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Everything posted by peddroelm

  1. you can edit thread title - use full editor and on topic - confirmed
  2. some Enduring Flames & Wounding Shot DOT tests .. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78716-104-i-cant-figure-out-enduring-flameswounding-shot-dot-damagetick/ Haven't yet figured out how their damage is calculated .. What does seem somewhat obvious from the test data - their damage doesn't seem to scale with hit quality (bad) .. and is lower than the expected values based on percentages shown in their skill description .. Both work wonderfully for blunderbus + combusting wounds combo due to each triggering 6 parallel DOTs with blunderbuss .
  3. test data on enduring flames - they also produce 6 parallel DOTs for bludnerbuss combusting wounds synergy Data relevant for test 20 base great sword. 33% might bonus Two Handed Focus 15% . Against 15 slash DR 12 fire DR Two handed focus did not apply - maybe to much talent shuffling trough console .. +0 ms |Health Damage 8.624634 // sword swing graze 20 * (1 + 0.33 -0.5) *0.2 [MIN] + 20 * (1 + 0.33 -0.5)*0.5 - 12 * 0.25 +38 ms |Health Damage 2.302124 +9051 ms |Health Damage 2.302124 +3007 ms |Health Damage 2.302124 +0 ms |Health Damage 36.909912 // sword swing crit 20 * (1 + 0.33 + 0.5 )-15 + 20 * (1 + 0.33 + 0.5 )*0.5 - 12 * 0.25 +39 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3006 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3013 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3017 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3009 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3005 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3027 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 longer DOT duration as expected but surprisingly lower damage .. Weapon has constant damage.. DOT damage not calculated based of weapon damage roll ??! Nowhere near the expected 50% promised in description .. (****ty ability on its own - enduring flames) +0 ms |Health Damage 21.909912 // sword hit 20 * (1 + 0.33 ) -15 + 20 * (1 + 0.33 )*0.5 - 12 * 0.25 = 21.9 +41 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3009 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3010 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3024 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3112 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +0 ms |Health Damage 21.909912 // sword hit +44 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +2997 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3025 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3012 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3002 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +0 ms |Health Damage 36.909912 // Crit - longer duration but why lower damage ticks ?! 20 * (1 + 0.33 + 0.5 )-15 + 20 * (1 + 0.33 + 0.5 )*0.5 - 12 * 0.25 +41 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3001 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3004 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3015 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3257 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3004 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3027 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 1.247 * 5 - 20 * (1 + 0.33 ) * 0.5 = -7.065 1.247 * 5 - 20 * 0.5 = -3.765 0.895935 * 7 - 20 * (1 + 0.33 + 0.5 ) * 0.5 = -12.028455 0.895935 * 7 - 20 * 0.5 = -3.728455 2.302124 * 3 =6.906372 // graze 1,24700 * 5 =6.235 // hit 0.895935 * 7 = 6.271545 // Crit 50% damage as DOT (ability description) .. 50% of WHAT ?!?!? /////////////////// Lets try wounding shot then 20 base damage greatsword. 36% might 15% two handed .. +0 ms |Health Damage 5.207214 // graze 20 * (1+ 0.36 + 0.15 - 0.5) - 15 +56 ms |Health Damage 7.703796 +11155 ms |Health Damage 7.703796 +12192 ms |Health Damage 7.703796 +0 ms |Health Damage 15.207214 // hit 20 * (1+ 0.36 + 0.15 ) - 15 +45 ms |Health Damage 4.810974 +2997 ms |Health Damage 4.810974 +3012 ms |Health Damage 4.810974 +3009 ms |Health Damage 4.810974 +3018 ms |Health Damage 4.810974 +0 ms |Health Damage 25.207214 // crit 20 * (1+ 0.36 + 0.15 + 0.5) - 15 +43 ms |Health Damage 3.846680 +2995 ms |Health Damage 3.846680 +3026 ms |Health Damage 3.846680 +3005 ms |Health Damage 3.846680 +3019 ms |Health Damage 3.846680 +3012 ms |Health Damage 3.846680 +2991 ms |Health Damage 3.846680 +3006 ms |Health Damage 3.846680 7.7 * 3 = 23.1 4.81 * 5 = 24.05 3.846 * 8 = 30.768 *1 of ??!?? Since the damage ticks are consistent - it means that they are in fact calculated as function of weapon base damage...But how ?! 7.7 / 2.3 = 3.348 4.81 / 1.24700 = 3.857 3.846 / 0.896 = 4.292 Are they even using the same formula ?? Turned on savage attack +0 ms |Health Damage 29.207214 // crit 20 * (1+ 0.36 + 0.15 + 0.5 + 0.2) - 15 +54 ms |Health Damage 4.602478 +3002 ms |Health Damage 4.602478 +3029 ms |Health Damage 4.602478 +3023 ms |Health Damage 4.602478 +3009 ms |Health Damage 4.602478 +3002 ms |Health Damage 4.602478 +3026 ms |Health Damage 4.602478 +3021 ms |Health Damage 4.602478 So damage per tick includes damage mods (it went up with after turning on savage attack) .. Paladin int score + 35% duration Ranger Int score +30% Duration.. Next time I should probably check what happens if I change their intelligence to 10 (not only DOT duration but maybe damage per tick would change ? )..
