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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Have to agree. Either way, Kreia has some points about her which allows her to use broad range of powers. Universal, lightside, or darkside powers. Her stats are also ok. Only strength mod is nil.
  2. Think having a PC's lightsaber kept by Atris is a bit unnecessary, anyway. Not much of point in looking at something when I cannot have it at all.
  3. Might be graphics card. Try disabling movies from configuration options. Might be easier if game settings are at minimum.
  4. Since Kreia can use both LS/DS powers due to her neutral alignment, Have not really tried ranged rifles with Mandalore, but will find time soon. Almost forgot that he can have Precise Shot feats.
  5. Right, thanks. So, shapes ending with -gram will be of a certain kind. Pentagram then. Or perhaps I am imagining things.
  6. Does make sense. Sounds familiar too. Might be why terrorist attacks were launched against Pentagon in US.
  7. Mandalore was also ok for melee attacks and master power attacks, especially with upgraded vibroswords. Tend to include him as a member of party for raid of Freedon Nadd's tomb on Dxun.
  8. If there is anything that would not want in a third game, is to have randomisation with item generation.
  9. (To Carth) Revan: "Excellent! Soon all of your secrets will be mine."
  10. Dxun for its visual, green-like environment with occasional rain. Also part of Mandalorian past that was mentioned in first game.
  11. Robes and armour were variably plentiful in second game.
  12. Substantial dialogue and storyline would be something else to look forward to.
  13. Malachor V would be last planet as being likeable for me.
  14. Tried reloading almost up to 20-30 times looking for damage crystals from old lady salvager. And would either find two sigil crystals or phond crystals, sometimes 2 phonds and 1 sigil, or 2 sigils and 1 phond.
  15. Least disliked planet would be Telos for me.
  16. You can find it here.
  17. What colour was saber? Red?
  18. Would not mind having a planet or two from which Jedi hostages are rescued and escorted back to Coruscant and other core worlds.
  19. Unless there is a mod/program that can monitor or track such a record. Have not been using mods, anyhow.
  20. It would be quite a bit to look at. Probably won't go into specifics, but influence guide is here. Its a long list matching alignment and/or influence with sentences. Generally, each time influence gained/lost is around 8 points, but sometimes amount can vary, may be slightly less or more. Can't elaborate any further.
  21. My PC is generally female, usually with Viridian single sabers. Sometimes, purple is also another colour to use.
  22. Well then, let's bring it back on-topic. Would probably start thinking about some of the Jedi masters who might have been hiding. Perhaps some of them might be people who have belonged to the Order on Coruscant. Could be that a rescue might have to be staged to escort some of them, especially young Padawan and apprentice learners back to Coruscant, just as an idea. In an effort to rally together remaining Jedi.
  23. As long as one knows what it is towards anyhow, then it is probably ok.
  24. Right...guess so.
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