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Everything posted by Incendax

  1. Fighter/Druid was the most hilariously broken. You could wield the Impaler spear for +10 damage on all your attacks, weapon specialization damage bonus, fighter bonus attacks, druid spells, greater werewolf stats and special abilities, and greater werewolf bonus attacks (they added onto fighter). It was something like 8 attacks a round for 80+ damage per attack. It just chunked everything instantly.
  2. This is definitely a two crown achievement, which is something to be proud of! I think you may be the first two crown achievement out there (that has announced it). So huzzah for that!
  3. Two parallel playthroughs seem to be the wisest course of action. I got the idea from Ceranai when he mentioned it a while back, and I've been making good progress on my own solo triple crown Chanter. They definitely seem to be the most viable way to mitigate terrible RNG.
  4. Conventional wisdom is wrong. A moderate amount of deflection can mitigate critical hits, which can be generated when the attack roll of your opponent exceeds your relevant defensive score (deflection, fortitude, reflex, and will) by 20 or more. The only time it is acceptable to completely dump Per and Res is when you anticipate the character not being attacked with any regularity at all. That is not going to be the case with a melee barb. To the OP: Your stats are perfectly acceptable for an offensive build, especially since you are min/maxing your dialog options. Barbarian Yell is the only trap you have fallen into. Frightened is not a bad debuff to stick on enemies, but it takes you out of combat too long for minimal gain. You should probably stick with Frenzy > Savage Defiance > Brute Force > Threatening Presence. One Stands Alone is an amazing alternative if you plan to go retaliation tank.
  5. I have almost finished a Solo Chanter PotD run, so it is definitely possible! I actually recommend Mig 18, Con 10, Dex 4, Per 18, Int 10, Res 18. Here is why. You don't have a very large health pool in the first place, so you are getting only modest benefits from constitution. Might allows you to do considerably more damage with an early Fine Arbalest you can find, and guns later in the game. This early damage is actually EXTREMELY important for alpha striking enemies: You can one shot Wicht, lesser spiders, skuld whelps, etc. You can put many other enemies into Near Death with that opening shot. You can actually use a leeching weapon more effectively to stay alive later in the game. DEFINITELY take Blessed Was Wendrigh and Fast Runner. They do stack and become your bread and butter. It's entirely possible to kite a large number of enemies in this game, and you should abuse the **** out of this. Seriously, alpha strike for huge damage, kite until you summon, wreck face, and run away if things go south. It is completely viable to assassinate one enemy then run away, assassinate another enemy then run away, etc. Mechanics 9 eventually (so you get 11 from the +2 gloves), but this is not an immediately pressing need. Just get Mechanics 5 at your first level up and you should be good for a while, unless you want to cheese your way to a life leech sword which needs 10 mechanics ASAP.
  6. Ranged Monks are possible, they are just completely counterintuitive. Moon Godlike with 18/18/18/7/10/7. Run ahead of your tanks at the beginning of the fight and then get clobbered by enemy engagement attacks. You should now have a fat stack of wounds to power Turning Wheel. Swift Strikes/Lightning Strikes works with ranged weapons, though requires a little risk vs reward since you are diminishing your Turning Wheel. Any enemies that come into your back line can eat a Stunning Fist (preserves wounds), or Force of Anguish (taken as a later pick). So it absolutely can be done, there are just a lot better things to do with monk than play him as a ranger.
  7. that would fly in the face of the obvious design decision to make them more powerful chants longer, its a strategic choice, one of the few in the game. Its also why you get multiple chants and you can create your own custom chants, chants are so flexible its insane and honestly having now tested some of the high level invocations and chants it would be stupid if there wasnt some draw back to using them. I agree the mechanism could use some tweaking but given the power of summons it would be so dumb to be able to cast a drake every 20 seconds and be able to chant the fire aoe AND to be wearing full plate while doing it AND to be auto attacking at the same time. It would make chanters walking death machines that can tank and increase the health pool of the party infinitely with a never ending supply of drakes (unles your enemy can kill it in less than 20 seconds you can always refresh it. It is perfectly acceptable to fly in the face of bad design decision. I am sure the people who designed it have every good intention, but that does not mean their choices are good choices by default. One of the biggest issues for chanters is contributing an invocation to a fight, because even on the hardest difficulty fights do not often last very long. As someone who has voiced concerns about the game not being difficult enough even on PotD, I am certain you understand. Ensuring that you gain a resource at 4 second intervals while chanting would go a long way to making the Chanter play smoother. The summons are certainly going to be nerfed as is. You can count on it.
  8. The solution is this: Chants should grant a resource every 4 seconds of singing. Flat.
  9. Yes, I would also love to know where you can get these items!
  10. Since humanoids took talents and supernatural abilities that enhance their speed :D Absolutely vital for Trial of Iron runs.
  11. You hit the nail on the head. I cannot see any way to tell the difficulty of a trap before you attempt to disarm it. But if you cannot disarm it, it outright tells you.
  12. For your average player who wanders off to explore every nook and cranny? It is completely possible to wander into that bear cave before talking to the NPC further south. Especially if you have a general 'go left' mentality from old school dungeon delving. The guy is not asking for anything unreasonable. It would be really nice to leave the map if you are obviously faster than your foes.
  13. Cipher is sustain. They can output comfortable damage and keep going for a very long time. Wizards are burst. They can output mindblowing damage and crowd control, and then run on fumes. This means that Easy/Normal favors the Cipher and Hard/PotD favors the Wizard. Mopping up basic dungeon fights favors the Cipher and boss fights favor the Wizard.
  14. The traps are not the same. There are easier traps in the pattern you need to move through the tiles (5xp) And there are harder traps you need a higher level of mechanics to disarm (15xp) If you disarm all the easier traps, but leave the harder traps, it roughly (but not quite) resembles the pattern after you light all the braziers. I suspect it was meant to look EXACTLY like that pattern, but one or two traps are the wrong difficulty level.
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