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Everything posted by Blank

  1. Your candor is noted, but unnecessary due to the fact that we already know that. DON'T GO ELDAR! :'( and BTW, the "trueneutral" hobbit said, "you'll have to toss me," only because his role-player was making a joke in reference to the second LotR movie, in which Gimli says such a phrase to Strider. But it sounded interesting to play it out, and I realise how lucky I was that Horace didn't die, especially since that horse couldn't even make it out. Although, a reanimated Horace would be interesting too.
  2. I worked it out so i have openrpg access at 12:00-6:00 PT
  3. Sorry I got cut out last session. My computer broke down. I am at my friend's house writing this. Hopefully, the computer will be running by friday
  4. That sounds like other successful rpg's that I have played.
  5. No, I think you are referring to Eldar's.
  6. Hmm, does Horace have to be healed back at the inn? Because if that is the case, we can have him wait there for the first while or something. and when I come we'll have a pooping contest? I mean, we'll somehow get him over to the party? Or we can all hang out at the inn and RP, since there hasn't been as much of that. Horace will be pooping in the meantime, like, he ate a gnarly tentacle casserole.
  7. AHG! Um.... *tries to think of solutions*... I can leave my last class earlier?
  8. Poor Eldar. I think you've had it pretty easy with our group. I mean, we don't try to break the rules, we just wander into the wilderness, listen to a bard sing, and maybe cast a couple gallons of harmless water on our enemies when we see them.
  9. Sawyer said it best I believe.<{POST_SNAPBACK}> Anyway, it would dissappoint me if the ESRB was eradicated, since I wouldn't know as much about the junk I was buying. As a God-fearing person, I try not to subject myself to material that I believe God would deem inappropriate, such as games with nude women in them. The ESRB is far from dictating content, they are serving a purpose which many people feel is necessary. Stores don't want to sell Adult-rated games, so the ESRB is crucial there. Nobody is stopping people from making adult-rated games, but nobody will buy them if they know what is in them, hence the reason they aren't more prevalent.
  10. AH, sorry to ruin it, but i have class at that time. I'll get home around 2:00pm (or maybe even 1:30) and could stay for the rest of the time.
  11. Tomorrow is good... and @ what time?
  12. I kind of like Mr. Brown's presentation of the 4 trait system. It seems like there would be more RPing. However, Eldar's campaign now seems great to me. I look forward to the next session.
  13. C'mon guys, the bard was all wrong. The tentacle clearly tried to take a bite out of poor Horace (not the horse). Horace, of course, was able to get away, and he was so startled that he yelled for help, and the others came to aid him, although, there was a moment when I doubted that would happen.
  14. Then you die in the loving arms of Matilda, and she dies in your arms, thinking that they are loving, though, only God knows what they actually are. I liked "Scenes". I'd say it was your best work yet, but that is one opinion of one person, so it might not mean as much as I'd want it to. Anyway,
  15. She is hot on the promo art, but sadly not in the game
  16. Wii is seeing progress toward virtual reality, and I want that. (^pun intended)
  17. I appreciate the GMing too. Keep it up Eldar, we're having fun
  18. Yeah, i have some notable quotes i picked out from that transcript That first thing about the OOC is probably true. But it is pretty fun to screw around. You're right though, we'll get it eventually.
  19. If I were playing Horace though, I would have voiced my disapproval of anything that proceeded from the bard's mouth. Horace is threatened by the bard and his oversexed attitude. Anyway, my favourite part was discovering the F11 key.
  20. Yep she's a woman. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh dearz...
  21. Veto WII is worse WII WII WII! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um, can she do that?
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