Dunno why they made it so, I am just happy with it. As for me, Revan is always LSM, NOT because of Bastila, because Kotor 1 is typical SW story, and typical sw main protagonist is LSM (Luke, Kyle Katarn etc.). To my view of Revan LSM fits perfectly, I roleplay him as LSM, who isn't paladin type however. Propably half way to LS in my case.
Meh, what am I mumbling about. To me Revan can only be LSM for some weird reason that I cannot explain. Luckily to me, he is canonically that too
Gah! But this is just bad, I agree totally with Jediphile's post. Now we lose Handmaiden to background and get that lame sh*thead Mical wank*r instead. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh... <_<
I feel that this happened only because Revan was LSM. *sigh* This is just stupid... <_<
Sikon: Mical is not only silly, he is annoying, stupid brat. With terrible voice, I hate that too...
Geez, it must've been months since I've been pissed as now.
edit: Oh, and if equality required taking weaker one of the two plots, I don't give a **** about equality anymore.
edit2: Yeah, Brianna exists, but as totally useless, unimportant character to SW contiunity. Grargh!