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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. Sure, that would never happen in the real world... Now I'm just off to visit my parents, who live in Blackpool. On the way I will stop in and visit my aunt, who live in Thornton, near Southport. I hope the traffic round Guildford isn't too bad...
  2. Am afraid lots of games do this nowadays. The DVD doesn't have the media on it, only the set up files.
  3. If the game was installed incorrectly, it is far more likely that it wouldn't run at all.
  4. Well, I can exactly reproduce all the OP's so called "glitches" if I click with the right mouse button instead of the left... It's quite possible to go on making the same mistake "after this time" if you can't admit that you are making a mistake.
  5. Yes, I suppose it's interesting that with TOR no longer being part of the official continuity, then the official continuity is no longer part of TOR. If they decide to do something like blow up Coruscant they can do it without worrying about future continuity. It's in it's own universe where Luke Skywalker will never exist.
  6. Trying to avoid major spoilers, the Gamepedia article actually refers the main plot of the game. Necromancy is a sub-specialisation of animancy, and the cult referred to will try and hunt you and kill you, irrespective of what you get up to.
  7. That's because the caster isn't the source of the subsequent DoT. "Chain" type spells might cause problems as well, but I don't know if this is the case.
  8. The "feet" Icon appears when you target the ground, rather than the enemy. This will make a green circle appear too. Note that if you correctly target the enemy, no green circle will appear. If you press the right mouse button rather than the left mouse button, you will be able to target the ground and issue a move order, but you will not be able to target an enemy (I've just tested it). I assure you the game is not bugged (well it is, but not in any of the ways you think it is). The way you can tell is this: no one else has the same problem. If you can't accept that you are doing something wrong, you may as well delete the game now. It's just possible that there is a problem with your mouse, causing it to display the cursor in the wrong place, or the left button isn't working. I don't think that is very probable though.
  9. These are not bugs, and therefore will not be "fixed" in a patch. You are doing something wrong. Pressing the wrong mouse button I suspect. 1) Load screen. At the top is the name of your current character, with a downwards gold arrow. After that is the list of save games. Scroll right down to the bottom of the screen, and you will see a list of the names of your OTHER characters. Next to them is a gold arrow pointing left. Click on that and your other saved games will be shown. 2) Attacking. Pause the game (not essential, but it helps). Hover the cursor over the red circle indicating an enemy. The icon changes into a sword. Left click on the target and the red circle changes into red cross hairs. Unpause. Your target will now proceed to make a default attack with the weapon shown on the leftmost hotkey box. Make sure it doesn't show fists - you can switch to fists even if you have a weapon in both weapon slots. Note that after you attack there will be a pause when nothing will happen, depending on armour worn and reload time. If you are using a ranged weapon you must have a line of sight to your target, otherwise your character will run in until they can see the target. They will also run in if they have been blinded.
  10. Okay. "Saved games are gone": did you try creating another character? If so, it will have put you in a new directory, you need to switch back to your original character and your saved games will be visible. "green placement marker appears": You didn't kick on the target, you clicked the ground NEAR your target. The green circle means you have given a "move to location" order. The mouse cursor changes when it is actually on the target. Edit: you may also be pressing the wrong mouse button. If I remember correctly, the default is right mouse to move, left mouse to attack. "auto attack". This works fine. I suspect you checked it "off" rather than "on".
  11. PoE has orc and goblin analogues, it has skeletons, zombies (revenants), Ghouls (guls) and golems (anamats). Given that gods are [spoilers] and there is no evidence that other planes exist, I'm not sure demons fit with the PoE setting at all. Krakens are mentioned in the lore, kudos to any game that can pull off something that size effectively.
  12. Should do, but I haven't tested it. It seems to work fine with any ability that does DIRECT elemental damage.
  13. Rogue: Riposte+Carnage? Or Barbarian, for that matter, in the unlikely event that Riposte is made an off-class ability.
  14. The other thing to consider is Steam often packages earlier games, or duplicate copies, together. For example, I "own" a copy of Wasteland because I bought Wasteland2, but I have never downloaded or played it. The collectors edition of Divine Divinity, as well as including the DLC, includes TWO copies of the game, and both earlier games. That's going to seriously screw figures for number of copies owned.
  15. Yes, they work with "lash" abilities on weapons. I haven't tested it extensively, but I did have two similar weapons, one with burning lash, the other with freezing. I have Scion of Flame, and I get a noticeably larger bonus from the burning lash than the freezing lash.
  16. Carnage and Sneak Attack are both difficult to not make overpowered on melee DPS, even in much weaker versions. Could go with Flames of Devotion from paladins. Wizard, Priest, Druid and Cypher are easy: could just have a first level spell usable once per day. I would like to see other classes given access to Blast though. Chanter is difficult. You probably would have to go with one of the first level chants as a continuous aura.
  17. Not opening up Blast would be a missed opportunity IMO. The game already suffers from firearms being the only realistic option for ranged DPS builds. Being able to add AoE to rods would make them competitive without overpowering them.
  18. I'm just saying that the premise of a construct and bald monk are just so ... unoriginal these days. Name just one RPG release in the last 5 years that didn't have a gimmicky robot/construct/droid/mechanical sidekick and I can name you at least 5 that had for every single one you mention. And only very few of them so far had been interesting. One of many is about the only one that was well done ... if you actually consider him a construct. For "real" robots, I can only remember one that was interesting. The Geth companion in ME. Obsidian can never win can they? Do something that's not very RPG Standard = outrage that PoE isn't a true RPG Do something that's RPG Standard = outrage they aren't being creative. Don't like what they release? Don't play it. Develop your own RPG Agreed. You can either go for a standard fantasy archetype, in which case you will be slagged off for being unoriginal, something totally off the wall, like a kobold bard or gelatinous cube Wizard, in which case you get slagged off for being too way out, or you can try and create realistic ordinary folk, in which case you get slagged off for being boring. There is no "Win" option here. The third new companion is probably a barbarian. So, what are you going to do? Make them an uncouth hard drinking mountain dwarf with an axe? A dour pale elf with two scimitars? They wouldn't by archetypes if people didn't like them! How about a female hippy nature godlike who talks about peace and love whilst hitting people with a giant axe? Far out, man!
  19. I think Obsidian spend far to much time fiddling with game balance as it is. The game is never going to be balanced, and in a single player game that doesn't matter one bit. Their time would be better spent hammering out bugs and working on new content.
  20. There is also the issue of contrivance, when dealing with characters who are to closely tied to the main story. In a world where it is established that the gods aren't real, and hence, NOT manipulating events, it's an awfully big coincidence to meet up with the likes of Aloth, Durence and Grieving Mother, whereas meeting someone like Pallagina is quite probable, the world being full of disgruntled employees.
  21. AS I've said elsewhere, taking the term "role playing" too literally is misleading. The majority of computer games involve "playing a role". What I look for in a game described as a "CRPG" is something that recreates the experience of PnP gaming. Now, for me, PnP gaming doesn't always involve much actual role playing. I often play a character who is very similar to myself in terms of personality and morality. My character differs from me only in terms of the attributes, skills and abilities listed on the character sheet. So, those skills and stats are vitally important, whereas anything that requires real life reflexes I prefer to avoid. The other feature of the PnP experience that Bethesda games fail to recreate is the social aspect. Even when you can recruit followers, the feel like drones that wander aimlessly behind you, not companions with whom you are sharing an adventure. I've played pretty much every Bethesda game since Arena, and never completed any of them. For me, they are lonely experiences, with worlds populated by cardboard cut-outs rather than believable characters.
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