  4. test data on enduring flames - they also produce 6 parallel DOTs for combusting wounds synergy +0 ms |Health Damage 8.624634 // sword swing graze 20 * (1 + 0.33 -0.5) *0.2 [MIN] + 20 * (1 + 0.33 -0.5)*0.5 - 12 * 0.25 +38 ms |Health Damage 2.302124 +9051 ms |Health Damage 2.302124 +3007 ms |Health Damage 2.302124 +0 ms |Health Damage 36.909912 // sword swing crit +39 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3006 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3013 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3017 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3009 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3005 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3027 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 longer DOT duration as expected but surprisingly lower damage .. Weapon has constant damage.. DOT damage not calculated based of weapon damage roll ??! Nowhere near the expected 50% promised in description .. (****ty ability on its own - enduring flames) // bluderbus FoD with enduring flames pellets hits (1 miss) +24795 ms |Health Damage 7.082031 +5 ms |Health Damage 3.940979 +5 ms |Health Damage 9.054138 +5 ms |Health Damage 0.000000 +4 ms |Health Damage 6.528442 +5 ms |Health Damage 7.072388 //DOT waves +59 ms |Health Damage 0.314087 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.258362 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.348328 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.304443 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.313904 +3131 ms |Health Damage 0.314087 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.258362 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.348328 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.304443 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.313904 +3004 ms |Health Damage 0.314087 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.258362 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.348328 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.304443 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.313904 +2990 ms |Health Damage 0.314087 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.258362 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.348328 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.304443 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.313904 +3002 ms |Health Damage 0.314087 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.258362 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.348328 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.304443 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.313904 TLDR - enduring flames pretty ****ty on its own but does(SHOULD) work beautifully with blunderbuss - combusting wounds combo .. //////////////////////// ///////////////////////// more enduring flames tests with same constant damage weapon +0 ms |Health Damage 21.909912 // sword hit +44 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +2997 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3025 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3012 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3002 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +0 ms |Health Damage 21.909912 // sword hit 20 * (1 + 0.33 ) -15 + 20 * (1 + 0.33 )*0.5 - 12 * 0.25 = 21.9 +41 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 // repeatable damage - more like it +3009 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3010 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3024 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +3112 ms |Health Damage 1.247498 +0 ms |Health Damage 36.909912 // Crit - longer duration but why lower damage ticks ?! 20 * (1 + 0.33 + 0.5 )-15 + 20 * (1 + 0.33 + 0.5 )*0.5 - 12 * 0.25 +41 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3001 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3004 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3015 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3257 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3004 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 +3027 ms |Health Damage 0.895935 Data relevant for test 20 base great sword. 33% might bonus Two Handed Focus 15% . Against 15 slash DR 12 fire DR Two handed focus did not apply - maybe to much talent shuffling trough console .. 1.247 * 5 - 20 * (1 + 0.33 ) * 0.5 = -7.065 1.247 * 5 - 20 * 0.5 = -3.765 0.895935 * 7 - 20 * (1 + 0.33 + 0.5 ) * 0.5 = -12.028455 0.895935 * 7 - 20 * 0.5 = -3.728455 50% damage as DOT .. 50% of WHAT ?!?!?
  5. Torments reach AOE hits don't use equipped weapons stats//effects .. They will never apply any weapon enchantments ..
  6. you mean FoD + enduring flames + blunderbus + combusting wounds ?.. Could take a look ..
