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Everything posted by Akhan225

  1. Where did you get the mod Nur Ab Sal? I voteed lonna like everyone else, though Zez-Kai-Ell seemed to admit that the council was wrong when you meet him, i kind of liked him too.
  2. There used to be a mod on pcgamemods.com that gave you some sweet looking replacements for the Zeison Sha/ Jal shey armor. It was obvious the modder took great care in making this and I usually use them for tough boss fights because of the added defense bonuses. PS. Like the spectre and spirit of the force robes, also was available mod at pcgamemods.com
  3. Take him out alone at certain points in the game(finding the lost mandelorian on Dxun, healing Geriel in the refugee sector) If he is with other characters, then the others will end up gaining influence. Edit:Bao -Dur is the only character who cannot get an influence gain in conversation after the initial introduction.
  4. how do you skip Peragus?!?!?!?!? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Either download the mod (sorry, i dont use it, dont know where it is, cant link you to it) or use Fred Tetras KOTOR Tool to edit the characters and change the starting module to telos Edit : KOTOR Tool Wait a minute: Dont mess with the tool too much unless you know what you ARE DOING!!
  5. I can understand what your getting at but the thing is that the jedi belive the samething, I remember one of the jedi (I think it was a jedi) at the enclave in KOTOR saying much the same thing to the player when asked what to do about the mandalorian attacks on that farmer and his family (the one where canderous says he should have been stronger and it wouldn't have happened - saying he is in you party when you meet the guy). But the jedi like to let people deal with their own problems rather than try to solve them for them since it would only cause the people to depend too much on the jedi. OK. But after completing your training in KOTOR I and gaining the quest "Sandral/ Matale fued" Vrook says that it is in the real world and its problems where jedi distinguish(maybe "prove") themselves. I understand what you are getting at as well. I was swayed to vote her Evil because of my impresions of her in the game. That, and i just dont like her all that much.
  6. Yeah. Her intentions are sketchy at best, never made entirely clear. Side effect of the cutting. Some times she was neutral, other times, she wanted to make you see that the world was weak without suffering, which the jedi seemed to try and stop.
  7. I would have to say that this falls under everybody's list of most annoying things in KOTOR II
  8. Just because she says she's not evil doesnt discredit the actions she commits and advises the character on. She says "I'm not evil.." then gives you influence points for admitting that your allies are nothing but slaves who should be sacrificed.
  9. Dont skip peragus the first two times through(LS + DS games). I stick with what I said about cheats, only use them after beating the game
  10. I didnt have much problems with force power bugs at all. I probably didnt notice the saving throw and defense bonuses, but attacks I did notice because they showed up on screen. I love using two lightsabers, master speed, and juyo style to gain four attacks per round.
  11. euhm... well atleast u can get to that site... i've been trying for a couple of days and all i get it a nice white page when i visit pcgamemods.com, if i pick any link given on this forum i get a Can't find page error, is it me or is it sooooo down? T_T <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The site may be having some problems with direct links from this forum and possibly others. Once in a while I can reach the site is by going to the homepage and searching for what I want.
  12. Maybe you gravity can suddenly reverse itself and you get stuck to the ceiling, causing you to miss the door... this annoyed me as well especially when playing as a consular and having a low chance to hit to start with. I also hate dthe stupid Czerca twilek in the military base . Frustrating isnt it?
  13. I was planning on it. Back on topic, i just dont think having 15 characters on screen at the same time is a good idea, as Jedi Master suggested a while back. That is what caught my attention.
  14. Arent you gonna look up the definition of an RPG like everyone else does on these forums?
  15. Four completely through. KotOR I, and II, (both pc) and Final Fantasy #? and The Legend of Dragoon. (both playstation 1) Hated FF, never played it again.
  16. Yeah I know RPG's are role playing games, but then anything is an rpg. Every game I have played labeled as an rpg has fallen under these guidelines.
  17. I dislike wookiees. The only use for them is servitude. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah. Wookies are not a good party member to have. The voiceovers get annoying and they are second on the list of most useless characters after Go-To. I used Zaalbar only one after rescuing him and Hanharr once during my DS game in the exchange base with the Ubese.
  18. All of you seem to be forgetting one point...the KotOR games are RPG's. RPG's are based on three playable characters at a time and turn based combat. Everyone keeps talking about faster battles and more characters.
  19. Knowing Star Wars and Lucas Arts history, this is bound to be screwed up. I dont read comics, but if they plan on changing some major plot points in the comic, then Kotor III may be screwed up as well
  20. 0.7 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Let us remedy that as soon as possible
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