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Topaz Quasar

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Everything posted by Topaz Quasar

  1. Not the best shot though..... Maybe they'll release model pics of lightsaber hilts someday on the official site......
  2. You're off by 3000 years.
  3. Are you sure? There are many planets with huge cityscapes (or at least one large city); it's hard to be conclusive.
  4. The Dark Side may simply serve to amplify negative emotions, such as racial intolerance. Hence human Sith lords would be intolerant to non-humans. The original Sith would have dispised all non-Sith, including humans. It doesn't so much amplify it as Darksiders tend to be more "uninhibited" with these negative emotions. The Sith ideology gives its followers a sense of self-importance. On the one hand they are assertive of independence, they tend to be uninhibited when it comes to negative emotions, which is why the Sith tend to appear as "evil." The younger Sith, with any possible number of psychological issues, tend to become hooligans.
  5. The fact he's a zabrak and not a human.
  6. Maul & Tyranus didn't have a sinister laugh either. The Emperor was the only one in the movies who had one.........
  7. The whole "the Emperor hates aliens" idea is a fabrication of the fan base, and not the official word from Lucasfilm themselves. The prequels alone should be enough of an indication, but many will try to argue it no matter what. Basically, in Ep. 4, a single Imperial officer calls Chewbacca a "thing," and in KOTOR a Sith officer (who was clearly tempermental) killed a Duros for standing up to the officer. The fan base seems to assume that because of these two characters, and because the Sith/Imperial officers are frequently depicted as humans, the Sith/Galactic Empire is "anti-alien."
  8. I hardly consider the words of a SINGLE officer (who has a mind of his own and clearly has issues) as an indicator that the entire Sith/Galactic Empire "hate aliens."
  9. The "bringing the balance" was Palpatine's destruction, but yeah the Jedi had it coming. Hell, the council in KOTOR had it coming.
  10. Yes I would like to see more than red too. What about fallen jedi????? They are suddenly gonna have a red light saber are they?????? It was silly how Juhani had a red saber iin the grove, and then when she joins she switched it to blue just like that??
  11. a. You must realize that Count Dooku was 20 times more skilled than Anakin; he knew how to disable Anakin's second lightsaber efficiently. b. Darth Malak was simply throwing every soldier & force user on the Star Forge at Revan to slow him down. They weren't trying to be even remotely tactical.
  12. Advanced character creation isn't possible with the game engine. Since your character is meant to be a human Jedi who had been in exile since the Mandalorian Wars, you kinda have to be a force-sensitive human.
  13. You can't really revive Freedon Nadd because his spirit was evicerated by Exar Kun.
  14. Since Dxun is one of the new planets in KOTOR2, I feel I should ask this: How do you pronounce "Dxun?"
  15. Dxun had the tomb of Freedon Nadd, which Exar Kun defiled....and subsequently became possessed (sort of) by the spirit of the dead Sith Lord, who had plans for the young Darkside bound Jedi. Didn't seem to work out for Freedon though.....
  16. Jango Fett had a dart-launcher & flamethrower built in his gauntlets, and could fire rockets with his jetpack. They seemed to have gone a step further with Mira and put the entire rocket launcher on her wrist....
  17. A more generic term for a wielder of the darkside that wasn't trained by either Jedi or Sith is Dark Adept. (counterpart to Force Adept)
  18. I agree it is overused. One thing I noticed is that two-handed weapon support feats meant the penalties for using 2-blade lightsaber/melee blades or dual-wielding pistols/blades/lightsabers were removed. Dueling feats meant you gain both attack & defense bonuses as long as you are using only one lightsaber/pistol/blade, hence making the single saber a "defensive" method. The reason so many Sith seem to use it is because they're obsessed with offensive power. If you noticed, most of the Jedi in KOTOR used single saber styles. Bastila seemed to take a special interest in the double-bladed style. Jolee already had some duelist feats learned when you get him. Only Revan & Juhani were "undecided" (e.g. no preselected duelist/two-handed feats)
  19. I suspect Microsoft will ensure that KoTOR 2 gets a healthy head start on the Xbox. I don't see how; they aren't publishing the game. The only reason the first KOTOR came out on X-Box first was because they needed more time to get the PC version optimized. Since they're reusing the game engine, they don't need to do all that extra work.
  20. Generalizations of the Sith come from people's bad habit of....generalizing. Perhaps these new Sith Lords are trying a new method of survival; NOT killing each other. Darth Bane took time to think about the flaws of the Sith 1000 years before the movies (3000 years after KOTOR)....perhaps others before him tried new methods of preservation?
  21. You sure it wasn't a marketing ploy, or you misinterpereted it? Either way, it seems Obsidian was a little more "honest" since I read somewhere (I think an interview) that it mostly comes down to a decisive moment But the characters are more dynamic now in this game, so perhaps your choices early on in KOTOR2 will have more meaning than in KOTOR.
  22. Remember, you're going up against not one but several Sith Lords. Who's to say these Sith Lords have to be FIXED? Perhaps depending on the opening quiz answers, "The Sith Lords" could vary, and that means it could include Bastila.
  23. KOTOR2 will be released at the same time for PC & X-Box. (most of the work on the engine was already done by Bioware)
  24. No, those are the Massassi that are mutantions of a Sith crew that fought during the great Hyperspace War. They descended from a caste of Sith warriors, brought there by Naga Sadow while he was running from the Republic.
  25. Even KOTOR had the "grey" path in several instances. Many NPC encounters gave you light, dark, or grey area options. Jolee Bindo himself was a "grey" area character, although he was against the Sith philosophies. e.g. someone rewards you for a deed, you can either tell him/her to keep reward (light), just accept it (grey area), or demand a better reward (dark).
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