  7. 1.04 DEEP Wounds 10 int lvl 9 13.3 RAW / 10 seconds 0 ms |Health Damage 15.803299 //sabre hit +12718 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +4580 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +4565 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +2990 ms |Health Damage 2.625610 //some fluke 0 ms |Health Damage 15.803299 //sabre hit +29 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +11588 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +4562 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +4565 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 (timings - slow combat on , and I sometimes pause) +0 ms |Health Damage 15.803299 +29 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3005 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3021 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3130 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +0 ms |Health Damage 13.803299 // graze + SA +33 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3003 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3022 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3035 ms |Health Damage 3.990997TLDR .. Deep wounds DOT duration doesn't scale with hit quality ( bug ?) but it does scale with INT.. Mostly an academic issue since in most practical situations the next weapon hit will rest the duration anyway ... +0 ms |Health Damage 24.803299 //CRIT +31 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3025 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3026 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3014 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 20 int lvl 9 13.3 RAW / 15 seconds +0 ms |Health Damage 18.803299 +27 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3158 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3018 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3010 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3019 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +2932 ms |Health Damage 3.900024 +0 ms |Health Damage 13.803299TLDR .. Deep wounds DOT duration doesn't scale with hit quality ( bug ?) but it does scale with INT.. Mostly an academic issue since in most practical situations the next weapon hit will rest the duration anyway ... +29 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3021 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3011 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3022 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +3001 ms |Health Damage 3.990997 +2926 ms |Health Damage 3.892090 TLDR .. Deep wounds DOT duration doesn't scale with hit quality ( bug ?) but it does scale with INT.. Mostly academic issues since in most practical situations the next weapon hit will rest the duration anyway ...
  8. they did (dev post on forum) - not ingame info .. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78228-lashes-all-go-against-25-of-dr-no-matter-what-the-lash-damage-is/?p=1671933
  9. Why do you care what dominated chars do ? Dominated chars should be able to switch weapons, drop weapons, stab themselves (game over ) , cast spells .. etc ..It's under somebody else's control ..
  10. Another quick test - the long overdue Slayer weapon enchantment .. Superb (0.45%) Arbalest base damage 30. 33% might bonus . Slaying (Primordial) Accuracy in char screen 70.. Accuracy vs primordials + 15 ( boreal dwarf) + 5 (Slaying primordials) = 90 . Test subject was Dank spore .. 30 * ( 1 + 0.45 + 0.33 + 0.25 ) = 60.9 == 60.9 // hit OK 30 * ( 1 + 0.45 + 0.33 + 0.25 + 0.5 - 0.3) = 66.9 <> 68.4 //crit . NOT OK 30 * ( 1 + 0.45 + 0.33 + 0.25 + 0.5 - 0.25) = 68.4 == 68.4 // Crit. Match - arbalest crit mod is 0.25 not 0.2 . Third test vs non-primordial target .. 30 * ( 1 + 0.45 + 0.33 + 0.5 - 0.25) = 60.9 == 60.9 // crit. Indeed Arbalest crit is lowered by -0.25 So Slayer enchantments WORK, work additively as expected and unexpectedly Arbalest reduce crit damage by -0.25 NOT by -0.3 as in description
  11. I only ask because other DOTs like deep wounds or envenomed strike only keep one of the DOTs (override on each new application) .. Might still be WAD as deep wounds and envenomed strike don't make use of the weapon's stats but wounding shot does(tied to the weapon used to apply it with) .. Still this 6 times the DOT numbers allows a strong synergy // borderline abuse comboed with combusting wounds like shown in the tests bellow .. ( kept in check by the fact that wounding shot is limited per rest and there are quite a few rolls vs different defences to get the most out of it - pellets must hit, ideally crit for good duration, combusting wounds must also hit - again limited per rest unless lvl 10 wizard or perhaps buy multiple rings .. High might on CW caster required, highish int on both needed to expend duration of both the CW debbuff and wounding shot DOT ) Actual test damage numbers - impressive - just less impressive than expected - perhaps the game engine simply cannot keep up with so many damage ticks ? TEST 1 // pellet hits - sadly none triggered combusting wounds damage ticks +0 ms |Health Damage 15.333328 +11 ms |Health Damage 12.330811 +29 ms |Health Damage 12.404922 +23 ms |Health Damage 10.517975 +20 ms |Health Damage 10.460510 +13 ms |Health Damage 7.418808 //first round of the 6 dot ticks - each one immediately fallowed by CW damage as expected +94 ms |Health Damage 2.964478 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 // 5 * (1 + 0.36 ) - 4 * 0.25 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.188171 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.719452 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 4.194382 +2 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.683975 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 // some extra fire ticks ? why lower damage ? +pause ms |Health Damage 5.613632 +3 ms |Health Damage 5.613632 //second "wave" of WS DOT ticks + CW +167 ms |Health Damage 2.964478 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +5 ms |Health Damage 2.188171 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +2 ms |Health Damage 1.719452 +5 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 4.194382 +2 ms |Health Damage 2.683975 +pause ms |Health Damage 5.439911 +3 ms |Health Damage 5.439911 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.439911 +242 ms |Health Damage 2.964478 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.188171 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.719452 +0 ms |Health Damage 4.194382 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.683975 +pause ms |Health Damage 5.425308 +268 ms |Health Damage 2.964478 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.188171 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.719452 +4536 ms |Health Damage 2.964478 +6 ms |Health Damage 2.188171 