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Everything posted by Awsumpossum

  1. I received the boots of stone while in Dunnage. I got jumped while walking from the tavern to the radiant court. The mobs that I killed dropped them.
  2. I'm running Sharpshooter/Helwaker with this Frost Seeker bow and it's the most obscene thing imaginable. I wish I were playing on POTD, but I'm playing on the difficulty just below it for the first play through. I literally instantly 1 shot the entire screen in every encounter off of a single arrow. The multiple projectiles from the bow + chaining from ranger + proccing extra attacks on crits from monk + bow effects (such as AoE damage on crit, which then procs additional projectiles again) leads to an infinite number of projectiles shooting around the screen. I uploaded a couple of screenshots to try to catch this in action, which I've linked below. Keep in mind this is from a SINGLE shot. Also, I did not come up with the initial concept for this, saw someone else with it and then modified it to my own needs. I couldn't even scroll up far enough to catch all the attacks from the single shot for the screen shot. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198005772592/screenshots/
  3. By the time I was in act 3 I had over 100,000 gold and nothing to really buy. At which point I upgraded every building in the stronghold, bought some crafting items and hired some "hirelings" for awhile. I ended my upgrades at like 66,000 gold. I mean, I get what you're saying, but I cannot imagine really having money issues unless you're buying tons of potions, scrolls, etc.
  4. There's also a unique dagger with the "predatory" affix. Gives another 10% crit chance.
  5. Certain mobs give me difficulty. In general, once I grapsed game mechanics and min/maxed a bit, I'm flying through hard. I rarely even pause at this point outside of my initial combat selections because things melt so swiftly. Like with a lot of RPGs, early game is difficult, but once you get going you start to feel pretty OP.
  6. My rogue is obliterating everything. Dual Wield, Very fast attack speed, 30% crit chance, another 20% on low endurance targets, high DR via Stilettos. One of my stilettos has "Jolting Touch" which absolutely CREAMS everything. Today it proc'd for 100 damage (plus 2 additional targets for 70ish), while I was critting 50+ with the basic attack for instantaneous 150+ dmg. I'm only level 7...in act 2. Playing on hard difficulty, I don't even really pause combat except for once to set my characters up, playing on fast speed, I just control the rogue while my 2 tanks soak everything and I dance around and flank everything. It's actually stupid how easy it is right now.
  7. I run a similar build to this and, while I cannot speak for the original creator, I don't run Backstab because there are far superior talent options. Backstab is situationally useful at best. While it is true that you can get a massive first strike, it often leaves your rogue open and exposed and, therefore, is more of a micromanagement hassle than anything else. For those running a build like this one, I strongly recommend acquiring the unique Stiletto found on the blacksmith in Act 1. The proc "Static Strike" absolutely OBLITERATES things. I am currently in act 2 on my rogue, playing on hard, and the game has almost become too easy. I'm sure I will run into something that hits extremely hard and will be forced to reload, but right now I am flying through things. My largest single strike with a stiletto is 83. However, I levelled a "named" mage for 123 damage earlier today. A basic strike of 50+ and a static strike proc of 70. They happened simultaenously. My other stiletto has the draining modifier, restoring endurance on hit, and it makes my quite challenging to knockout. Especially since I can always use blinding strike when needed. I recently came across a strong ring with the "second chance" modifier and placed it on my rogue. It is probably responsible for 80-90% of my group's damage. Not because the rest of my party is weak, but because the rogue is so damn strong.
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