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Everything posted by Venatio

  1. I loved palling around with Kana, and his quest was to me both noble and interesting. That he does not find what he wants but instead finds something altogether just as valuable, the value in seeking knowledge, is simply touching to me. And then the Leaden Key agents show up on level 1 of Caed Nua declaring their intent to kill Kana. Now, normally this would just be self-defense.... but what I did was just straight-up murder. Threaten me in my own basement indeed....
  2. The Dyrewood does have an army, most of it at Fleetbraker Castle. Everything can hit the fan in Defiance Bay and Lord Raedric's castle but as long as the Grand Marshall of the Knights Crucible is around to impose martial law then there is a valid reason why a neighbor does not invade. Certainly there should have been some pushback from the Glanfalans, but why would they want land that is troubled by the Legacy? As for why to oppose Lord Raedric, it is a very good paying job to kill a man who is clearly nuts. What more reason does a mercenary need? As for why we don't side with the man for his offer of coin, I just want to remind everyone that this is a man who hangs his people and killed his wife. How safe would you feel working for him?
  3. You really don't need resolve that high I believe, if that is what you were wondering. In the Endless Path lvl 14 you can get your hands on a cloak that adds +3 to your resolve, the Shroud of Mourning, long before you need it at the animancy debates. Then there is the resolve bonus you get from the Salty Mast by hiring either Iquali for a bonus to +1 resolve or even the +2 resolve from Big Durmsey. If all else fails then you can buy some dragon meat for 4k and make a very fine steak before the animancy debate for a +3 on top of that. The highest resolve speech check in the game is 19 I believe (or 20?) and by then you will have a ton of dragon meat after you carve up the Sky Dragon. But if you want a high resolve for combat, that is completely your prerogative.
  4. Well that sucks. While the 3 day notice always seemed quite the luxury, this new change makes the Stronghold even more of a burden because now we cannot possibly work to make it cost effective.
  5. It's always best to not auto-resolve these raids, the loot that is dropped is worthwhile (exceptional arms and armors I believe) and you don't have to worry about rebuilding anything. Though for some reason the game does not let us loot everything that is dropped, which I find stupid. Maybe the spoils are split among the defenders?
  6. Oh, well that is good to know. Certainly takes a mark off the Dozens in my book anyhow.
  7. But think of the real estate market in Heritage Hill! It would make a killing....
  8. Well, Cruelty 1 *and* the machine is not destroyed. Bit of a downer on the last part. Bad enough we have to feed someone to that zombie guy on top of the tower...
  9. Actually, can you use the machine and then destroy it? I was always wondering that.
  10. I know that the whole body cannot go into a portrait, I just meant the head region with the beard. I don't have a program capable of re-sizing a picture without borking it up.
  11. The benefit is hardly something to muddle over. A +1 to Might and a small increase to Endurance are a pittance, easily trumped by a good meal.
  12. But that's not our fault! Using the default font is common courtesy. I'm not angry about it, mind you. Now that I've seen it in the full version, it looks like an honest mistake (often happens when people copy-paste, for example). It'd just be nice if everyone remembered about proper formatting. Sorry about that, I had not realized that the font color was an issue. I thought the white colored letters stood out better.
  13. I found this awesome bearded elf if anyone thought they could use it to help the Pale Elf community on these forums. I found the picture on Pinterest but its from greg-opalinski.deviantart.com Warning: Picture might be a bit big. So, does anyone think they can work with this?
  14. I think the Crucible Knights are especially picky about who sides with them, but if anyone can confirm that the first quest of each faction won't turn the other against you then that would be a good thing to know. The first Dozens quest is very Knight friendly if you choose the peaceful resolution.
  15. The true deciding factor for me is the talents you gain from the factions: Second Skin + 2 DT Training from the Knights of the Crucible allows you to gain more protection from wearing armor. The Merciless Hand + 0.3 to critical damage multiplier Training from the Doemenels allows you to do increased damage with Crits. Mob Justice + 5 Accuracy when attacking same target as an ally The Dozens know how to deal with enemies: gang up on them with everyone you've got. Now you know, too. If your main character is a fighter or general front line class member you will want to join the Crucible Knights, so that +2 DT can really come into use. Also, the Crucible Knights work great as either a lawful good faction or as a bastion of elitist strength depending on your character's role-play priorities. I don't really use characters skilled in stillettos or warbows, so I never see the point in siding with anyone other than the Knights. However, the Dozens have the bonus of allowing you access to one of the best spears in the game so there is that to consider.
