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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Yes. Better in case you hit your friends. Phenomenon did it for Carnage in his CP Add-On. Check for it. I don't plan to do it myself (the mod has been a lot of work honnestly).
  2. I just provided a second mean to reach the same effect. Modals provide the effect for free and can be applied thourgh Clear Out and similar effects, while Strike the Bell makes it applicable with a wider range of weapon (and the upgrade makes it Infinite Duration). It's not like there were no other redundant effects in the game... (and it feels less redundant than the original Strike the Bell effects) No, because for some reasons, only main target get debuffed by Strike the Bell (it's the case currently). It's an exception to the normal rule of debuff applications. So it's 2 Guiles per target. You have to rely on your Fighter buddy to apply reflex debuff with Clear Out. Spirit Frenzy AoE is triggered when you kill your target with Spirishift weapon in the base game. Spirit Frenzy AoE triggered when you crit your target with Spirishift weapon in my mod.
  3. Yep (anf from Inspired Strike too) but : - Tactician can get Disciplined Strikes instead. - The INT + PL part of Brilliant has always been redundant with Tactical Barrage anyway.
  4. Well, your solution is good, but does not work with 2 Brilliant priests. My already implemented solution for SoT is actually close to what you describe for WoD (I knew I had to copy it in my previous post ) : Salvation of Time : Change to a lasting beneficial effects which adds 0.5s to every beneficial effects every 1s. That effectively halves their ellapsing speed of buffs (including SoT itself : it lasts 20s with a base duration of 10s). Basically still add 10s but : - Now benefits from PL and INT - Now applies to effects cast after it (especially useful for Vanishing Strikes...) - Useless to cast several times in a row - The most important : now a single effect cannot have its duration more than doubled. It is still a very good spell, even better than before, but it is now impossible to abuse by combining it with Brilliant, and all other buffs will also have to be re-cast again at some point.
  5. What I plan to do, second version : Nerfs & tweaks : His Heart Did Fill with the Light of the Dawn (already in the mod): +1 Ressource -> +2 RessourcesDoes not affect the caster anymore. Blood Mage -> Blood Sacrifice Recovery to 3s Blood Sacrifice regenerated Tier chances aligned with the table below. Tactician : Brilliant Tactician -> Acute (it shall not be as good as a Cipher Tier VII Power, so I see no obvious way to keep Brilliant) Add passive negative effect "Tactician Prudence" : +20% Recovery to everything (subclass has more ressources, but uses them slower). Add passive beneficial effect "Backup Plan" : 1/ressource per class every 30s (unconditional). This is to put a harder limit on ressource regeneration for both classes while addressing the trick to constantly "reboot" Brilliant to get the initial +1 ressource. WoD : Procs trigger a hostile lasting effect : for 6s ,-2s beneficial effect per 1s Procs trigger a (non-cumulative) beneficial lasting effect on catser : for 6s, +0.66s beneficial effect per 1s This essentially triples the duration of beneficial effects on caster, and divide per 3 the duration of beneficial effects on foes. Works better on ennemies crossing the wall, works better as a dispell, but nerf hard the self buffing part (but still better than my version of SoT at this) @Raven Darkholme : this is close to what I did for SoT. For Brilliant, Blood Mage, His Heart Did Fill, and the new "Tactician Backup", I want the ressource regeneration for casters to work like this (I have to check if possible) : 3/6 chances to restore Tier I-III 2/6 chances to restore Tier IV-VI 1/6 chances to restore Tier VII-IX (interestingly, this is WoD Tier) I think there should still be ways to immortality (Tactician Unbending + Bloodmage WoD spamming), but most likely so tedious that it is below my alarm line. For a complete playthrough, they won't work well against dispells anyway. @thelee : feel free to comment if you find Something Broken (not just slightly OP ) Buffs (to address the general problem of Single Class Martial ressources) : Stunning Shot : add 10% chance Bond on Crit Heart Piercer : back to 4 bonds (my mod tuned it to 3), Enfeebled set to infinite duration (sort of passive) Distracting Training : in addition to my previous duration buff to 15s, I will allow it to work on any Attack (not just melee) Wall of Flashing Steel : add 10% chance Guile on Crit Vengeful Defeat : add 2 Rages on Unconscious Note that the On-Crit ressources have good synergy with Rogue's Gambit and general ability of Ranger to generate a tons of attacks through driving flight, Twin Shots or Whriling Strikes. That's why the percentage has to remain low. It would also favors Blunderbusses (even with their Acc malus), but I hope not too much.
