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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Her chracter was fundamentally different to Batman in that she doesn't distinguish between vengeance and justice.
  2. I knew this day would come... ^_^ Ever since she violated her parole! haha!! She will die in the "war".
  3. One of there Newsround readers is hot!! So walsi ha reaon to go to the newsround site.
  4. Nah, Andrea was a made up partly composite character. She was there to give Clark the idea to use his abilities to fight crime. She was sort of Batman like what with the costume the theme tune and her rooftop poses. The thing is Bats can't be in smallville because Time warner are really weird with their properties, they are territorial over the charcters.
  5. So are you suggesting advertising has no effect at all?
  6. How about Battlehoney? Edit: I think Muso is on a break or something, at least it seemed that way from that thread that introduced Captain Obvious as a mod.
  7. -0.5 T.O.M.B.S. to you pixies. :angry:
  8. But like, what if it is just quoting something some one said, and it makes them look bad, but like really, you aren't attacking them, because it's true? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess satirising targets is ok for example your Gabs report was fine by my standards bu then again thats because you and i hold her in similar regard and also ultimately it wasn't mean and nasty.
  9. NO! ans it is blasphemy to claim such a thing. :angry:
  10. Yeah baby! Its ooon! The Prequels: 1. 2. 3. Since its a new volume I suggest we make a couple of changes. No more standardised attributes - I fell this has lost its meaning (I am not sure it ever had a meaning) but I for one always skip the numbers bit to read the epithets and the words bit. If you want to use attributes make them up. Ultimately I think that the format of this volume of reports should be entirely up to the reviewer. Credit goes to pixies in the last thread for bending and breaking the format. The musical reports were genius. Two things should remain the same: 1.Remember this is all in good fun. Verbal cut downs can be fun and in fact are encouraged BUT please do not use the reports to launch a personal attack on any other member of this forum. 2. Mothman's points deficit wil be carried over and must be maintained at regular intervals, anyone caught giving Mothie points will be dealt with severely. :angry: Let the games begin! EDIT: Or you can like you know ignore all of the above and just like do what you want.
  11. Aww crap! I dont have a report ready!
  12. Ahh, so thats what that was, i've seen the Scarlet Johanssssseeenn grope footage and I was surprised to see the hand not get slapped. But now knowing who he is... I understand. His gay powers of campness effectively renders him immune to being called a pervert or whatever. If anyone were to hit him they would be forever tarred with the title of... homophobe!!! Also because he is gay it means he derives no sexual pleasure from this kind of behaviour towards women and so it makes it perfectly acceptable... right? Btw Numbers, your new avy/sig combo confuses me. One says Hindu/Jain, the other says Third Reich.
  13. You could just delete them instead. Its also rude and irritating to shill your own thread.
  14. Haha! good report Kor! I remember that aimo/eisu thing and was in full support. what he said must have rung true because they both ran away after the criticisms of only one person!! (w00t)
  15. At this point is reprinting the cartoons in defence of free speech or does it in effect just goad a minority population in Europe?
  16. I'm not sure of it my self but i found this: http://dlh.net/chtdb/chtview.php?lang=ger&...p=e31758&page=2 It may be of some help.
  17. Wow! with that airsoft minigun you could go round saying things like: Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here. This stuff will make you a god damned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me. and I ain't got time to bleed.
  18. You misunderstood what i wrote. Never mind, its not important.
  19. So.. tell me what I can do to make my Firefox crash 4-5 times per day! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Install loads of dodgy pointless add ins and be unlucky enough to visit sites that crash Firefox doesnt have to be porny sites either. Now i'm not saying this is causing Oerwinde's problem but it is a likely cause of crashes.
  20. On the face of it... possibly. Overall maybe not because as far as i can tell there are no 3rd party add ons which goes against IE7. However it does go some way to brideg the gap between itself and its competitors and it is an early early version so hoepfully it'll improve. Yes... Epihany's replacement.
  21. I knew it wasn't on tonight and i don't care why but its annoying, how many bloody breaks in the schedule are there!! :angry:
  22. I just downloaded this today from: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/ie7/default.mspx Its called a pre beta but given that, its pretty stable. No crashes yet. It has lots of new shiny features such as tabbed browsing (at last) integrated search (no more pointless toolbars) RSS feeds. So on the face of it it seems like its caught up to Firefox in terms of functionality. 3 new things i've noticed so far are the anti phishing tool, the easy access zoom button and "quicktabs". I've yet to delve into the innards of IE7 so i don't know its full capabilities and drawbacks. In the meantime try it out and air your opinion. I'd especially like to hear from the resident techheads, cuz like i aint too clued up on these things and need y'all to break it down for me. :D
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