  16. I help both men and women equally (open doors, etc). It's what this video implies, that a good deed is not worth the trouble without possible repayment, that is irksome.
  17. I have find British humor unusual at times, and certainly on this subject matter more than a little off-putting. Sure, thank you for reminding us men that we should only help women when there is the chance we could date them rather than as part of our civic duty to our fellow citizens. Just laugh out loud material there. Really. I respect Sagani and her character is very well thought out. I know some dwarven players might feel let down to know she already has a family to go back to, but it's still a pleasure to have her around if you need a ranger.
  18. Could be a Baldurs Gate thing for all I know.
  19. No new quests as far as I know, certainly a few lines of dialogue about the riots if that interests you. And, well, the Sanitarium was burnt down so all of the quests that you had not completed there are now, I believe, out of reach. That would include Aloth's quests which I hope you got around to before the riots happened. If you already did Aloth's quest then you can just relax and go back, all of the quests from Act II in Defiance Bay are still there. But if you already did everything then there might not be anything to look into.
  20. There seems to be this constant system of reincarnation, where occasionally the souls will split or merge depending on local population levels. This system is referred to by many as "The Wheel", and even the Engwithan gods only seem to have a tentative grasp on it. I don't believe that The Wheel is an actual ordered system, anymore than a raging river or the movement of tectonic plates would be considered such. Rather, it is just one very important element in the fabric of Eora's setting. As for the companions, I was put off by only a few. Pallegina never tells us she is willing to help hunt Thaos and Hiravais is just a straggler we pick up on the road. Why were they with us to begin with? Pallegina could have tagged along with the innumerable Vailian merchants and travelers already going to Twin Elms, and Hiravais could have gone to Twin Elms and found out what he wanted to know from the druids. Mind you, he would have been killed at the end of that quest without some friends.
  21. Just listen to the gods make their case on what you should do after you defeat Thaos. If you like what they say then agree and they will give you a spare talent of some inconsequential stat boost. Remember that you can always say "I need time to think" or something to such effect if you are undecided. You don't necessarily pray to a single god often but a group of them with the same goal in mind. For instance I was a fan of Magram but had to accept Galwain's blessing because he headed up that triumvirate. But know this - if you want a good ending, do not under any circumstances deviate from your promise to the gods you choose when it comes time to make the decision. The consequences are simple not pleasant. As for me, I went with Galwain's idea because I thought it would be a better use of such an opportunity.
  22. Making the main character the party's mechanic monkey doesn't really strike my fancy. I love having a high lore for casting scrolls, and a high athletics helps with exploration and combat. That and a few points in survival caps off what I want from my main character irregardless. So a rogue with a +3 mechanics at the start is awesome, as the worst traps (Sunlance) have a whopping mechanics challenge of 12. And of course, he or she will have points left over to put elsewhere.
  23. With a face that looks like someone smeared burning tar on themselves a moment ago your character certainly would have to pay someone to cuddle with them I imagine. If you ask me, they really should not have bothered making Godlikes a player race at all. We can't wear hats, our face looks like someone threw us into a nightmarish glitter shop, and to top it off we are not even special (there are Godlikes basically everywhere in this game).
  24. I feel the same way towards having a rogue in my party. Frankly, it's annoying that there's no Rogue companion in the game (outside of the tutorial). Perhaps even more than the other two missing companion classes, I feel that the lack of a rogue for locks and traps duty is a glaring hole. I'm so glad someone agrees. Starting out with a +2 to mechanics is pretty big, especially since we are running into level 8 locks (near as I can tell) in the temple of Eothas that is smack dab in the middle of Gilded Vale.
  25. For me I always need a rogue with a high mechanics so I have to make one at the Inn. Thankfully for my next game that will be the only party member I need custom made.
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