Gaming press is corrupted and amateurish. Try to be serious film reviewer without writing skills and never ever seeing classics like Citizen Kane and see just how well you fare. In gaming you must be happy to see writer has at least basic knowledge of writing reviews and it's not rare for even that to be too much. And just how many ****s have no idea of old classics as previews for Fallout 3 has shown? Man, Fallout is barely over ten years old. Guess most of modern writers were just toddlers back then...
Yeah, there is still one magazine which hasn't sold itself out, has bunch of great reviewers who actually know how to write (both reviews AND columns) and has glorious past as one of the oldest gaming press magazines of the world. Now that even CGW is gone they're propably second oldest one around in the whole world. When did PC Gamer began?
How many mainstream gaming magazines give full in depth review of game like Eschalon? Nnirvi once wrote whole review as poem, heh
(not like they are perfect or all of their reviews are great but overall they are still the source for good games for me)
Too bad it has no use to you guys
edit; previews, not reviews