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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Pink Floyd - Hey You
  2. A Perfect Circle - Imagine
  3. AC/DC - Highway To Hell
  4. That still wasn't awesome post!
  5. Sweet God, I'll never understand GAINAX. How can company be even worse than EA, milking money better than most other companies (and getting their President in jail for tax evasion) in whole fricking world and at the same time, making top-class animes like Neon Genesis Evangelion, FLCL, Gunbusters and Furikuri? It doesn't make sense at all. I want to hate them for their horrible merchandising, especially that of NGE. When in trouble, let's just release new set of hentai/Eva/teh Rei Ayanami/weird **** figures! Not to mention making some popular doujinshis "official" to just get more money. Oh, and rerererererereleasing stuff in new boxes, being nearly as bad as GL himself. Gah! How can such greedy, horrible company make so damn great animes? It. Doesn't. Make. Sense. At. All. Oh, and if someone wonders why I'm now pissed of, here's teh answer: Link CHIBI Evangelion? CHIBI ****ING EVANGELION? What the ****? Blasphemy! Oh, and Rei is - I mean are - three ****ing sisters, Yui is "student leader", Asuka and Shinji are "old friends" and Misato is teacher just like in Angelic Days. Poor shokogi/Eva 01! What have they done to you? You're like high school bully for christ's sake! GAHHH It's Gainax - whores till very end. Pictures of this new EVA... and the goddamn toys.
  6. Huh, since when Green Dragons have been good?
  7. It's just some usual Sandness Welcome! Always nice to see new devs visiting teh boards
  8. Because USA is poor at colonialism. All "experts" and researchers (europeans, americans etc.) agree on this.
  9. Awesome, I've always loved Gold Dragons. Good, wise and powerful. Funny thing, if I have to be certain D&D Aligment I would generally be Lawful Neutral/True Neutral, sometimes jumping into chaotic good/neutral. But definetly not Lawful Good which is GD's aligment
  10. Call me idealistic, but I believe humankind can go far from violence of this era. Biological evolution has been slow, but cultural evolution has been very, very fast. Just look how far we've gotten in 15 000 years. I'm not saying there will be time with no violence, but I believe we might be able to leave wars and such in bloody tides of history some day... However, I have no idea how many thousands of years that's going to take, but its possible. Viva la Utopia
  11. Religion = evil Whats the main cause of wars, death, destruction and the suffering it brings right now? Religion. If there was such a thing as god/s and I was their god, I would have deserted my flock a long time ago for bastardizing my message of peace and kindness. Convert or die. This is the way of love and peace. That's pretty short-sighted. Fundamentalists suck, especially islamic and fallout ones :sad:
  12. Okay, I try to find it when I have time. It's very similar to that, just take hat and wand away and make head little bit thinner or less rounder or... bah, can't describe it I try to find it though Other one I want back:
  13. I want ) back :sad:
  14. John Lennon - Imagine Imagine there's no Heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one
  15. I like goa- I mean Aliens universe. Often Warhammer is just macho silliness. But still, however, it has its moments. Sometimes such silly "teh
  16. Whuh - Goatse was mentioned here? Goatse is luv <3 I'm not particularly fan of Warhammer universe, it's ridiculously dark and grim, but I'm mildly interested
  17. OE was lazy and didn't want to spend time designing new flag
  18. Xard

    new G-22

    Nonetheless weapons are ment to KILL
  19. Play Red Alert
  20. Xard

    new G-22

    ...... ..................... ...........................
  21. Xard

    new G-22

    I agree with mkreku. Besides, no other country has as much shootings and other firearm crimes as USA. Columbia High School shooting and many other similar monstrosities wouldn't be possible if it wouldn't be so damn easy to get guns/if there wasn't guns lying around everywhere. And yes, guns are made for only one purpose. Killing. There is a purpose. Its called "Worst Case Scenerio." If I had the money to put into guns, instead of my computer, I to would have a nice arsenal. Hades with guns... *shivers*
  22. Definetly better since you get TSLRP when it is ready
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