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Everything posted by Xard

  1. I was reading (again) this article yesterday, and:
  2. Me too. They were, after all, Lost Jedi and K3 (if it ever comes out) propably presumes that player converted them to jedis.
  3. In some ways K2 tries to be too original. What pisses me is that K2 spits to the face of canon. Canonicaly, there is no life without in force. K2 brings this down with its stupid mumbling planet eater and Exile, as they are wounds in the force and Exile can live even though totally losing connection to Force after Malachor. Canonically, that should be impossible. In this, Exile proves what Kreia wanted him/her to do, be a living proof for her theory that life can exist without Force. Argh!
  4. Counter question: When there isn
  5. Argh, that sounds too normal for SW. What, are we getting Amulet of Natural armor +7 in k3 now?
  6. Kreia won other best character of the year award, though it was not from GDCA. Kreia is one of the best characters ever, and Hk's award was last one. There is no Original character of year 2005 or 2006, instead there is Character design, and 2005 this award went to Half-life 2. Hk-47 is fun, interesting, spectaculary written character. I mean, who can
  7. Exar Kun got that lightsaber thing finally right, cheers. I had forgotten Powercable lightsaber thing totally.
  8. Well, lightsaber as we know it, was developed aproximately during Great Hyperspace War, little bit before. Sith adopted Lightsaber after (or was it during) GHW
  9. If it is more like 1942 than bf 2.
  10. Of course, it can be argumented that does the Force have will, and if it has, how strongly its will affects everything
  11. You have to complete all planets before getting into enclave
  12. I managed to do that for two levels... Can't understand how people can do it to lvl 50
  13. Indeed. Midichlorians ARE NOT the force, they only makes it so that person having enough midichlorians in them can use the force
  14. Which part of it? Sith's not having lightsabers, or the fact that Obsidian made mistake?
  15. aerowars has the point here Actually lightsaber battles are quite spectacular if it last enough. Putting flurrys, attacks, power attacks, critical hits makes it quite cool looking. This is in k1, when average Dark Jedi can survive in one to one combat 2-5 rounds normally. In k2, enemies die in one round, not good at all <_< Fights were better in k1, even though there were less animations
  16. Oh yes, I assure that It'll be so smart and all that you all shall be...umm...[insert something sick & weird here] by its unbeliavable style
  17. Well, to be accurate, the timeline between Kotors and 2000 BBY is not done yet. Meh, I'll make one big post some day where I try to explain my opinion why they must die
  18. Both Revan & Exile (at least as DS) must die in Kotor 3, otherwise they (or other one of them) would bring Republic down, especially this is in case of Revan. Nihilus & Exiles are both separate wounds. One healed, one to go
  19. That's what I never understand. Even if you give proof, fanboys won't listen
  20. Even stupider: Time era when Tulak Hord existed, sith's didn't even have lightsabers <_<
  21. Wanna place bet that it'll be Playstation 3 series, lol Actually, Playstation 3 and Xbox are after all Sony hyping quite equal
  22. You love Caps lock, don't you?
  23. Why? Kotor serie is Xbox serie, not Playstation one
  24. Well, if you can't play Oblivion you can't play any other of those games I mentioned. And if your computer is too slow for Oblivion, then it surely be too slow for Kotor 3 when/if it comes out. Same with me though. I'll buy 7900 GT at fall, or I wait to next year and get totally new, ass kicking computer. It is hard to wait though, so I'll propably just buy 7900 GT and new memory. But I understand your feeling, only reason why I am even considering to buy 7900 GT is because I want to play NWN 2 immeadiatly when it comes out. Other option is to buy Xbox 360. Besides, Mass Effect seems to be Xcox 360 only game, but Jade Empire was ment to be Xbox only game too... Meh, I am ranting
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