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Everything posted by Xard

  1. c - 1 d - 2
  2. That explains a lot, thanks alanschu. I wondered how Bismarck was so effective when its brethen were basically junkmetal
  3. Yeah, that's what I ment they were not just bunch of savages
  4. lol sorry, mods like filling it up - I make some room

  5. But didn't Sand quit gaming forever?
  6. Because they weren't stupid enough to do that? All monster ships and other
  7. Jutland was very important strategic victory for brits - it ensured that blockade of German ports was to hold on and block all supplies. Which would turn up to be single biggest reason for Germany's defeat in WWI. If Germany had won Jutland things might've ended very differently. I'd say most glorious and greatest days of british navy (compared to its contemporaries) were from 1700 to end of 1800's... or something like that. They were still the greatest naval power in the world in WWI though. But isn't it clear why they were jealous over Germans building up their navy? I mean, it was all about power. And no superpower voluntarily lets other power to rise to threaten it. Navy armament race had been going for years already, it wasn't even near the biggest reason Britannia ended up in world war. It was one of the factors though edit: It took half the British Navy to defeat the Bismarck in WW2. I mean c'mon, a single ship? Mongolians were hordes of saber-rattling warriors, that's hardly an Empire. The Romans at least made important influences in life and culture. The British too, they gave us Americans! You by far underrestimate Mongolians. They were a lot more than "saber-rattling warriors". But yeah, it's not like they created an empire in sense of Persia, Macedonia, Rome etc. You have to remember that by WWII British strenght had been already reduced and Bismarck was monster for a ship - just like Musashi (and that other ship) of Japan. Which yanks killed with Helldivers, lol edit2: Helldivers, not bombers Yanks had best tactics in the naval warfare in WWII I'd say. Germans did have teh submarines but... *shrug*
  8. It is more than a bit streching to call British Navy overrated due to one battle Roman Empire was as big as it could be. It covered most of the known world (well, for them known) and definetly all the important areas that were worth having. And as Mus? said Mongolian Empire wasn't much empire at all
  9. I see what's the problem then
  10. You've been on that board way too long That said I fear rise of the furries. I guess I need to go buy ammo and shotgun And I don't like this. At all
  11. That is - of course - judging by how much land their rule covered In cultural, militaristic etc. bla bla bla importance Rome is still unrivalled (though British Empire is solely responsible for anglosaxon culture's domination in todays world) Morgoth: I could point out Austria-Hungary was under considerable internal stress all the time with all the oppressed minorities, secessionists etc. so you have to take that into consideration why it never became colonial superpower.
  12. Volourn, You should know that giving a gun to depressed person and telling him to "do it ****" is criminal and utterly despicable activity. This wasn't much better. In certain ways this is WORSE
  13. Big words make head hurt? Me understand. Me no talk silly things no more, OK? OK. Friends now? That would be more than welcome but considering your one man crusade here it won't happen
  14. I can't believe random_n00b has started something like that Take your scientiphilia where sun doesn't shine, genius
  15. Yeah, Avellone that guy whose name started R (gahh, Raynolds?) and ?
  16. Kovalchuk was awesome GG Russia
  17. Actually, WoW has the most rigorous DRM process of them all. I talked about pre-WoW era as I have never played WoW But it is telling how easy it is to get cracked WoW and be able to play the game just fine
  18. Yeah, Blizzard has done so badly without those
  19. nothing lol
  20. That and Diablo 2 is immortal king of ARPG's. There still haven't been better game in the genre - it is very hard to nail down why that is though
  21. What do you mean with earlier two leads?
  22. Yeah, ****ing ****. I was just about post about that You're the one being stupid here. Yes you can form quite good picture about the game already
  23. KotOR 2 romances pwn KotOR 1 ones easily
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