it's actually worse..... "
  9. If you look through your inventory with the newest KSE program, it should show them (if you haven't used the first set yet) and you just change the quantity. If you have, I think the item is pl_thorium, but I don't think you can add them with the editor.
  10. I agree with you, although I wasn't planning on buying a PS3 in the first place. I could buy two really good HF rigs (HAM radios for you normal people) for what the thing is going to cost.
  11. No, even then it should have been funny. Good job, guy.
  12. Heh, I love how the reviewer went out of his way to say he's a newbie to the franchise (god I wish I still was) then bitches about the dreary graphics and pop in draws and such. You'll need damn near a quad core PC for it to run right I'll wager, with water cooling coming off the Artic Ocean. But to bitch about dreary dark graphics in an Elder Scrolls game?! I blame WoW. (BTW, that's my answer for everything this week: Blame WoW.)
  13. You're my favourite person today. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Bows*
  14. As was I. It should be noted in many ways this is fast becoming a dead horse, even though it's my thread and I'm glad people are interested. It's become quite obvious that neither side of the fence is going to move, so I guess that's just that.
  15. When the grunts know, you can bet most of the army knows. Just because officer don't know their hind ends from a hole in the ground, doesn't mean the army doesn't know.
  16. eff all of you elitist snobs. :ph34r: *Runs and hides in flame proof 'panic room'*
  17. The fix from Gizka tends to fix this by having them spawn on Telos proper. Which they were supposed to, and on xbox occasionally they will. Just not often. In your situation, it's too late storywise to finish the quest. Remember for next time through.
  18. Alan, troll the boards? I'm shocked and amazed.
  19. um, on crack you are. A Guardian he is. Perhaps Disciple you were thinking of?
  20. Fair enough, but there's a problem there. Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker would have been a threat to Darth Sidious power, so why would he teach him the ways of the Sith? The apprentice is supposed to surpass the master, Sidious didn't care if he died, he wanted the Jedi Order to be wiped out and the Sith to live on and rule. Because Darth Sidious knew that if Darth Vader was not mechanical he would of killed him and took on a new apprentice, so if Mara Jade was so powerful, he could of trained her, and perhaps she could of killed Vader, and become the Dark Lord's apprentice then perhaps she would of killed Sidious, become the new Dark Lord and she would of taken on a new apprentice. See what I'm getting at? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dude, I really suggest you read the Zahn books. Seriously. She was known as "The Emporer's Hand", and he had the ability to both cut her off from the force, and undo such, depending much on his whims. In fact, she even kills Luke Skywalker, whom she later marries. Twisted, huh? Mara kicks absolute ass. Mara vs. Bastila, Mara wins, thirty seconds after the opening round bell. No contest.
  21. Even though it's quite apparent that the entire Sith Army knew about HK droid models.
  22. Do be careful, this house is protected by Beretta.
  23. I think you're bloody weird. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pot, meet kettle.
  24. No, I didn't. I base the assumption (and it is one) on me. I'm currently going back to school for an associates, and hoping eventually a BS in Computer Science (IT/Programming) and one of my cores is a history class. The same history class everyone has to take, blah blah, you know the drill. I am the top of the curve in my class, yet without my notes and a lot of quiet time to study, I would lose a lot of details. When we did a recent debate on Reconstruction I relied heavily on my notes both for my side and quick jot downs to rebutt, because I would have forgotten points in the five minutes I had to wait. So for Mical to remember the last part of Revan's training, and his first master (who more recently he suppossedly visited with) would fit entirely into what I would expect. Give you another example. I can in reverse chronological order tell you the last ten Presidents, and the first three. Other than Lincoln and Hayes, I couldn't tell you most of 4-30. Get the point? Your wording here confruses me a bit. There was no name listed by him after Kae. She is the very last name he lists- Disciple- "Master Vandar, Zhar, Dorak, Master Kae before Kae left for the Wars." So I'm going to ask you to rephrase as I did Jediphile a short time back.
  25. I'll switch when I'm dead. I'll have a Blu-Ray movie played at my funeral....hehe. You know what I hate? I hate this push to make everything more expensive. HDTV my arse. BluRay my foot. If they stop making regular DVD's, I'll stop renting and buying movies. I have more fun here and on my 1956 Yaesu FT-101E HAM radio than in front of a TV anyway.
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