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Lyric Suite

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Everything posted by Lyric Suite

  1. In RPG terms, that's like saying you could never get into Fallout. And, how could anybody possibly dislike Starcraft and love Dawn of War, considering the latter is practically a remake of the first with a different skin?
  2. I hope you realize there's nothing absolute about your own relativism as well. Isn't extremism fun?
  3. Yeah, but those that abandoned religion became much better at it, as in everything else.
  4. Starcraft is still the better game. The Blizzard hate band wagon seems a bit unwarranted if you ask me. Have their developing practices really changed that much during the years?
  5. Oh no, effeminate men. That is clearly a horrible thing and no decent person should enjoy games with effeminate men. Please. Sorry, but effeminate men are [not to my taste].
  6. That's great news. If true, it probably means no Kotor3, and hopefully, no more Star Wars games by Obsidian period. That will leave them open to focus on more interesting settings...
  7. A sad day for all Vodka producers around the world. R.I.P. comrade...
  8. I think it has something to do with the fact they have a trillion of pissed off sweaty 13 year olds on their ass.
  9. Most RTS are rather lackluster compared to Starcraft, but i don't see people holding other games to that standard. Bias?
  10. The first one was somewhat entertaining, but the second was pure trash. How can people enjoy **** like this, is beyond me.
  11. Music in the Renaissance (Gustave Reese)
  12. Yes, but the problem is that socialism thinks that 'weakness' (which is not much of a weakness, btw. It's what allowed humans to survive through the ages) is the result of what society does to people (particularly capitalism), and that with the correct social reforms they think they can change that. Alas, human nature is what it is, which is why all attempts at socialist/communist utopia have resulted in catastrophe and massacre...
  13. Hades, i'm not talking about human civilization, i'm talking about western culture.
  14. Nonsense. Humans are a social species, and as such, our behavior and the expectations of our existence is directly linked to the community as a whole. Such artificial feelings of selfish egoism are merely a symptom of the malaise which is deteriorating our culture: http://www.ourcivilisation.com/whatis/chap14.htm Feminism has nothing to do with equality (what a notion that is. Men and women aren't equal, therefore, the entire premise is beyond absurd). It's a bull**** and misdirected ideology that has done nothing but harm to the health of the family nucleus and has opened the door for more cultural depravity and moral corruption than anybody could have possibly imagined. At it's inception, it was merely a search for equal rights (curiously enough, it all started with women seeking rights for the blacks, and then thinking 'hey, what about us?', which might spell some light to the current obsession of our female dominate culture for equality and fairness, and ironically the inherent inability to do anything about it, at least where it counts). Today, what we have is a bastardization of the so called 'socialist feminism', which, like it's proletarian counterpart has degenerated into social engineering, the so called 'gender feminism': http://www.friesian.com/feminism.htm Also, before whining about gender oppression and the sacrosanct mission of feminism, remember that not all women are happy with the results: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../cstillwell.DTL Clearly, something is amiss here... Please. Issues of equality are so entrenched in the thinking of modern people it seems like nothing else matters. Have you considered, for a moment, the reason why our current culture is so remarkably, well, unremarkable, particularly compared with our past achievements? What happen to our great thinkers? What happen to our arts? What happen to the palpable confidence of our ancestors towards the achievements and ideals of our culture? It seems that everywhere you look things are degrading to the lowest level and nobody seems to care, but hey, let's not forget abut the all important issue of the equality of the apes, a standard examples of the 'virtues' of political correctness. Speaking of which: http://members.aol.com/williefank/pc-essay.htm
  15. The aim of socialism may refer to economic realities but their means of operation are cultural (hence, cultural socialism), and it's only natural that with time this particular branch of Marxism would develop a life of it's own. George Orwell wasn't trying to predict the future (though so far he's been very good at it), he was sending a warning about the dangers of Stalinism. Apparently, nobody was paying attention, cold war and all. You are forgetting that the working class movement of the 19th century generated socialism, not the other way around...
  16. Europe plunged into decadence long before the US, so i think that system has already crumbled a long time ago.
  17. Ha, so you are a racist, a sexist and an ethnocentric unless you swallow cultural socialism? Fascinating. My scant understanding of history seems to point out to the fact racism, sexism and ethnocentrism were already being eliminated before the socialist reconstruction of western culture. Please, feel free to explain what exactly did we gain from adopting that ****...
  18. Explain how Political Correctness, Feminism, Multiculturalism and other socialist atrocities are working 'well' within our current social system...
  19. Easy, move to an undeveloped country. Wish granted...
  20. You can't have freedom when your economy is bunk, but even then, freedom isn't always completely desirable. Western society it's crumbling at an alarming rate exactly because of the excessive obsession with freedom. Duty, obligation and civil conduct are going down the drain and what does that spell for the future? How much decadence and self indulgence can a society withstanding before you start seeing cracks in the system?
  21. Band: Johann Sebastian Bach (the composer, not the gay rock star). Movie: Fellini's Le Notti di Cabiria, Tarkovsky's Andrei Rublev and Kurosawa's Ran (can't pick one). Cartoon: (Film) Iron Giant / (TV) Looney Tunes. Book: The Illiad. PC Video Game: Fallout.
  22. The problem is that proper maintenance is a big expense. That's a huge incentive for slacking off... <_<
  23. They aren't. A lot of games are made for short attention span players. ...or for those who have less and less time to play games? Any particular reason why the industry should bend backward for those people? If you don't have time to play game, don't play games. Who gives a ****? Besides, what's the rush in finishing a game? What difference does it make if it takes you three weeks or three months?
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