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.719452 +4466 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +6973 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +15807 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 Last DOT ticks didn't triggered CW damage as expected even if the lion was still "in flames" .. Maybe game engine cannot keep up.. Maybe pausing messes with durations.. Will try test 2 without pause .. TEST 2 (no pause - similar test results) //blunder buss shots +0 ms |Health Damage 14.146805 +5 ms |Health Damage 12.208984 +6 ms |Health Damage 12.463852 +7 ms |Health Damage 14.068573 +7 ms |Health Damage 11.707504 +6 ms |Health Damage 13.718369 //first DOT wave with CW +52 ms |Health Damage 2.657700 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.156677 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.222565 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.027008 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.546921 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 //sec +2984 ms |Health Damage 2.657700 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.156677 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.222565 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.027008 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.546921 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 //"debt" of CWs for pellet hits ? +2886 ms |Health Damage 5.583694 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.583694 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.583694 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.583694 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.583694 +87 ms |Health Damage 2.657700 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.156677 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.222565 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.027008 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.546921 +2879 ms |Health Damage 5.652313 +79 ms |Health Damage 2.657700 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.156677 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.222565 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.027008 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.546921 +2983 ms |Health Damage 2.657700 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.156677 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.222565 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.027008 +2 ms |Health Damage 2.546921 +2954 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +3024 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +3011 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 Maybe CW expired during the test ? (24 second duration compared to 12 second Wounding should - looks like it should've covered it - didn't pay attention - checking a bit later test lion wan't on fire anymore ..) .Proof that the engine struggles a bit is some CW don't apply later than the damage that triggered them .. Might be a similar case to the Reegar Carbine of Mass Effect 3 only somewhat kept in check by the engine's inability to process [all of] the enormous number of projectiles and rate of fire devs decided to bless it with ..
  12. test data on the potentially very potent Blunderbuss & Combusting wounds & Wounding Shot combo https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78652-blunderbuss-wounding-shotranger-combusting-wounds-combo/
  13. Actual test damage numbers - impressive - just less impressive than expected - perhaps the game engine simply cannot keep up with so many damage ticks ? TEST 1 // pellet hits - sadly none triggered combusting wounds damage ticks +0 ms |Health Damage 15.333328 +11 ms |Health Damage 12.330811 +29 ms |Health Damage 12.404922 +23 ms |Health Damage 10.517975 +20 ms |Health Damage 10.460510 +13 ms |Health Damage 7.418808 //first round of the 6 dot ticks - each one immediately fallowed by CW damage as expected +94 ms |Health Damage 2.964478 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 // 5 * (1 + 0.36 ) - 4 * 0.25 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.188171 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.719452 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 4.194382 +2 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.683975 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 // some extra fire ticks ? why lower damage ? +pause ms |Health Damage 5.613632 +3 ms |Health Damage 5.613632 //second "wave" of DOT ticks + CW +167 ms |Health Damage 2.964478 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +5 ms |Health Damage 2.188171 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +2 ms |Health Damage 1.719452 +5 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 4.194382 +2 ms |Health Damage 2.683975 +pause ms |Health Damage 5.439911 +3 ms |Health Damage 5.439911 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.439911 +242 ms |Health Damage 2.964478 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.188171 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.719452 +0 ms |Health Damage 4.194382 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.683975 +pause ms |Health Damage 5.425308 +268 ms |Health Damage 2.964478 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.188171 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.719452 +4536 ms |Health Damage 2.964478 +6 ms |Health Damage 2.188171 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.719452 +4466 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +6973 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 +15807 ms |Health Damage 1.164429 Last DOT ticks didn't triggered CW damage as expected even if the lion was still "in flames" .. Maybe game engine cannot keep up.. Maybe pausing messes with durations.. Will try test 2 without pause .. TEST 2 (no pause - similar test results) //blunder buss shots +0 ms |Health Damage 14.146805 +5 ms |Health Damage 12.208984 +6 ms |Health Damage 12.463852 +7 ms |Health Damage 14.068573 +7 ms |Health Damage 11.707504 +6 ms |Health Damage 13.718369 //first DOT wave with CW +52 ms |Health Damage 2.657700 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.156677 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.222565 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.027008 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.546921 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 //sec +2984 ms |Health Damage 2.657700 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.156677 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.222565 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.027008 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.546921 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 //"debt" of CWs for pellet hits ? +2886 ms |Health Damage 5.583694 