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Everything posted by Xard

  1. What is this 4chan I keep hearing about? PS...... OK, never mind. You don't want to know... I rarely can gather enough courage to visit it. Few times per month, sometimes there is many months when I don't visit it at all. I never post though. Anyway, to put it short: 4chan is best example what happens all morons, trolls and kiddie pr0n likers get to post as anonymous. It's impossible place to have any kind of control. "topics" in /b/ lives for about 10 minutes, then it gets "old" and is deleted. It is imageboard where one can upload images anonymously. I can't imagine what's traffic of that place, 10 millions users per sec? So, just guess what happens stupidest, sickest and most GEEK people in whole internet get to post pictures anonymously. It has some good areas to find pictures (anime, anime wallpapers, technology, photography). However, pr0n areas are most used sections (does this surprise anyone?) apart from illfamous /b/ /b/ is its own, sick world. SOMETIMES it has some brilliant, goofy or purely genious stuff, mostly it's stupid garbage. Oh, and pr0n. All kinds of pr0n. "That kind of" pr0n gets deleted pretty fast mainly because ridiculously short lifespans of threads. I guess there are mods, I don't know. I'm far from regular lurker. Anyway, why I remembered 4chan was because of pic Kiro-kun once posted in anime topic this to be particular. If you really want to know more about it, here's wikipedia link. It certainly wouldn't be loss for humankind if 4chan would meet its end. Of course, after that huuuuge amount of trolls and e-dorks would spread across internet. Maybe it's better to keep them all in one place. To put it short: 4chan really is kaleidoscope about all that's wrong with teh internets. Eh? Sorry about rant, 4chan is just so frustrating topic edit: /b/ section is also full with emos who are going to kill themselves and some unbeliavably stupid stuff, like "legendart" NFL dirty bomb hoax *sigh*
  2. For me DnD elves are ok, but I greatly prefer Tolkien/old DnD elves. As old DnD elves I mean elves like they are in Dragonlance novels etc.
  3. I heard Force Unleashed was delayed to 2008 Favorite sport: Football "Favorite" ultimate source of stupid memes: 4chan (good site in competition for stupidest website evar contest, but in its idiotism it has some pretty "awesome" memes) Favorite Great Old One: Cthulhu ( I
  4. Quite uninteresting social activities, **** talking, getting bored while waiting start of teh futsal exercise. Meh, still nearly two and half hours. Maybe I should play something. Or start writing again, I've had pause for last few weeks.
  5. Then I prefer Tolkien elves :sad:
  6. I have to say that after Christianity I greatly prefer buddhism in it's original, "pure" form.
  7. So, suddenly I was feeling VERY nostalgic so I started to listen this...
  8. Apart from replaying JE as CF and seriously considering buying S.T.A.L.K.E.R (umm...yes, I think it could qualify as "playing" ) I'm again starting game
  9. I really don't care if I'm saved or not to be honest so I'm definetly not "doing it" to save myself from eternal torture. My religious/philosophical views are not very easy to shape into words, although I might want to do that if this becomes good religious "debate" (read= flaming) topic. To put it short I've been christian, atheist, agnostic and then again christian like originally. And I don't think my religious standing is going to change anymore
  10. I'm teh bestest of teh best, jerks

  11. That would mean you are sick and twisted person who should be put in mental hospital and leave you there
  12. Wow, awesome post Blank, although I hate it. Here I was, feeling myself omnipotent and undefeatable in religious arguments and then you blew my dreams away :sad: I was seriously waiting for another debate with hc-christians who take eveything from Bible literally. Just guess how awesome weapon that "only 144,000 from you will be saved" would've been. Gah... I guess I'm going to be "saved" since I consider myself as a christian after all.
  13. I'm not so sure about Exar Kun being stronger... Anyway when talking about jedis and siths of this caliber whole thing gets pretty pointless. They all kicks some serious deal of ass
  14. I wonder how well my 7600 GT fares with this game... edit: I guess there isn't demo to test with, right?
  15. I guess I'm going to burn in hell, lolz
  16. Thanks Sand *goes to read*
  17. proof
  18. No, I tend to stay away from patches until they're finished. Besides, I heard it does nothing to performance.
  19. Hmh, nope I guess... But since I accidentally put number eight there let it be 12
  20. Band: Pink Floyd Movie: Godfather I & II, Princess Mononoke, Grave of Fireflies, Seven Samurai (Kurosawa's film if someone ((hard to believe so)) didn't know), Casblanca, Citizen Kane, Shining, Apocalypse Now Redux, LotR trilogy, SW OT, Silence of the Lamps... Gah, list goes on forever! Naming one above all is impossible. As a single film I believe I could give honor for Godfather I... But it really is impossible. TV Series: I guess anime goes under cartoons, so I say Band of Brothes. From the very best of the HBO's bestest series I say it's teh bestest. Cartoon: If this includes anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion. If not, I have to say Simpsons or Family Guy... Hard to choose but I say Simpsons Book: Even harder than with movies. Lord of the Rings trilogy, Stephen King's Dark Tower series, Of Mice and Men, Martin's Song of Ice and Fire, Tolstoy's War and Peace and many other legends, Kjell West
  21. 1 - 1 2 - 7 3 - 2 4 - 9 5 - 16 6 - 5 7 - 3 8 - I think 5th should be named :roofles:
  22. Sounds awesome. That T Rex or whatever that huge dinosaur was so scary back then...
  23. Fact I still enjoy Doom much more than many modern FPS's says a lot
  24. Make it a 2D game using IE and you got a winner. Are you trying to scare me? :sad: My two favorite games (PS:T and Fallout 2, I still haven't played the first one. Can't find it. ) ever are 2D and another one is IE game, but that idea just sucks. 2D is way too limited and IE engine is far from perfect. Besides it's way too aged. I remember much about things developers needed to cope with engine because it was too limited. There's no way why 3D games couldn't be as good as 2D were. Quite frankly they have potential to be ten times better than any 2D game. @\NightandtheShape/@ is right, 2D is way too limited. Fallout, Baldur's Gate and others aren't great becacuse of 2D. They have their own merits for being awesome. Reason why many of these old classics are 2D is that 3D in 90's couldn't compare to beauty of 2D. That's why whining about that game concentrate only to graphics nowadays is ridiculous. Mankind always have aimed to beauty. Once it was 2D, nowadays when 3D has reached and surpassed it's quality it's naturally 3D. Not to mention that developing on 3D is faster and easier IIRC. Of course looks don't make great game. But stating that some games are better because they are 2D is ridiculous. They have other reasons for being so very awesome. 2D isn't one of them. And sometimes (many times actually) 3D means evolution. 2D is limited. new GTA's are much better than original two (although I kinda like them still ^_^ ) such games like Mafia, HL2 and many others just wouldn't work as 2D. In rpg's this yet isn't the case because IMO developers haven't yet tried to unleash all the potential of 3D. To me it doesn't matter if game 2D or 3D. If especially awesome 3D RPG comes (I'm hoping DA being one but after all it's Bioware so it's unlikely) I'm happy to let it rise to my number one game ever. There's no disgrace for old classics in that. I know many great 3D rpg's but it isn't 3D's fault they haven't risen for top spot. Back to topic: I just want K3 But I could try to scrap some thoughts together... When I have time or sumthing
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