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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. Does that mean the picture is mirrored then? The character apears to have a long saber in his left hand and a shorty in his right.
  2. Nah, that took up too many writer zots and was dropped in the expansion packs. 8 is the minumum intellegence anyway, and this is supposed to be just a little below average, not retarded. Extra options for high intellegence is the way to go.
  3. That's what the European Parlement is for isn't it, a way to get crap politicans out of the country? Shame the USA isn't a member.
  4. I did think of Telos (and I think I mentioned it somewhere) but Telos was itself seriously damaged by Sith bombardment and the city in the screenshots looks undamaged.
  5. I think this was done in order to give some reward (however insignificant) to players who built a skills based character. I would say this was a failure. This may be even more of an issue in KotOR2 as skills will be requred to build equipment at the workbench. Currently only the PC can use the workbench on the Ebon Hawk. What I would like to see is some use made of intellegence in dialogue options.
  6. So far all the locations we know about original or EU (excuding Dantooine's mention in ep IV). In KotOR we visited one planet seen in the movies (Tatooine). I would imagine they would try to get in at least one location visited in the movies into The Sith Lords. The most likely candidates would seem to be Coruscant, Yavin IV or Naboo.
  7. Back on topic: The PC in KotOR was not really Revan, Revan created clone duplicates to fool assassins. The PC in The Sith Lords is the real Revan.
  8. I think it is just a graphical glitch. What is with the jedi in the babygro though?
  9. The developers have expressed a desire to give more feedback on the players actions at the end of the game. This is something I would like to see, but the Slideshow used in Fallout and other games is a bit unStarWarsy. I have to ideas on ways to give feedback and still maintain the Star Wars feel. If there is a big celebration at the end make it interactive. NPCs from throught the game can show up and the player can question them about the consiquences of thier earlier actions. Alternitively there could be an end scroll like the traditional opening scroll which describes the consiquences of the players actions in text form. Any other ideas?
  10. I liked the way the headgear was done in KotOR. It was a shame they didn't get it working on the wookie model though. Not to show headgear would be a definiate step backwards. A bioimplant is internal so you wouldn't expect it to show up on the character model.
  11. Nar Shaddaa occured to me, but is is built in a chasm and called the vertical city. The skyline in the screenshot looked pretty horizontal to me. Also I think Nar Shaddaa has a black sky, whereas the sky in the screenshots is dark blue. Even if Taris could be rebuilt form total devistation in 5 years the style of the buildings is different.
  12. Well, a villain doesn't have to be hateful. Take the case of Thrawn; he inspired respect and fear but not hatred. He wasn't a monster, he was just very good at his job.
  13. Your point about the air traffic is a good one but it may not have been added in yet. I don't agree that the story of The Sith Lords has to occur entirely on the rim. KotOR already added one additional planet-city to the Star Wars cannon. I think adding another would be over doing it, unless it is Telos and it has been rebuilt quickly.
  14. Can't be sure, but it looks like Coruscant arcitecture on the skyline to me.
  15. The helmet is definatly different to the Sith helmets. There is also new content: 3 NPC models: Kara, Atton Rand, the old biddie and the PC's jedi robes.
  16. I agree, Thrawn is a very rare thing: a highly intellegent, completly sane charismatic antagonist.
  17. Has anyone else noticed the big guy in silver armour in the screenshots? The armour is similar to Sith armour but the design of the helmet is different. He appears to be behaving as a party member.
  18. There are some new screenshots on the Lucasarts site that don't appear in the latest IGN article. A couple of them look distincly like Coruscant at night.
  19. Jennifer Hale was also the female protaganist in Jedi Acadamy (name escapes me just at the moment).
  20. The Dark Side may simply serve to amplify negative emotions, such as racial intolerance. Hence human Sith lords would be intolerant to non-humans. The original Sith would have dispised all non-Sith, including humans.
  21. 7 planets including Peragus. Since Dxun is a moon of Onderon it seems likely that Onderon its self is another one of the 7.
  22. I read this too (in a magazine). The character is meant to be a bounty hunter. How effective the rocket launcher is remains to be seen.
  23. Getting back on topic, I do think it would be a good idea to have more than 2 possible endings, not nesesaraly light, dark or neutral. Here are some of my thoughts for alternative endings to the first game. Revan Sacrifices self to destroy Star Forge. Malak pursuaded to repent/join Revan. DS Bastilla stabs Revan in the back and takes Star Forge. DS Revan chooses to kill Bastilla. As a result the republic fleet destroy Revan and the Star Forge even though Malak is defeated. The republic capture the Star Forge intact and it's dark side power starts to corrupt them (Revan could have the option of activating the self destruct). Revan reprograms the Star Forge droids to kill Malak, but they get out of control and destroy both the republic and the Sith.
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