  6. Yup, but if you know MTG, you also know that casting a card draw spell may give you ressources (cards) advantage, but you may loose the tempo by spending a whole turn without putting/removing nothing on the table. That's what I'm refering here too. Casting Ancestor's Memory has a cost. You're not conjuring ressources out of thin air and you may loose an advantage while spending time to cast it for later better ressources (although it is not as critical as in this MTG example). Yup, that's what I'm trying to do. I think Ancestor's Memory is fine when given to a SC Martial, around fine when given to MC Martial (but it's complicated to change the balance between these two anyway), vaguely useless on Cipher and to a lesser extant Chanters (maybe Chanter MC likes it a bit) and clearly overpowered on anything involving a caster (both when compared to effect on others and in absolute value). That's what I'm trying to address. But people like the infinite ressource generation, so I don't want to cut this possibility. Fun matters. FYI Putting it on AL9 is extremely tedious to do in a PoE2 mod though, because it would conflict with basically any mod revamping Cipher ability tree. Yup, but it's written nowhere that all Inspirations (and Afflictions) of a given tier should have the same level of power. Blind for example is extremely meh as a Tier 3 afflictions. But the spells inflicting it are good enough. It would have been "more beautiful" if they were, but it doesn't seem to be an underlying principle. Brilliant, however, is so much above the curve that it still feels weird even after admitting that Tier 3 inspirations could be of different powers. But I'm not the designer of the game, so I cannot really address that (and I don't really want anyway). For your information, here is the mod : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/114861-balance-polishing-mod-release-10/ The nerfs are in a separate package, so they are optional anyways. And the files are all separate too, so if you don't like the changes I made for an ability, it's easy enough to erase it. It's a Single Player Game after all. But I still think a couple of nerfs (or tweaks) could help give a better overall experience, so that's why I include them (it also helps this bunch of powercrept stuff to feel more legit) That's why I'm so happy with my change to Salvation of Time (even if some finds it unsufficient ) It is improved for people who don't like to abuse it, and still prevent Broken combos from expert users I still don't have solutions as clean for most of what we are discussing now.
  7. Yup, but does casting #1 instead of #2 is really better than casting #2 AND disintigrate in parallel (focus and cast time similar to Brilliant) ? To get the effect, you're combining Cipher and another character strengths. Granted it is not as simple as this since Brilliant also provides INT and PL, and will regenerate several spells (even with my proposed nerf to 12s), not just one. And also that if you want to regen the perfect spell, you have to restrain using others (that's a significant opportunity cost for a wizard - no DAoM, Mirror image, etc...) EDIT : Also, tweaking brilliant so it doesn't automatically give you back max level spell slot (as blood sacrifice) might be an option too. Yup, I was not confident about this one (and others), that's why I'm telling about it before implementing it.
  8. I just said that I will lower it to 12s by the way , so I don't disagree entirely that Brilliant is too strong. As you said, I'm trying to mitigate things. Tier VIII- IX spells are approximatively Worth 3 ressources due to what I personnally call "Trickster equivalence table". So that make Casters better at receiving brilliant, but not really better than a multiclass martial. To be honnest, Brilliant isn't that relevant apart Megabosses battles either. 70 focus and casting time isn't that cheap just to recast a couple of spells on a caster who is far from being devoid of ressources. For 90% of fights, casting Ancestor's Memory is essentially bad action economy (or situational flexibility). At least this is my experience. So should I ignore it for this reason ? There are many things borderline OP in this game. I don't want to cut them all. Should I cut Unbending also ? Whispers of the Wind ? Should I cut Monk class ?
  9. A good example would be Oberryn Martell in GoT. Charismatic Able to knockdown the strongest man in combat Oh wait
  10. Don't judge him. If you had tentacles on your head, you might consider them as god's gift to kith kind as well.
  11. Explain to me how modern media ruined my life again, I'm curious. However, I think I can see what you refer about these characters. I think the character you refer are all a bit "mannered". But I don't see this as a contradiction to be strong or charismatic. I guess charisma is subjective, so you might not find them charismatic. If you take the example of Atsura, he is hinted to be an extremely dangerous man. The one that can decide your execution in the glimpse of an eye if needed. Furrante is also hinted to be extremely treacherous an manipulative. All this character are interesting in my opinion, so it is not a problem. And I don't know why you see them as loosers. Atsura is obviously not a looser IMHO. But I think I can see the kind of character you would expect, with a more direct style as were for example the leader of torn bannermen, the Duke or even Thaos. Or Benweth in PoE2 but he doesn't live long enough in my playthroughs.
  12. I strangely remember something like this too but I can't remember from where this idea comes from. Fig Campaign ? Even maybe another game ?