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.583694 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.583694 +0 ms |Health Damage 5.583694 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.583694 +87 ms |Health Damage 2.657700 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.156677 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.222565 +1 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +1 ms |Health Damage 5.801804 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.027008 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.546921 +2879 ms |Health Damage 5.652313 +79 ms |Health Damage 2.657700 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.156677 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.222565 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.027008 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.546921 +2983 ms |Health Damage 2.657700 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.156677 +0 ms |Health Damage 2.222565 +0 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +1 ms |Health Damage 2.027008 +2 ms |Health Damage 2.546921 +2954 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +3024 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 +3011 ms |Health Damage 1.454712 Maybe CW expired during the test ? (24 second duration compared to 12 second Wounding should - looks like it should've covered it - didn't pay attention - checking a bit later test lion wan't on fire anymore ..) .Proof that the engine struggles a bit is some CW don't apply later than the damage that triggered them .. Might be a similar case to the Reegar Carbine of Mass Effect 3 only somewhat kept in check by the engine's inability to process [all of] the enormous number of projectiles and rate of fire devs decided to bless it with ..
  14. You mean the accurate wounding shot thing right ? Problem with no DEV confirming it as a BUG - it just might be working as designed ..
  15. think I did a test on envenomed strike - don't think it cares about the equipped weapon at all .. It works more like a DOT damage spell (you cast it at range not apply it with melee swing in melee range) with its own damage range that might scale with character level .. Didn't really test it but 90% you cannot apply it 6 times using blunderbuss like you can with wounding shot .. And deep wounds will also not stack 6 times - it simply overwrites itself (this I did actually test with blunderbuss) .. Did a quick test on envenomed weapon - like with deep wounds - there can be only one DOT tick (longest duration one overrides the rest) .. Maybe Wounding shot triggering 6 parallel DOTs is a bug ? Accurate Wounding Shot talent states that it increases the accuracy of Wounding Shot by ten BUT the modifier is only applied to the Hobbled status effect roll (maybe bug), not the actual attack itself. Doesn't help .. We're trying to kill the target here not hobble it ..
  16. Here's a random example of damage log from Blunderbuss fired vs heavily armored target by a ranger using wounding shot .. (each pellet will trigger its own DOT) .. picked from my proper DOT testing thread http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78410-proper-debugger-breakpoints-dot-hot-tests/?p=1673223 Here's a wounding shot with Blunderbuss 1 graze, 4 hit 1 Crit // pellets hit +0 ms |Health Damage 1.780579 +9 ms |Health Damage 1.939209 +8 ms |Health Damage 1.627869 +9 ms |Health Damage 1.177551 +9 ms |Health Damage 1.967072 +13 ms |Health Damage 2.363129topic //first DOT tick round (per projectile) +72 ms |Health Damage 0.493500 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.537445 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.451172 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.652710 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.363464 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.654938 //3 seconds later another 6 wound damage tick +2982 ms |Health Damage 0.493500 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.537445 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.451172 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.652710 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.363464 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.654938 +3022 ms |Health Damage 0.493500 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.537445 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.451172 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.652710 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.363464 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.654938 +3011 ms |Health Damage 0.493500 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.537445 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.451172 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.363464 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.654938 +3022 ms |Health Damage 0.493500 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.537445 +1 ms |Health Damage 0.451172 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.363464 +0 ms |Health Damage 0.654938 //3 dots expired quicker +3005 ms |Health Damage 0.363464 +3005 ms |Health Damage 0.363464 +3069 ms |Health Damage 0.363464 Now multiply the number of damage application () with ~7 damage from combusting wounds if the target happened to be so debugged .. ~ 36 * 7 = 252 extra damage of a blunderbuss shot that only scratched the target's heavy armor .. Intelligence and hit quality will extend the DOT duration .. Combusting wound damage is 5 * ( 1 + might_ mod) - TargetBurnDR * 0.25 .. Go try ! Not many creatures have 300 HP even on POTD so this might get "rebalanced" at some point .. Oh and I haven't actually tested this with combusting wounds on - so it might not even work - but I suspect that it will .. EDIT Actual test numbers a few posts down https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78652-blunderbuss-wounding-shotranger-combusting-wounds-combo/?do=findComment&comment=1677442
  17. if you want to get downright technical - weapon damage + all lash effects while calculated separately, are then summed together and the result subtracted only once of target's Health and Endurance variables (no multiple hits).. You might see this as nitpicking- but it has direct game-play consequences (For example combusting wounds damage won't get applied 5 times of a monk using elementally enchanted weapon with torments reach, lightning strikes and turning wheel - just once) Maybe they did it this way to reduce combat log volume, whatever the reason this is how it currently works . Blunderbuss shots + wounding shot (DOT) however will trigger combusting wounds 6 times per initial weapon projectile hits (assuming no misses) then 6 times per DOT tick(s) for the duration ... A LOT more damage ( hundreds more / abuse territory ?) than single shot weapons ..
