Tis interesting but twill not happen.
Aside, I don't think creationism should be taught in schools in science, since it isn't science. At best it would be in a course that looks at world-views.
I believe homosexuality is a sin, but it is important to distinguish a person from their sin. I don't hate homosexuals or even despise them. It actually makes me sorrowful, because I want people to repent and believe in Jesus, then love God and do what he commands. Yet, homosexuality is a sin, no more, no less. For example, I struggle with lust, which is a sin, whereas a person with same-gender preference struggles with homosexual urges. So just because I struggle in a different way doesn't make me better or anything. It's a sin I have to deal with every day, and theirs is a sin they have to deal with every day. However, people don't consider homosexuality a sin because that's easier to do.
People don't want to be told they are opposing God with their actions. I'd say lust is natural in humans, and evidently so are homosexual urges in some people. Regardless, that doesn't make these things not sinful anymore. God still says these things are wrong, even though our id's tell us otherwise.
Then you get all these people that are like, "Kill homosexuals! We are Christians!" It makes me even more sad, since they are misrepresenting Christ. Jesus is loving and forgiving, wanting all to be saved. That entails repentance for one's sins and accepting Christ's sacrifice. Telling people they need to die doesn't quite convey the message Jesus was telling us when he became a sacrificial lamb on the cross.
Sorry to get off-topic.