WHAT?! How is that possible? Was my version flawed or something? I didn't touch the difficulty settings, so I assume they were on normal, but I definitely breezed through everything the game threw at me using the same tactics over and over: Jump around. If the enemy flashes blue, quick attack. If they have shield up, slow attack. Jump around some more. End of fight. That goes for the entire game as well.
Until I finally got Jade Golem form Imperian Engagement before challenging Ravager for Champion title was unbeatable for me. I tried it numerous times past these last four days. Few hours ago I finally won it! Ha! No small thanks to Jade Golem, it really solved my problem with Elephant and Frog Demon, especially frog demon.
Even though frog was third of many opponents to enter the ring and by itself it is easy opponent, in long run it was destructible little beast. It attacks so damn fast, takes damage like terminator and slings that stupid tongue like there's no tomorrow. And since support styles are no use against them which usually have major part in my tactics (especially Heavenly Wave and oh so lovely Paralysing Palm). So, I can easily bring it down with Chi enhanced strikes with my pimped out thousand cuts using focus, but the problem is that it really drains my chi and focus which are quite important later in Engagement.
Jade Golem solved this problem. Just swing axes few times and voila! Both focus and chi saved for next targets.
Still far from easy, but beatable.
Further I get in this game more I love it. Bioware has crafted magnificent story and
Game runs perfectly and I have encountered very few bugs so far