  18. But it doesn't work like you described .. Lash from weapon and FOD (which is also a lash component) aren't additive damage modifiers .. They are calculated as % of weapon damage inflicted BaseRoll * (1+ sum(damage modifiers)) = WD .. Lashes are all % of WD and always go against 25% of the appropriate target's DR .. Check this particular post for a few numeric examples from the game http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78239-abilities-various-other-damage-related-mechanics-revealed/?p=1670860
  19. at first glance merciless hand adds 25% not 30% ..Could equip Rabit foot's 10% to compensate .. Bigger omission is Wounding Shot's DOT component that always applies as long as you hit with the weapon (even if you miss the hobbled effect) ..Don't know yet precisely how to calculate its damage but for now *1 extra weapon damage should serve as a decent approximation .. And unless this is a solo you can use the other party members to add to alpha strike potential .. Paladins can hit hard from range with FOD for example.
  20. No Elemental enchants - work as % of weapon damage inflicted and always go against 25% of the appropriate target's resist http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78239-abilities-various-other-damage-related-mechanics-revealed/?p=1670860 (this makes the damage they do sort of multiplicative - is no longer truly multiplicative once you stack multiple lashes) This mechanic applies to a plethora of abilities (flames of devotion (50%), torments reach melee component (50%), turning wheel (5% per wound), lightning strikes(10%), marked prey(40%), shapeshift wildstrike (30?%) ,elemental enchant on weapon (25%) ,to name but a few ) Slaying enchant on weapon I didn't test yet - I did test beast-slayer in talent form and it was additive.. I'm 99.9% certain they'll turn up to be additive as well when I get the time to test them..
  21. this makes me want to test healing effects next .. How much healing/health regeneration does moon god, shod-in-faith, lay on hands, kind wayfarer kill, flames of devotion activation, priest health/regeneration spells, barbarian savage defiance, endurance immediate & regen potions , etc ..provide .. Might help put some things into perspective ..
  22. Yes a very cheap mic was involved and my accent it very thick - you could try turning up the volume ( OS & youtube player) .. But the video should work pretty well as self explanatory proof EVEN if you totally mute the audio.. All the numbers used are read from the game screens .. You would have to have a basic understanding of the game damage mechanics (associate + 0.2 + 0.2 with reckless attack + savage attack) and ...+0.5 ... With sneak attacks ..
  23. Dev quote: "Update, It seems that the boots Shod in Faith only trigger once per rest. They are supposed to trigger once or twice per encounter. I've added a bug into the database regarding this and we will work for a fix in a future patch. Thanks for all the information" http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76907-bug1030533-shod-in-faith/?do=findComment&comment=1661088 But if they "fix" them (unleash their unholy massive healing power twice per encounter), then they'll be more "broken" than a team of 6 moon godlikes .. Bah
  24. Wearer gets critically hit (even by a spell like mass fear (forgot ingame name - drakes have it) ) -> fountain of youth boots begin to erupt wave upon wave of AOE healing .. (few waves - but enough to carry the fight) .. Its not completely broken (as in total IWIN button) since it has limited uses per rest (maybe only 1 ?) .. Need to rest often to tap their "immortality power" .. If you don't rest for hours ..they won't do a thing .. Would be ideal if items with spell holding enchantment would display their remaining uses per rest in on the item card .. Like "Remaining uses before needing rest recharge 2/5 " //////////// Personally I would prefer them to have per rest limit - but severity limit their healing power ... More use for the ones who try to rest less and way less potential for abuse ..
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