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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. so... the revolutio is smaller than teh 360 controller??
  2. Is finland a key market?
  3. If there are genuine faults then fair play to those that sue. There was a class action against apple over crappy battery life when the ipod mini was released. I think they the claimants got replacemnet ipods as compensation and the the battery life was improved. I think earlier this year MS replaced all xbox power cables - so they are wiling to remedy a fault.
  4. Ignore the stated clock speeds and try and look for benchmark figures.
  5. ...where is pixies these days?
  6. It is obsidian. look up the word in a dictionary petay. Based on their one release i have to say Obsidian is quite good.
  7. Is there any accurate way to determine this point? With regards to combat - my first playthrough was with a nosferatu and i mainly used melee weapons this is due to the fact that max potence really buffs your strength. My second was with a toreador and i was finding the melee combat to be difficult so tried using ranged weapons more. With max auspex and ranged skill the shots were very powerful and accurate. So basically the type of combat depends upon the clans and their respective disciplines. Currently playing as a crazy gangrel, quite different to my first playthrough... its surprising who i can kill.
  8. No, i concur with the assessment that a little nude natalie would have done wonders. Not in ep 3 though, she'd be all preggo and stuff.. unless that floats your boat
  9. Surreptishus


    That time I cooked evrything and the food turned out awesome. Wouldnt do it again unless to impress somebody.
  10. Ermm... is there supposed to be something more to your post KQD?
  11. That was very funny. Mario's no pimp, he got played by his woman and his friends and the fool spooged on himslef instead of in peach's mouth!
  12. what joke?
  13. It looked like a lot of tape in that bible, then again i don't know much about projector film.
  14. pychic? I agree with kumq's opinon of Kate's motive being stupid. She's just a stone cold killer, wassup wid all da krazy biches on da island? Wouldnt the arrow station's tape have been different? The doctor/scientist guy had a different hairstyle for the spliced part too. Also why bother splicing anyway? why not just watch the whole other reel? Good episode though.
  15. He's going to prison.
  16. Hustle and Flow, very good. Between this and Crash, Terrance Howard has to be up for an award.
  17. Did you like either? I thought WoTW was ok up until I haven't seen state of the union but i despised the first xXx.
  18. The money cheat is teh best..
  19. Fionavar = Man, despite the feminine sounding name. Also i am not too sure the avatar is a dragon...
  20. I would assume the above banter is a sampling of the taunts heard in online play, right?
  21. The Vikings did their colonising a long time ago - so you'd have to reach far back to get something on the Danes.
  22. I think he used to be a soldier in N.Ireland so my guess is that he was shot at more than a few times. Or maybe almost blown up.
  23. Its actually sunny where i am now, but farking cold.
  24. To be honest how likely are you to come across a bat-sharkie?
  25. That information is classified. You will be silenced.
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