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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Am I the only one with this issue ? The spell summon a level 20 fighter and 2 level 20 priests (with slightly different ability). Even with the -5PL malus, it is arguably one of the most powerful summon spell of the game.
  2. Is Engagement distance linked to melee weapon range ? How does it work with instruments of pain ?
  3. Problem is that I tend to be suspicious about Win-more when it comes to getting crit. Attack speed works when your acc is higher than ennemy defenses. But when facing stronger foes, you don't have any way to get crit. % Hit to Crit almost guarantee crit chances, and monk doesn't have any apart enduring dance which can be tricky to keep up in melee (especially, once more, in harder fights). Intuitive from fighters as well as fighter's Acc buffs provides Something more reliable for me. Oh and Sun&Moon by night is great with Cold-based Skald Offensive Invocations.
  4. Also do you plan to use Quickswitch, or even Black Jacket ? I would even consider pure 1-handed style for a Skald - Warcaller. It makes Clear Out spamming better than dual Wield.
  5. Probably you should check the change in the CP file ? Since the files are per ability, it is usually easy to find a particular change.
  6. Community Patch makes the confounding blind Deflection malus stacks with everything (but decreases its value to -2 Def per shot).
  7. If you plan spamming a lots of spells such as Thrice she was wronged (which does a lots of separate rolls), it can be nice. Or either Eye of Wael for the Defensive Illusion spell or Kitchen Stoves for Thunderous Report. You can't go wrong with them.
  8. What I'm probably going to do : - Set casting time to 0,5s/3s instead of 3s/3s. - Add a +25 Acc modifier for this spell. So if your accuracy is equal or greater than foe's Will, the kill is guaranteed (Club Modal for the win). Not guaranteed against the strongest foes, but still high chances to land. Still situational, but very helpful in this critical case.
  9. Yeah, that would be just 5% increased speed. I was wondering the same. A Whale of a Wand ? Pierce damages for crush resistant foes, chance to charm with spells hit, and a backup BDD for utility ? Errr, no, decrease melee deflection when equipped.
  10. I wondered whether "destroy when near death" spells work on Graze. So I tested Touch of Death untilI I get a Graze, and yeah, it works.
  11. Hello, When using Incarnate of Eothas, I noticed that one of the female dawnstar summoned by this spell has an "infinite recovery time". After using an ability for the first time, her recovery seems to be stuck forever and she is not able to act again. Is anyone else having the same issue ?
  12. Ok, so I've started developping all the above and I found some Strange issues with the Priest Summon : they don't seem to get all the Equipment in the Gamedata Files, especially weapons (note that it is possible to change Pallid Knight's armor through the same Gamedata Objects, so it is the most likely the right objets : it just doesn't apply completely). This problem is limited to priest summons, that's why I didn't see it untill now. This means it is impossible to change them directly (but Legendary quality equivalent can be added through passive) but also means there are some discrepancies in the initial table : Spiritual Ally : Weapon is a simple Mace (not Fine) Magran Incarnate : She has a Superb Rathun Sword and Shield instead of Superb Morningstar. Berath Incarnate : Pallid Knight has a simple Greatsword (not Superb). (Her mail has not quality as described in the GameData files) Usher has a simple Scepter (no superb Quality) and a simple Robe (no Superb Quality). His medium shield is superb though. Eothas Incarnate : Male Dawnstar is identical to what I previously described (though he cannot be modified either). Also its base stats are fighter ones (my table shows Priest base stats, but it is impossible to edit now). I've not been able to check Female Dawnstar 1 (see issue below). Her Leather armor is superb though. Female Dawnstar 2 has a no quality sickle (no superb weapon) that she uses one-handed. Her Leather armor is superb though. More important, Female Dawnstar 1 seems to have an infinite recovery. Therefore, I couldn't check her weapon. I've checked with an unmodded version of this ability. Would someone be kind enough to confirm the issue ? I might consider replacing her by another Female Dawnstar 2. The devs really didn't check the summons very well : now I've confirmed that "Many Lives..." phrase Skeletons scale with the "scaling difficulty option" : if you toggle on the upscaling for foes, they will be better. This is similar to Brittle Bones scaling with difficulty mode... but different.
  13. I would prefer the count too, and 100% graze to hit would work too. But it's always good to have backup plans.
  14. You're right. The problem is mainly about discrepancies within a Tier. Druid Tier IX has heavy discrepancies between the Good, the Situational and the Bad (granted the difference between Bad and Extremely Situationnal can be thin, such as with Touch of Death). Druid Tier IX is basically a choice between Greater Maelstorm and Pollen Patch as you pointed (since you suggested buffing all 3 others !). However, when a spell is unique enough, it will still have some uses. That's a Single Player Game after all. A character doesn't have to feel the strongest, just the best at something. Being able to stop a wave of zombies with a Wall of Thorn is priceless, even if good old Relentless Storm or Embrace of the Earth Talon can be considered as overall better. That's why it is not only a problem of raw power, but also uniqueness.
