X-Wing, Tie Figther, Dark Forces, Mysteries of the Sith, Dark Forces 2, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, KotOR, kotOR2, Empire at War, Republic Commando, Lego Star Wars... All bad?
Maybe I was too harsh, that's true. I am little bit annoyed with these cross-genre SW game ideas. (though Call of Cthulhu is pure gold) I mostly thinked about new ones. From those Outcast was average, JA was good, but not excellent. (I should've put excellent sw game with SW, not good game with SW) Empire at War...little bit above average and I hated Republic Commando
From those Kotor's, Lego Star Wars and Jedi Academy will make into excellent category.
X-Wing, TIE, Dark Forces etc. were older ones and grat all.
Galaxies, prequel games, and Battlefronts sucked, so did Republic Commando.
Best SW game ever is Yoda stories.