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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. But not spiders ? Kraken is akin to cephalopods which are among the smartest animals. So I suppose it is more about being 'ancient' than being 'simple'. It is a bit disturbing because apart kraken and imps, primordials as a group could have made more sense. Not that annoying, but other categories had strong logic (especially the reason why undead and constructs are grouped within vessels), so I would have expected something as consistent for primordials.
  2. Kiths are humanoids. Wilders are sentient animal with a vaguely kith-like anatomy but too far away from kiths to be considered as such. Beats are... well... animals. Vessels are souls within a body that isn't linked to that soul (or not anymore). Spirits are disembodied soul (or group of souls). But what exactly are primordials ? It seems to be the only creature type that has no clear definition. At some points, they seemed to be plants, fungus, blobs (basically all non-animal complexe lifeform) and related creatures (delemgans...). Then imps were introduced and qualified as primordials with the rest of the group. In PoE1 (not sure about deadfire), kraken was a primordial too. I wonder if the scenarists have a clear definition. Maybe not. Maybe this explains these weird qualifications as primordials...
  3. I wanted to share a proposal about Brilliant/SoT nerf : what about changing SoT to a lasting beneficial effect that increases duration of beneficial effects rather than the Flat duration increase it currently provides. It would still be very powerful (I would even say more convenient) but less abusable. That would also limit its interaction with very short effects such as Blade Cascade. The added ressource tick duration of various classes could then be tweaked according to classes to make Brilliant itself more balanced.
  4. Well there are plenty of ways to buff a spell : A) Reduce Casting time (especially good for low level spells which tend to be bad at action economy) B) Add an Interrupt/Prone (especially good with the above) or lower the interrupt threshold (such as Hit->Graze) C) Give it an accuracy bonus (but no idea how to display it on tooltip) and/or possibly change the defense D) Increase duration E) Add an AoE (I have no idea how tricky it is to mod) F) And ultimately, changing the actual effect. But in my opinion, this shall be limited to extreme cases because it somawhat "change the feeling" of the spell. I would simply have set Haunting Chain to 30s because I like the "so horryfied that moves slow" feeling of the spell. Even downgraded to Frightened, a 30s Frighten is still very relevant versus non resolve immune bosses. Fracture Volition is probably beyond redemption and could require a "F" change, because these afflicitions are not worthy of a PL III single target spell. Not sure about adding Daze, but no "better idea" at the moment.
  5. I thought most if not all spells do Graze and "Can Graze" was an obsolete parameter. Are you sure Tenacious grasp can't ? Another solution would be to give it an Accuracy bonus (such as Thunder Rolled upgrade which has +15). Juste made a list of Cipher powers which could need a little Care : Antipathetic and Tenacious Grasp as you Said Soul Ignition (desintegrate is far better, maybe if it targetted Will instead ?) Fractured Volition (another Bad secret horror) Hauting Chain (hard CC is nice but this one is so inferior to some wizard spell that it hurts) Note that some others have already been buffed by Community Patch.
  6. Mule Kick and Leaps would be more for the purpose of having a bit more consistent rules. I've started a (quite long) list of abilities requiring some changes. Antipathetic field : I agree with your proposal, especially because Anitpathetic field would be very interesting for SC Cipher given that is the best way to trigger 1000 cuts proc. Tenuous Grasp : Its main utility is to be a quite long Will debuff IMHO. Focus cost is a non issue, but casting time is. It's already quite low so setting it to 0.5s/3s would be enough IMHO. Quick affliction spamming has its use, especially for a ranged mindstalker. Now the true question is : how do we keep on coordinating the balance effort ^^ ? The community patch has already been a really great common work, so how do we continue this ? Main issues of modding are : - Power Creeping - Lack of visibility of mods - Too much changes from the original game, so might not feel "legit" I think Community Patch has managed to avoid (mostly) these issues for now, especially thanks to polls, and I wonder how to continue the good work.
  7. And don't forger the awesome Street Sweeper, aka Unbender's Bane. This weapon is awesome against any self buffing target. I feel it should be mandatory in any Black Jacket build (and Staff modal has it's uses).
  8. Mule Kick, Panther's Leap and Dragon's Leap are missing the parent ability in the field "UpgradedFromID". I think that is the reason why these are the only abilities I found that didn't keep the original ability PL for the purpose of scaling (they scale as if they were PL3 and PL8 respectively instead of PL1 from knockdown and PL6 from leap).
  9. Morningstar Modal + Barbarian Brute Force / Fighter's Clear Out are really great. Wizard Spiritlance is the best AoE weapon of the game. Wahai Pokora and Whispers of thé Endless Path are nice AoE too. All of them work great with status inflicting attacks. Axe are very solid weapon type due to their awesome modal and there's a couple ones that are 2 handed. Lord Dalryn Voulge ans Chromoprismatic Staff are great to boost some spells and the later is a great weapon in general.
