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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. I've always had a vision of how a possible Deadpool movie would end. He would narrate something to himself about how "his work was never done" and run away quickly. The next shot would be from in front of him, and he runs into the camera, which breaks and goes to black. In those last few moments before the credits begin rolling, Deadpool will exclaim "ow".
  2. Cheating online is takes off the competetive edge and therefore the fun of competing online in the first place. If I had a nickel for every Alien vs Predator 2 game that I quit because some guy was hacking, I'd be rich.
  3. I am definately pro-media. Journalism on the other hand is a completely different matter.
  4. Well, StarCraft II is in some parts looking to be almost like "practice" for an RPG. According to the Single Player Demo Video, between RTS missions you basically do the same thing you did between planets in Knights of the Old Republic. Hang out on your space-ship and talk to the people there, complete with dialogue trees! Anyway, I think the thing about WarCraft III was that it was an RTS game but driven by an RPG story with RPG elements. It felt like an RPG, but it didn't have enough RPG stuff to support that, basically making it not worth playing, and the RTS elements barely even appeared in the campaigns. Besides, in StarCraft you got to fight every faction in every campaign. That was one of the things that bothered me in WarCraft III. As humans, I never got to fight the Night Elves, and only a rabble of orcs who didn't have a proper base. Nor did I get to fight other humans. I never really got to explore the races in the campaigns.
  5. So, it's an MMO that claims to be about twitch combat, but really isn't? Blech.
  6. Replaying StarCraft: Brood War. Man, it's good that I don't play online for I would be a HORRIBLE player. I basically turtle until I've got my army of choice.
  7. PC. Almost everything ever on a console will at some point have an emulator and roms available for it anyway. Except for perhaps the Wii. I am not quite sure how an emulator for that would work; especially since a lot of the appeal is in the body movement rather than the games themselves. EDIT: Also, I often hear that one of the big advantages of consoles is playing it on a television set with just a controller; I don't really get that because it's remarkably easy to just hook up your computer to a tv.
  8. Excellent! Soon they will run out of financially viable superheroes and end up making a Deadpool movie! Of course, it will be a terrible cash-grab. *cries*
  9. I found the gifts hidden in the basement when a few days before christmas when I was three or four.
  10. Don't mind him, he's just part of the natural backlash that everything gets when if it becomes really popular. I call it "Lord of the Rings is overrated" syndrome. After Lord of the Rings became a worldwide cinema phenomenon, all these faux-hipsters started springing up saying it sucked.
  11. Honestly, I've cheated my way through some games. Most notably, I cheated myself all the way through WarCraft III when it came out. I finished it cheatless a later time, but the first time I just wanted to know the story as quickly as possible.
  12. Typical Robin Williams fare would have meant that Robin Williams had made me laugh. Yet only Mr. Walken did.
  13. I have heard only two 50 Cent songs and two Kanye West songs, and both only once. This is only because I resolve to listen to at least two songs before I start not listening to them. So far, avoiding both of them has been quite easy. Really, if you don't want to hear them, then just ignore them.
  14. Roky Who of the 11th what?
  15. That's some good guitar playing but I just wasn't "feeling" it. Then again, what do I know? I know like five chords and two scales.
  16. Baldur's Gate's replayability also resides in it's choices and huge amounts of content. I've replayed the game several time, once I had a savegame that said I spent 200 hours on it, yet I am almost certain that I still missed plenty of sidequests, dialogue and character interaction. For example, I only recently found out about the way Jan Jansen and Minsc interact, simply because I had never used them together.
  17. Hm... I've had one year of college, six years of high school and eight years of elementary school... that makes fifteen years, and I'm nineteen. I guess that means I started elementary school when I was four. I know I've done at least a year of pre-school, so at the latest I started pre-school at 3. So do most kids in Holland I think. However, our school system is radically different than yours I imagine. (For one thing, the heavy backpack problem doesn't start until high school here. All the elementary school books have to be supplied by the school!)
  18. Err... heh. I'm dutch, and I didn't even know the japanese had a dutch-based theme park. :D
  19. It's certainly better than some of the alternatives.
  20. In my experience, at least 45% of all people with a Che t-shirt think he is a member or mascot for the band "Rage Against the Machine".
  21. I know quite a few gay guys. I knew a lot of lesbians, but not a single one stayed lesbian after puberty. I find that interesting.
  22. You're underestimating the time it costs to do a good webcomic. I've tried and failed on multiple occassions.
  23. I have no problem with people who play WoW, I'm just not interested in it. I do have a problem with the undeserved backlash against it. I tried it for a while, and though it's not my kind of game, it's pretty solid. Still, the whole WoW thing at BlizzCon doesn't interest me one bit. I'm just following it for the StarCraft II news!
  24. I watched an episode of Bleach today and all I could think about was how awful the animation was. Seriously, every animator on that show needs to be fired.
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