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Raven Darkholme

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Everything posted by Raven Darkholme

  1. Only thing is the invocation are just an extra gimmick of the chanter and not his main strength which is .... chanting.
  2. If you wanna min max for solo maxing Res will just not do at all, 10-12 Res more is not needed either. As mentioned before the fortitude coming from MI and CON is much more important. I would always max MI first the health from CON is not that important.
  3. Let's not forget that in some scenarios reach is more useful than a shield if you manage to use a chokepoint in a way that you are aggroed by weak enemies in the front row and you ignore those with your staff/lance and always kill second row and the weak ones last. Doesn't work wih big bodys like bears or bigger but sometimes wonders vs humans.
  4. I wouldn't necessarily say you don't use the staff/lance with a tank. When I started my solo wizard on level 3 I did the bear cave without figurine, combined with vital essence the endurance regen from staff hits is super helpul and the massive damage output is worth as much as higher defense if you can kill a dangerous target quicker. Through Veil I had like 80+ def on 3 without shield, too that's not bad at all.
  5. You only keep your shield as long as you haven't cast the spell for staff/lance but higher deflection can be useful for casting your defensive spells at combat start. Armour you can easily go light, damage reduction is sadly not that awesome in this game unless you get huge chunks of DR like +30 from damage shield chant. If you solo plate is more ideal but you can easily solo without plate.
  6. Best tank dps is chanter, tho the dps doesn't come from weapon damage but chant. Probably not what you wanted to know but I threw it in there for good measure. Otherwise everyone else is right about monk ofc.
  7. Must be a tad boring though:) Yea, it's zero Micro. One of the few parties where AI actually works pretty well. There's a reason I never finished my 6 chanters and it's definitely not because it was to weak. :D
  8. If you really want melee I'd just use ranged to open a fight. If you rather want guns that's fine, too. ;P Wand or scepter should be ok, too as Reent said, once you reach level 9 Dragon slashed is awesome and I don't see how that's different on non PotD, even on PotD I never use invocations from 9 on, since you stack the chant on foes if your IN is high enough you should also crit more often due to easy difficulty which means stacking should be even more effective. I feel like all the chanter PotD arguments are based around invocations but those are only op before level 9 and that should go for easy too since getting phantom is really fast if you use speed, fort/will and Soft winds in that order.
  9. Chanter is a good tank even on lower levels. You get +10 Reflex on the Wengrith's chant and if you combine it with Soft winds (Wengrith 1st) you build a phantom very quickly. You can with the help of the speed pull enemies with a ranged weapon and once the enemies reach you and your party (ideally your party is a bit away so you run towards them to have a second or two more to build those phrases) (you switch to small shield and hatchet on the run) your phantom ideally is built up and can be sent into the fray it recks at lower levels. As soon as you get a third chant you pick at the Sight of their comrades, which is an aura and gives you and your party +10 Fort and Will at that point your defenses are like a paladin, keep in mind that the small shield in Gilded Vale buffs your whole party if you have as pala the chanter also benefits. Cast Wengrith first, then the aura then Soft winds, very fast phantom, thank you very much chanter.
  10. Not because of charm I just meant it helps vs charm, too. Being charmed while your SA is active is kinda bad btw.
  11. You kinda need Righteous Soul for solo. It counters charm quite well, too if you combine it with scrolls you are pretty much immune.
  12. A cipher is pretty viable with a cbow. It might not be the ideal ranged weapon but it's definitely viable. It should work well with pretty much any ranged class rogues, rangers, paladins, too.
  13. You have plenty of stat points anyway. You can always respec at higher level or if you want guaranteed crits on cc you will value every single point of acc at least on PotD.
  14. Hey man I didn't want to take away from your fun, if the xp reduction makes it more enjoyable, all power to you. Everyone enjoys different things and that's very good.
  15. I agree. I'm the kind of player who always complains about lacking difficulty but still I use all the tools I have and early max level is one of those. Difficulty has to come from the game, restricting yourself is only half the fun, soloing is alright, since it doesn't require you to do anything special you pick up no companions, that's it.
  16. It depends how quickly you can finish your fights. For a chanter with phantom/worms recovery as 1st talent is better than deflection, belt of bountiful healing is better than blunting belt because you finish your fights rather quick. With a paladin it's different, recovery only lasts for 60ish seconds if a fight takes longer you might be better off with something else. Let's not forget you can also actively heal so veterans recovery becomes less important the more resources you have.
  17. Oh yeah I specifically remembered the post being made by you but search function didn't help me. Good job, I didn't use this before since I always had paladins but I found this a tad bit less reliable to tank with a chanter and even tho I couldn't find your post managed to reconstruct the strategy on my own. I think other classes might find this even harder than chanter, maybe not wiz and cipher those should have it pretty easy and ofc rogue has it easiest doesn't even need figurine.
  18. Just upscale WM. As to overleveling that was even worse in BG if you soloed you got 6x xp.
  19. Yes I don't like ToI too much myself, but I want to do it at least once for completionist sakes. It's just very relaxing if you find ways to either avoid fights or make them super safe.
  20. Yes that sounds very valid, too. I also tested a setup with max Fort and not too low Deflection which enables you to facetank 2 phantoms in the upper left corner next to the throne long enough to fan of flames them to death. It's just on a ToI save you might not want to take the rsk of the fight going wrong since there is no reload and also there's people doing pacifist runs.
  21. So while testing Caed Nua for my Ultimate ToI I found this method to avoid fighting the phantoms without a rogue and shadowing beyond. I thought this method was posted before but couldn't find it so I made a video: Non embed:https://youtu.be/0-crG5AutCI You need 2 move speed, 5 stealth and should be able to defeat 1 shadow in case it comes after you. Should work with any class not just chanter.
  22. Bear cave is easy for chanter even on ToI at least if you go for all the good items first, unstealth, go in the corner use figurine to engage bear, that way the small bears aggro you first and since you're in the corner the bear stands in line so you can keep sending phantoms at him. My chanters always have around 70ish deflection in Act 1 so I can afford not attacking the young bear that's on me so I don't kill them too early before the big bear is down. In the temple it depends whether you just want to finish the quest or clear all the map, killing the phantom is easy, attack an ooze from range run away with speed chant, if ooze keeps coming at you you won, if not you run far enough so all enemies deaggro. If ooze aggros you first patiently pull it towards the door you had to unlock, the phantom will be right behind the ooze but blocked by it you can attack with ranged ignoring the ooze and send phantoms at it.
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