  13. I've checked. By the way, there is also my Dire Straits cover band : the Direballs.
  14. Ranger + Fighter = +40 ACC on average (+45 vs Blooded, +35 otherwise) and 25% Hit to Crit. Now you have to find the right weapon (or weapon set) to exploit this crit Potential. Aldris Blade + Scordeo's Edge (left hand, you won't need that much Acc) is tempting. Pick Monastic Unarmed Training for Slash Immune (you won't get any penalty with your devoted).
  15. OK, you convinced me about this one. Tactician is beynd the line of what I believe should be mitigated. And you didn't even mention quickly switching on/off Brilliant. Set for what ? You're just transfering the regenerating ressources from 1 character to another. You're spending focus and casting time for it. That's very good, indeed. But I wouldn't count it as broken. Beside I think reducing the effect of Brilliant for casters is among what I'm considering Because, for my part, I have no clue how to beat Megabosses without regenerating ressources. Cutting Brilliant (and Blood Mage, and Tier IX Chanter Invocation that I actually buffed to align it with Ancestor's Memory's level of power - give 2 Ressources except for caster in my mod ) would lead to as many problems as it corrects. Party of Monks, etc... There will always been a couple of somewhat OP combos anyway (Divine Retribution + Beckoner + Light of Pure Zeal is an immortal enough combo). Fortunately even the most potent (boring ?) don't work for all fights (hey, arcane dampener). And also because it is FUN. That's why mitigation is a valid strategy IMHO. Tolerating a couple of obscure abuses isn't as much a problem as breaking the game just with 1 half-priest. EDIT : What I'm considering at the moment : 1) Brilliant : only 1 ressource / 12s for casters 2) Blood Mage -> Blood Sacrifice Recovery to 3s (still have fun with Blood Mage, but now cost time to spam) 3) Tactician : Brilliant -> Acute +1 DIscipline per Interrupt -> +1 Ressource per class (small buff to still allow Tactician Combos) 4) WoD : +1s beneficial effects -> -1s hostile effects (I don't specially like changing the purpose of an ability, but this is the cleanest way I could find. Feel free to suggest anything not too "complicated" (understandable rule is a plus). 5) SoT : as already changed. Ask @Raven Darkholme for details
  16. My concern are Infinite loops of BDD + SoT/WoD + Brilliant. The ability to generate inifinite ressources on its own is not a problem for me. I don't get what is specifically wrong with Tactician or Psion. Tactician still need to activate Brilliant which I consider non-trivial enough to provide some reward (except vs Dorudugan ? This one is free to be cheesed). What is so nice with Psion ? Passive focus regeneration + the one from Brilliant restoring 70 focus for another Ancestor's Memory ? Still need 2 Psions, cause you can't target yourself. And not being Hit. I might miss something of course, but at first it seems OK enough for me (but again, I may miss something).
  17. I don't know. The gender distribution in PoE2 is far far better than in most "SJW stuff"/ "classic macho action" released nowadays or before. It's like they rolled a dice to detemrine the gender of every character (especially faction leaders) and the women generated by this process are not walking bunches of clichés (including "SJW clichés" if I may express this way, such as "women are better", if this even exists).
  18. That's exactly the answer I needed. Even if I don't want to prevent Brilliant from providing infinite ressource, I still believe that it is too strong for Casters. The easiest fix would be to slow the ticks for casters. It's extremely simple to do based on your file.
  19. But this requires to break Brilliant, to make it completely different from what it is meant to be. I don't like to completely alter the purpose of an ability, even if I did a couple of times (and I propose to do . There are still many combo possibility with my version of SoT, such as : - Unbending (works even better, cause it applies to all stacks triggered after SoT) - Vanishing strikes - Quadruple phrases from 1 chanter The fact that you don't have to time the cast so precisely makes it pretty good, I think. With reasonable INT and PL, you can easily add 15-20s to all active effects. But yes, the spell is not exactly working the same as it used to. So it's understandable that some can dislike it. Either (Brilliant & Bloodmage) OR (SoT & Wall of Draining) shall be altered. I have already changed SoT and I'm not too enthusiastic at barring access to infinite ressources so I want to go for the second solution. But if you're leaning to another possibility, feel free to disagree and make the changes yourself, or simply use Noqn mod (which doesn't solve Bloodmage issue, but this one should be easy to change according to Boeroer idea of per encounter limit).
  20. Salvation of Time does not work with Vanishing Strike cause it has to be applied After the effect and with Vanishing Strikes you're immune to everythibg including AoE beneficial effects. EDIT : but apart for this Boeroer's post is good advice.
  21. I agree with you, but I was answering specifically to some suggestions of removing all ressource regen :
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