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Lyric Suite

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Everything posted by Lyric Suite

  1. My dad is a druggie and a total stone head. Beat that...
  2. I'd argue the importance of Terry Jones over anybody in this board. I'd also argue the importance of Frank Zappa over medicine as well, but why don't i see the latest biology nobel prize winner as your avatar?
  3. Mmmh, it's been years since i played NWN. What exactly did they remove?
  4. I don't see any indication of that. Yes, you can take direct control of your characters, but do you actually have full control (inventory access, spell book, ecquipment ect.) or it is only limited in moving them around and attacking? Can you use your mouse, control more then one, make formations, stuff like that? That's not eactly reassuring.
  5. Wow, it's Halo + a ****ty dialog system. Anybody care to fill me in as to what exactly is so exiting about this game?
  6. Indeed. What i want to know is: who gives a **** about combat animations? I always figured games were about more then simple eye candy. Besides, despise all effords for cinematic effects and automatic close ups (which i hope to god can be disabled) this is an isometric game at heart. You are not going to find third person quality animations. What i'm really worried about is the campain and the gameplay. Those were the main problems with NWN and it doesn't seem they went out of their way to improve on either.
  7. Wow, it's NWN... again. I guess they had to keep continuity but i'm not sure i like what i see, and considering i hated NWN, well, not really impressed. I hope the campain is nice enough, but i'm not holding my breath...
  8. To this, i'd like to point out that the last time they didn't try to pimp their game in every possible way it was completely ignored. Can't blame them for trying to get noticed this time around. A lot of the things they showed in the presentation ARE infact new to most people who didn't play System Shock. Hope it works...
  9. I think they are just modders acting like professionals. Not raising my hopes, but it would be nice if they pull it off...
  10. True, but even if it is a complete recycle of the ideas used in System Shock 2, i'm still looking forward to this game. In the end, even the old System Shock is still better then most FPS released this days, so why not?
  11. Because irrational know how to employ their resources to things that really matter i guess...
  12. Wow, System Shock 2 on steroids. Call me impressed...
  13. Not that the Lord of the Rings were that great to begin with, but after King Kong i think i'm going to give everything Jackson does a miss...
  14. What for? You can't play those games in third person...
  15. That pretty much sums up every each one of them, particularly the ones involving the next generation crew. What a farse. For all that, i liked The Motion picture. The true cash in here was the Wrath of Kahn, trying to capitalize on the Star Wars generation, and successfully so. Too bad Star Wars was never a science fiction film, and none of the sub-sequent Star Treck movies had anything in common whatsoever with the idea of the original series. Science fiction it's dead, long live George Lucas...
  16. I watched miss universe yesterday for the first time in years. The whole show was atrocious to bear, but when they revealed the judges were clueless celebrities (Tom Green? Huh?) i just lost all interest. Who gives a s**t about the opinion of a bunch of unqualified morons? Their 'pick' isn't any better then mine or yours. The idea behind the contest is fascinating in itself but this was a total farse...
  17. Things i'd like to see in an RPG: No classess No humanoid races (bring on the bizzare and unusual) Smart and tactical combat Interactivity Good writing (I.E. Salvatore is not good writing) Good story NPCS !!!!11111
  18. I'm not sure more time would have saved those games, perhaps that's why they haven't done the same. I hope Atari is going to make good cash with NWN2 , good deeds should be rewarded...
  19. By all means, DO try to forget her. Personally i never been very big for everything not written by Howard himself. I think the character of those stories and the personality of their author go hand in hand. The sad part however is that not all his stories are on the same level and he only wrote a few in his brief career as a writer. Personally after reading Conan i suggest moving to his other characters, some of which are also very compelling, particularly Bran Mak Morn and Solomon Kane...
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