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Everything posted by Akhan225

  1. I dont think it is possibly for any one of them to be present a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, but yeah, Liv Tyler was pretty good in the LotR, so her. Or do you mean the charcters themselves? If so lets go with Aragorn. Not as a sexy character, but a cool character nontheless.
  2. Akhan225


    Mods are doing great, stuff is going well on the boards, i have no problem with any of them.
  3. Not to mention that he still might be the Governer of Califorinia. T3 was a semi-good action movie, but it was hard to associate it with the Terminator, because it didnt have the same feel to it with so much CGI in place.
  4. Han shoots first. If he took the chance for greedo to shoot first, he may not have been there to save Luke at the death star and at Hoth, then Luke would be dead, Vader would crush the rebels, and where would that leave us? Without a complete trilogy. I don't mind some of the minor editing stuff in the revised version (like couruscant at the end of RotJ), but changing that scene to make Han more "heroic" kind of made him seem like an idiot. I guess what I am getting at is that I liked it when Han shot first. Oh yeah, Han is better.
  5. :D ah...wheres the right smiley when you need it? The theorem was utterly useless and quite humorous. Congrats draakh_kimera
  6. Awesome idea. This could also eliminate the random item generator. Vaporizing enemies...just the thought gives me hopes for a good game. Edit: Obsidian made an attempt at the reinforcement thing on Dxun in Freedon Nadds tomb. On the way to the three masters, some reinforcements arrived with bomas.
  7. When the duros bounty hunters finish speaking to Atton and Bao-Dur on Nar Shadaa. Bao-Dur -" I'll take the stupid one who decided to question us rather than shoot first" The whole interaction is funny, but this sums it up.
  8. Two new mods in a matter of days. Whats going on here? Edit :Darth Launth removed the incredibly long signature! (Well at least its not visible.)
  9. Akhan225

    Post Counts

    Thats the creepy and weird way. I think a post is still a post and should count in all the sections of the forum. Hope that makes sense to other people reading it.
  10. Vandar was run over by Canderous with his SUV on Visas's home planet <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be interesting to see. :D What happens when they have to explain that in KOTOR III? Did I just rhyme? Maybe it's because I have so much time
  11. Might as well add these too... Malaks Armor -- Jedi Mentor Armor -- Spirit of the Force Robes
  12. Bastilla hangs out with Bao-Dur on Dantooine...
  13. A South Korean movie theater owner decided that the movie The Sound of Music was too long. His solution? He shortened the movie by cutting out all of the musical scenes!
  14. Continue with posts Says Petay, So we shall Restart discussion
  15. Why do you need that? Isn't EnableScreenshots=1 in Kotor2.ini doing it's job? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I noticed it has the option, but I kinda don't know hoe to use it. Usually Im on my playstation, so these extra pc options are new to me.
  16. Yes "Write" is one syllable, but the word "Seven" is two, so technically it could be correct.
  17. All work and no play makes Jonny a dull boy. MOD EDIT-Fixed quote. tarna
  18. Question on "Screen Capture" software. Where do you get it and is it free?
  19. Well, without Simpsons there wouldn't be Family Guy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Umm... Why not? Seth Mcfarlane created Family Guy, not Matt Groening. He created Futurama(an awesome show, imho)
  20. This is the best useless theorem I have ever heard.
  21. Depends on what powers you already have. I gained plague the first time I played through.
  22. Definitely loved the Nar Shadaa exchange thugs. You can convince them to give you thair money and jump into the pit. The one Weequay ays "Yes, that would be the quickest way to reach the ground." Having Visas sacrafice herself was pretty cool to.
  23. Fisrtly, for the storm, give Visas every item you have that raises her Wisdom and/or charisma. It also helps if she is LS mastery. Secondly, the answer to the console question is "C", but I don't know if that is the right console. If not then I will get back to you on that.
  24. Kreia was Revans master, she says she doesn't know where he is, and the council blamed her for his fall. I think she says that is why she was exiled. Edit: Yes I knew Revan. He was a close friend in KotOR I
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