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Everything posted by Xard

  1. What
  2. Red saber was some sort of a bug, if my memory works
  3. Hanharr was freak. Only good thing in him was +2 constitution from breaking him
  4. I found first part of Kotor comics from the internet? I could read it to point I don
  5. Indeed. Anyone calling Kenobi to weak fighter should check some facts about him. Soresu is defensive style, not only some stupid blaster deflection wacky **** like in k2. Meh, read all by yourself: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Soresu Masterful soresu fighter can keeps him/herself untouched. Style trusts to superior defense and counterattacks that follows from opponents inevitable mistakes. It works perfectly against Anakin in Ep3. Of course, this is case only when master of Soresu is using it, for others won
  6. Not if LSF. my ranking of "versions" of k1: 1. LSM 2. DSF 3.DSM 4.LSF For K2: 1.LSM 2.LSF 3.DSM 4.DSF
  7. GO-TO IS canonicaly dead. It is stated that Hk-47 camed with HK-50's (they choose to follow him rather than GO-TO, or something like that((note: Difference to cut ending, as in it they were Hk-51
  8. Forgot that. But doesn
  9. Well, I tried to download it last week, so it might've been fixed since them. Can
  10. I use Firefox and many fixes are still corrupted, for example I can
  11. IMO this game is much better with Total Realism, but I suggest that you play normal campaigns first. Oh, and TWO expansions? Which is other one? I only know Barbarian Invasion. BI is harder and better IMO, it is just pure awesomeness when your heavily fortified city (good walls and full garrison) is attacked by Horde at night. You kill and kill and kill them, but there is allways more. Firearrows piercing night sky (and hunn flesh, bwahahaa! ), struggle at walls, gates are broken down and last stand at city core, which ends to heroic victory and retreating of barbarians. Western Roman Empire stands still! Once my city was attacked by 3 hordes (first came huns ((that fight above)) then those vandals, and last one I don't remember. My superior troops won every fight, but in the end I had only two battered units in city (can't remember which it was anymore) and then riot started Lost the city after all. Nothing beats when playing as Western Roman Empire at hardest difficulty level. You're going to be screwed Btw, is there any "Tolkien mods" to Rome Total War, like was for Medieval Total War? I haven't played RTW since last winter, so I don
  12. Umm... Why?
  13. Or, do you have pictures pictures about Revan in his/her cool armor? (w00t)
  14. Oh yeah, Pinnacle renders damn slow, that
  15. Traya is not a name, it is title.
  16. You can be sure that Kotor 3 will not use Kotor 1 & 2's engine, it is so old then, it is old even now. (not to mention that most characters are ballfaces in Kotor's because of the engine )
  17. Nihilus did not "resurrect" Ravager. Geez, he just pulled it off from Gravity well.
  18. Wow, you are true Sherlock Holmes! (w00t)
  19. Bah, that body is male, and Revan can be female. And Kreia states that Revan lives.
  20. Haha! You should be grateful for not having Hanharr...
  21. Eww...Carth-sandwich... and Bastila appears only if Revan is LSM.
  22. What is USM? Ulic Qel Droma vs. Sion vs. Malak?
  23. Awesomeness Zulu Have you drawn any pictures about male Revan? Trask
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