  15. You're right, after thinking twice it's OK. Well, I think that my main problem is that it feels quite redundant with Venombloss, albeit less convenient. And it is on a Crowded Tier. And Poison effects are a bit situational considering how many foes are immune to it. Currently, I'm thinking about simply replacing Weakened by Immobilized (for 2s) and removing all references to Poison. The best thing is that it would feel like... you know... a Wall. This would give the spell a quite unique effect. There are many fights where foes keep coming, and this would allow to stop or slow the flood when foes get caught in the wall. I can see mylself casting it instead of Relentless Storm. Giving Entropy a Duration instead could solve this weirdness. What would you guys think about it ? EDIT : But I haven't check if the glitch can simply be corrected.
  16. Well, maybe not calling it Ladyboy Special would help. There was already a Transgender sensitivity problem which happened during PoE1. But Fatigue would be fun too. Or non-affliction based stacking penalty to CON.
  17. Wow this is great ! It really feels like a true item from the game (well, a bit easter eggish one but still) Excellent weapon for a Black Jacket (due to club modal and active effect purging effect) ! Slight stupid question : is the club animation realistic considering you are wearing a torch ? I mean, do people orient their torch toward ground ?
  18. Then it's another story : - Megaboss 1 : Nothing special, having at least 1 priest (Single or Multiclassed) is heavily recommanded for Salvation of Time and Barring Death Door - Megaboss 2 : Nothing special, but having a Rogue with Gouging Strike is extremely helpful in my experience - Megaboss 3 : Some Interrupts or Summon greatly help. - Mgaeboss 4 : having at least 1 priest (Single or Multiclassed) is heavily recommanded Having at least a Cipher (Single or Multiclassed) with Ancestral Memory is recommanded. as a source of Brilliant. Some items can provide it, but not as reliably. This Cipher shall be a different character from the Priest. Also having a good source of Dispell is nice for a certain encounter. But following item may be sufficient : https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Street+Sweeper
  19. Are you targeting Megabosses ? Because that's the main difficulty which main require a couple of stuff when party-building.
  20. When I initially started my analysis, I thought there would be much more creatures that require a lower scaling because of balance. Now when I look again at my list, it seems that there is not that many non-fully scaling summons. Full scaling seems to be possible without too much impact on balance, with only a handful of changes, as listed below : Chanter : Skeletons are a non-issue. No one would summon skeletons more often just because they get Exceptionnal Weapons instead of Fine. They are short duration anyway so it's not too much a problem. Ogres could be fully scaled too. I have redone their DPS calculation, and they will be Under Animated Weapons anyway. I still believe (upgraded) Wurms could be a problem. Their AR / DPS ratio is basically like if an Animated Warbow was wearing a Medium Armor (weapon is slightly better but recover slightly slower). Their base HP pool is far from being bad, they are Barbarian level, and they have +4 base AR compared to AW. So even if AW are overall a bit tankier, and their MIG/DEX adds up to their DPS,I think that the gap isn't big enough to justify x2 Phrase cost. Also Wurms have a better duration due to more benefit from PL. But a simple solution could be to reduce a bit their Duration, to Something like base 15s (so they will last less, even taking into account their lower PL), and let them have a Full Scaling. Priest : Incarnates come "already scaled" because they can be summoned only from level 19. I think it's not that confusing if some come with Legendary Equipment and some others such as Ryrmgand with just a very high base attack. Incarnate of Skaen stats should be tweaked a bit so that its base Attack match Legendary equipement. Druid : Sporelings aren't a big issue. Even Fully Scaled, they won't hit that hard. They could be slightly OP for a Tier I spell, but since it's a Subclass Feature and still inferior to higher Tier Summon, I think it's alright. Most of Call to the Primordials Ooze (Black, Magma and Adra) won't be OP with full scaling. However, Bog Ooze would be brutal, very high damages, 13 AR and 15 PR is better than any druid summon. This would also make the spell random, with 50% of summoning such a monster. So the easiest solution would be to cut Bog Ooze from the list of Summoned Oozes (EDIT : Or maybe replace it with a Lesser Bog Ooze ? Yes, this is technically feasible since the creature exists). Even scaling a bit more the other oozes would be OK in this case. I think this solution would be clearer than what I previously stated (and much more than how it is currently in-game).
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