  10. Thanks Boeroer. Your post is very informative for wannabe modders. I'm currently trying to decipher a bit the data file and I am so noobish that I have trouble to even get a proper indentation on Visual Studio Code. Still, if I got the file right, I have managed to sport that Druid PL8 Entropy only trigger Hit to Crit thrice (same number of triggers as Enduring Dance). And that Healing Chain mysterious "healing slightly less with each jump" is a 0.75 factor (still have to check in-game how it is applied). Healing Chain also has a parameter not to bounce twice on the same target. Gurps, these 2 abilities seem to need a little "care".
  11. Isn't it only against 1 Attack ? Tooltip is vague and I never bothered to check.
  12. And Mari Crudia. I forgot about Eder, maybe because he can't be assassin (and has average Int) therefore a bit less optimal for Vanishing Strike. Ooblit + Eder is perfect for Unbending by thé way.
  13. Spirit Tornado Eld Nary Bleeding Cuts (axe modal) Puppetmaster (finally a charm spell that doesn't brake with friendly fire)
  14. With a warden, I would give up Spiritshift fighting entirely (which savez 2 ability points from wildstrike). I would go Lifegiver and only use it as a last resort for Rejuvenation casts.
  15. How is fighter / druid ? I think the instant accuracy buff from fighters could be quite good especially with Relentless storm, and Armored Grace could be handy to mitigate Deltro's cage penalty.
  16. Does it mean there would not be any further version ? Even for Druid / Priest trinkets who were in a quite advanced step ? Or Brillant / SoT unstackability ? It's not that I'm complaining. I might try to make my own balance mod one day, and I would like to start from the community patch as a basis (I mean not making overlaping changes). So I would like to know I won't do it before a couple of months anyway, so I'm not in a hurry to know it.
  17. Still, even if it feels like they wanted to go too many directions at the same time, they ended with a pretty consistent game without major flaws except… well… the ending. Another big flaw was original difficulty level. Main story and difficulty level might have been the 2 main cause of bad reviews which lowered sales. If one wants to point a rotten development, just have a look at the fiasco that was Tides of Numenara. For me, PoE2 has a couple of problems, but the team managed to deliver a rather complete and consistent game. When they started to go off the road (probably because of over-enthusiasm due to PoE1 success), they managed to motivate themselves to correct the major flaws, I sincerely hope that the Pirates setting wasn't the cause of low sales, because it would mean that RPGames are really narrow minded. It is still fantasy with the usual monsters, ruins of ancien civs and magic...
  18. IWD2's writing didn't receive enough praise, especially for such a combat-driven game. Isair and Madae are my favorite villains of all RPG, just too bad they don't have enough "screen time", and even some of the secondary antagonists had great backstory (espically Sherincal and Saablic Tan) In addition, it has arguably the best soundtrack of any classical fantasy game ever, together with the original IWD, (Planescape not counting as classical fantasy IMHO).
  19. I'm not sure all classes (even only every martial Single Class) should be provided a way to regain ressources (except Brillant and that Tier 9 Invocation). A couple of them can already do it, that's fine but I'm not sure we need all classes to be similar. I feel there could be something wrong with a "Sustainable" Rogue or even Ranger, who are supposed to be ambush warriors that deal their damage quickly. That's why I was simply suggesting to increase their initial pool, but of course there might be other more interesting ways to do something (such as +2 ressources bracer avaiable to all martial classes). Take into account that Rangers and especially Rogues don't have tons of good high level abilities. If going this route, a small percentage of chances (5% ?) to gain ressources against afflicted ennemies or pet's target (or bleeding target) is the most straightforward (and best ?) way to go IMHO. I also like the idea of tweaking Toughened Fury to work on Hit rather than Crit (with smaller percentage of course… 5% too ?) because current version, even improved by Community Patch is anti synergetic. Tweaking Blood Surge so it works as current Toughened Fury could be a good idea then.
  20. I have low expectations about BG3. I don't believe it will live up to its legend and I fear all the innovations we had un PoE will be discarded in favor of Nostalgia. The trailer is about Illithids mostly because they we're arguablythe most memorable ennemies in BG2. Maybe I'm wrong and the game is probably going to be at least okayish anyway. On the other side, even if I have a slight preference for RTwP, I have nothing agains TB as long as t is well made (notgood enough in PoE2).
  21. I've always found that Single Class Martials lack a bit of ressource pool, especially Rangers and Rogues since don't get Wounds/1 rage wondershouts/zeal on downed summon. Fighters had toughened Fury improved with the Community patch si I think they're ok too. What would you think of improving their ressources a bit through something like a PL8 passive giving +2 ressources ?
  22. Sure, but changing the current TB system to an ATB one would easily make it quite balanced. It might have been too complicated for a mere PoE2 optional mode but it would be doable for PoE3.
  23. Maybe the easiest way could be to change the numbers from Best Defense specific attack upgrade, so bonus would have nothing to do with quality.
  24. Do you think something could be done about Best Defense and Magran's Shield with the Community Patch ? Not really a priority but...
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